Tuesday, July 16, 2019

(1) Catholic Church

The Catholic Church came into being by men departing from the truth of God’s word in the Bible. The changes occurred in the organization, worship, name, and what God required for one to be saved.
 In 606 AD, Boniface III was the first to assume the title of 
universal bishop or pope. It was not until 1870 AD that the 
Vatican Council proclaimed the pope infallible in all his 
decisions pertaining to the Catholic Church. 

 Anything man says that does not come from the Bible is 
false doctrine and is vain which will cause one to lose his soul in eternity. Jesus says, "And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9). 

One of the doctrines and commandments of men of the Catholic Church is the false doctrine of the “original sin” which they say newborn infants inherit from Adam. But the Bible says, “The soul who 
sins shall die. The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor 
the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of 
the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of 
the wicked shall be upon himself” (Ezekiel 18:20). 

 We do not inherit sin, we commit sin. 1 John 3:4 says, 
“sin is the transgression of the law”. Infants do not commit sin. 
 In order to get rid of the “original sin” in infants they sprinkle or 
pour water on them and call it "baptism". Infants do not have 
any sin and are not candidates for baptism because 
they cannot believe. 

In Acts 8:36-37 a question is asked and the answer given, 
“See here is water, what hinders me from being baptized? 
 Then Philip said, If you believe with all your heart you may”. 
 An infant cannot believe and he does not have any sin that 
needs to be washed away. And not only that, sprinkling or 
pouring is not a scriptural baptism. 

The original Greek word used in the Bible is BAPTIZO 
which is translated baptize. BAPTIZO only means immerse 
and does not mean to sprinkle or pour. One who has been 
sprinkled or poured has not been baptized and still has 
every sin he has ever committed and is still lost. 

When a person who was sprinkled as an infant becomes 
accountable and begins to sin, he thinks he does not need to 
“repent and be baptized for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38). 
Since he does not obey the Lord’s command to repent and 
be baptized for the forgiveness of his sins, he still has every 
sin he has ever committed and is still lost. 

Satan has many ways of causing people to be eternally lost. 
 For an adult to be "saved" in the Catholic Church one must 
go through a process called RCIA, which stands for 
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. RCIA includes a lengthy 
study of Catholic doctrine (catechism), which can last 
as long as several years. When the parish feels 
the catechumen is ready to be "baptized" (sprinkled) 
he/she is then scheduled for the Celebration of the 
Sacraments of Initiation, which takes place on Holy Saturday 
which is the Saturday before Easter Sunday. 

The Council of Trent and the Lateran Council of 1215 AD 
gave the priests the power to forgive sins, but only 
God can forgive sin. There are many other false doctrines 
and commandments of men held by the Catholic Church. 
Click here to see Quotes from their website
showing what they falsely teach and 
practice concerning salvation.

(2) Baptist Churches

John Smyth is generally considered to be the founder of 
the Baptist Church in Holland in 1608. 
Most Baptists teach that “one must accept Jesus as 
your personal Saviour” and say “the sinner’s prayer” 
in order to be saved and have your sins forgiven. 

They say that baptism is not essential to salvation and 
not essential for the forgiveness of sins. They claim that they 
are saved and their sins are forgiven before and without baptism. 
But where in the Bible is any of this found? It is not there because men, with the help of Satan, have come up with these false ideas. 

But what does the Bible say? Jesus says in Mark 16:16
“He that believes and is baptized shall be saved”. 
 But just as 1+1=2, Jesus says belief + baptism = saved

 In Acts 2:38 the people were told to, 
“Repent and let every one of you be baptized in 
the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins”. 
And in Acts 22:16 one was told, “And now why are you waiting
 Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, 
calling on the name of the Lord”. 
The Bible says we are to be baptized to wash away 
our sins so we can be saved, but Baptists say differently. 
The Baptists say one is saved by “faith only”. 
But what does the Bible say about "faith only"?
 James 2:19, 24, 26 says,
 “Thou believest that there is one God
thou doest well: the devils also believe and tremble...

You see then that a man is justified by works, and not 
by faith only…For as the body without the spirit is dead, 
so faith without works is dead also.” One who believes in 
"faith only" is no different than the devils. 
One who believes in "faith only" has a dead faith. 

 The Bible plainly says that we are not saved by "faith only". 
Before one, who is to become a Baptist, is "baptized" he is 
usually asked to confess that he believes that God has 
already pardoned his sins. The purpose of Baptist "baptism" 
is to join the Baptist Church. 

With Baptist "baptism", one is not "baptized into one body
(1 Corinthians 12:13) which is the Lord's one church 
(Ephesians 1:21-22), but he is "baptized" into the Baptist Church, 
which is a counterfeit church. Since Baptist "baptism" 
is not done for the purpose of forgiveness of one’s sins, 
to be saved, and to be baptized into one body, 
(which is the Lord's one true church), then with Baptist 
"baptism", one’s sins are not forgiven and 
one is not saved but still lost. 

One has only joined one of Satan's many counterfeit churches 
and got wet in doing so. One still has every sin 
he has ever committed and is still lost. 
Many Baptists say that after one is "saved" it is 
impossible for one to be eternally lost. 

 This is the false doctrine of “once saved, always saved”. 
They say that you cannot fall from God’s grace 
and be eternally lost. But in Galatians 5:4 KJV, 
the Bible says, “You have become estranged from Christ, 
you who attempt to be justified by the law; 
you have fallen from grace”. 1 Corinthians 10:12 says, 
Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” 

 There are 29 different kinds of Baptist Churches and 
none of them teach or practice what God requires in the Bible 
for one to be saved in order to go to Heaven. 

Click here to see Quotes from their 29 websites, 
showing what they falsely teach and practice concerning salvation.  

(1) Southern Baptist Church Quotes copied & pasted from: www.sbc.net/knowjesus/theplan.asp 
How to Become A Christian >> If it is your sincere desire to 
receive Jesus into your heart as your personal Lord 
and Savior, thentalk to God from your heart: 
Here's a Suggested Prayer: "Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I do not deserve eternallife. But, I believe You died and rose from the grave to make me a new creation and to prepare meto dwell in your presence forever. Jesus, come into my life, take control of my life, forgive my sinsand save me. I am now placing my trust in You alone for my salvation and I accept your free gift ofeternal life.

"Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.imb.org/core/story.asp?storyID=3840&LanguageID=1709 Position Paper Concerning The IMB Guideline On Baptism A
a true follower of Christ, one must receive baptism  in its proper order after salvation (Acts2:41-42, 8:35-39, 9:18, 16:30-33)
Southern Baptists have always understood the Bible to teach that baptism is not a partofsalvation, but subsequent to it 
(Luke 23:42-43; Acts 16:31; Romans 3:21-22, 10:9-10, 11:5-6;Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 John 5:12-13). 

Southern Baptist churches teach that baptism is purely 
emblematic in nature and not essential to salvation. 
The 1963 statement clarified Baptist beliefs about baptism further, stating “Being a churchordinance, it is prerequisite to the  privileges of church membership and to the Lord's Supper.” 
 International Mission Board A Southern Baptist Convention entity Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.sbc.org/resolutions/amResolution.asp?ID=965Be it further RESOLVED, 
That we affirm our belief in the biblical truth that all who 
are saved aresealed by the Holy Spirit and will never fall 
away from the state of grace; 

(2) Free Will Baptist Church Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.nafwb.org/?q=knowjesusDo you know Jesus
If not, why not? It is the most important relationship you can have. 
Why nottrust Christ and ask Him for forgiveness.The following “steps to salvation” are taken  directly from the Word of God:
1. Admit your sin. “As it is written, there is none righteous, 
no not one” (Romans 3:10).
2. Acknowledge the penalty for sin. “For the wages of sin is death...” (Romans 6:23a).
3. Believe that Jesus’ death and resurrection paid the penalty for your sin. “...but the gift ofGod is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23b)
4. Ask God to forgive your sin. “If thou shalt confess...thou shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9, 10).
5. Acknowledge Christ as the Lord of your life. “But as many as received him, to them gave hethe power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12). Perhaps you would like to pray the following simple prayer. You don't need fancy words, just anhonest and open heart.  Pray something like this:Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. But I also believe You died for my sin, and through faith inYour death and resurrection I can be forgiven. 
I confess my sin and ask You to become my Savior and Lord from this day forward. Thank you for saving me. Amen. 

Quotes copied & pasted from: www.firstfwb.org/beliefsSalvation
Man receives pardon and forgiveness for his sins when he admits to God that he is asinner, when in godly sorrow he turns from them and trusts in the work of Christ as redemptionfor his sin. 
This acceptance of God's great salvation involves belief in Christ's death on the cross as man's substitute and the fact of God's raising Him from the dead as predicted. It is a salvationby grace 
alone and not of works.

Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.fwbcsavannah.com/Our%20Beliefs%20on%20Baptism.html 
A. Perhaps it would be better to begin by mentioning what baptism does not do:
1. Baptism doesn’t take away sin and save. (a) Titus 3:5 
(b) Baptism is a righteous work. It’s something we ought to do after we have beensaved; but it isn’t something we do to secure salvation. Sometimes the language of Acts 2:38 confuses people on this matter
(a) Note the words, “Repent, and be baptized, everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ FORremission of sins....”
(b) The word “for” in Acts 2:38 in the original language is the word “eis” It means, “because.”
(c) Peter is not teaching that you should be baptized to remit sins, but rather, because your sinshave been remitted, you ought to be baptized.
(d) The command to repent precedes the command to be baptized. (Repentance bringssalvation) 

Let’s look at a practical illustration from everyday life.
(a) “Close the window; it’s cold outside” wouldn’t mean that closing the window makes it coldoutside, but because it is already cold outside someone has given the order to close thewindow.
(b) When Peter said, “Be baptized...for remission of sins,” he was saying you need to bebaptized because your sins are remitted already!
(c) Don’t ever forget that salvation is the gift of God (Romans 6:23). Therefore we cannot earn itby being baptized.

(3) North American Baptist >> Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.nabconference.org/about-us/our-beliefs
 5/ We believe salvation is redemption by Christ of the whole person from sin and death (IITimothy 1:9-10; I Thessalonians 5:23). It is offered as a free gift by God to all and must be receivedpersonally through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ (I Timothy 2:4; Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts20:21). An individual is united to Christ by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 2:20;Colossians 1:27). As a child of God, the believer is acquitted of all guilt and brought into a newrelationship of peace (Romans 5:1). Christians grow as the Holy Spirit enables them to understandand obey the Word of God (II Peter 3:18; Ephesians 4:15; I Thessalonians 3:12).

6/ We believe the Church is the body of which Christ is the head and all who believe in Himare members (Ephesians 1:22-23; Romans 12:4-5). Christians are commanded to be baptizedupon profession of faith and to unite with a local church for mutual encouragement and growth indiscipleship through worship, nurture, service and the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ tothe world (Acts 2:41-42, 47; Luke 24:45-48).

(4)General Baptist Church Quotes copied & pasted from: http://clintongeneralbaptist.org/tp40/page.asp?ID=161139
First General Baptist ChurchClinton, Arkansas
IV. SALVATION ;  We believe that salvation (regeneration, sanctification, justification, and redemption) has beenprovided for all mankind through the redemptive work (life, death, resurrection, ascension, and intercession) of Jesus Christ, and that this salvation can be received only through repentancetoward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
VIII. ORDINANCES -We believe that baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances instituted by Christ to be observed byChristians only.

(5)Missionary Baptist Church Quotes copied & pasted from: http://missionarybaptistchurches.com/beliefs.html 
Salvation Statement In order to obtain true salvation there first must be a sense of trouble, conviction,and condemnation set up by God in the heart of the unsaved person. 
            They must pray and seek God and repent of their sins until they know for themselves that Godhas forgiven and saved them. 
            Man does not convict them and man cannot tell themwhen God forgives and saves them. 
             God is all powerful and can save the soul of one seeking Him any place, any timewhen God's conditions are met. However, we give opportunity for those desiring toseek and find God to come to the front for prayer. 
              The pew sitting in the frontfacing the congregation is referred to as the "mourner's bench". 
              When God saves the individual, the individual knows, without anyone telling them -including the preacher, loved ones, or any friend. 
             We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer, into the name of theFather, Son, and Holy Ghost; to show forth in solemn and beautiful emblem, our faith in thecrucified, buried, and risen Saviour, with it's effect, in our death to sin and resurrection to a newlife; that it is a prerequisite to the privileges of a church relation; and to the Lord's supper.

(6) Primitive Baptist Church ; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.primitive-baptist.com/articles-of-faith.htm 
                 We believe that the Elect were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, and predestinatedthem to be conformed to the image of Christ.
                 We believe that the Saints shall persevere in grace and never finally fall away.
                 We believe that Baptism and the Lords supper are ordinances of Jesus Christ; that true believers arethe only Subject, & that Baptism by Immersion is the Gospel mode.Quotes copied & pasted from: 
Baptist# Doctrinal_beliefs Baptism: ainstream Primitive Baptists practice Baptism by immersion, sometimes referred to as“believer’s Baptism.” Baptism must only be performed by an ordained minister, and is the ordinanceby which a person becomes a member of a Primitive Baptist Church. Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.pb.org/abstract.htm
 lIV) Irresistible Grace - All of the elect will be quickened by the Spirit of God at some point in theirnatural lives.
VI) Direct Operation of the Holy Spirit - The Holy Spirit accomplishes the new birth by directoperation upon the heart, and therefore works independently of all agency of man, including thegospel as preached by man.

(7) Independent Baptist Church ; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://independent-baptists.org/article11.html 
God’s Simple Plan of Salvation Simply believe on Him as the one who bore your sin, died in your place, was buried, andwhom God resurrected. His resurrection powerfully assures that the believer can claim everlasting life when Jesus is received as Savior. In Luke 18:13, the sinner prayed: “God be merciful to me a sinner.” Just pray: “Oh God, Iknow I am a sinner. 
I believe Jesus was my substitute when He died on the Cross. I believe His shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection were for me. I now receive Him asmy Savior. 
I thank You for the forgiveness of my sins, the gift of salvation and everlastinglife, because of Your merciful grace. Amen.” 
You should be baptized in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ as a public testimony ofyour salvation, and then unite with a Bible-believing church without delay. 
(8) Baptist Bible Fellowship Church; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.bbfi.org/index.php/about-us/articles-of-faith 
XI. Of Justification; We believe that the great Gospel blessing which Christ secures to such as believe in Him isJustification; that Justification includes the pardon of sin, and the gift of eternal life on principlesof righteousness; that it is bestowed not in consideration of any works of righteousness which wehave done; but solely through faith in the Redeemer's blood, His righteousness is imputed untous.
XII. Of Repentance And Faith; We believe that Repentance and Faith are solemn obligations, and also inseparable graces,wrought in our souls by the quickening Spirit of God; thereby, being deeply convicted of our guilt,danger and helplessness, and of the way of salvation by Christ, we turn to God with unfeignedcontrition, confession and supplication for mercy; at the same time heartily receiving the Lord JesusChrist and openly confessing Him as our only and all-sufficient Savior.

(9) Independent fundamental Baptist Church Quotes copied & pasted from:www.ifbweb.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=8  
        What WE BELIEVE That all we must do in order to receive this free gift is call upon His name, for Jesus Christ is theWay, the Truth, and the Life; that whosever (meaning you and I) calleth upon His name shall notdie, but have everlasting life.This is how simple it is:Only your decision to accept Jesus as your savior (turn to God) will save you. Trust Christ. Turn to God. Accept Jesus as your savior
           Turn away from sin.Confess to everyone that you've accepted Jesus, not in words or deeds, but truly accepted Him.If you've trusted in Christ as your saviour, then I'm happy and excited for you. Please feel free to e-mail us and let us know of your decision! BUT, it doesn't stop there. Now that you're a new creature in Christ, there are some ways to helpyou grow spiritually.1. SHARE with others the commitment you've made.2. Be baptized. Baptism acts as a public profession of your decision, is an act of obedience, andidentifies you with Christ. 

(10) Conservative Baptist Church Quotes copied & pasted from: www.cbamerica.org/cba_Resources/Doctrinal_Statement.php 
Salvation We believe in salvation by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 
           We further believe that this salvation is based upon the sovereign grace of God, was purchased by Jesus Christ on the cross, iseternally secured by the Holy Spirit, and is received by faith, apart from any human merit, works, orritual. 
            We further believe salvation results in righteous living, good works, and proper social concern.
The Church: We believe that the Church is the spiritual body of which Christ is the head. 
           We believe that the trueChurch is composed of all persons who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. 
              We believe thatthis body expresses itself in local assemblies whose members have been immersed upon a credibleconfession of faith and have associated themselves for worship, for instruction, for evangelism, andfor service.              
              We believe the ordinances of the local church are believer's baptism by immersion and  the Lord's Supper. 
            We also believe in the interdependence of local churches and the mutualsubmission of believers to each other in love. 

(11) Landmark Baptist Church ; Quotes copied & pasted from: www.landmarkbaptistchurch.org/gospel.php
3. Trusting Won't you make that decision to trust him right now? 
If you have made that decision, you may want to pray to God to thank him for the gift of eternal lifethat he has provided for you. 
But remember that you are saved by trusting in the gospel, not bysaying a prayer. 
                    God is concerned with the condition of your heart, not some words that you recite.If you want to thank God for this gift, but aren't really sure how to pray to him, you can use thefollowing as a guide. LORD, I know that I am a sinner.I know that, as a sinner, I deserve death.And I know that I cannot earn eternal life or work my way to heaven.
                  But I believe that You died for my sins on the cross and paid my debt so that I can have eternal lifeas a free gift. I believe that you rose from the dead for my justification. I have decided to trust in you as my Savior and receive that gift. Thank you for dying for me and for your free gift of eternal life. In Jesus' name, Amen.
                If you have placed your trust in the gospel, you are now eternally saved. Nothing can change that.

(12) Regular Baptist Church; Quotes copied & pasted from: www.garbc.org/?page_id=31
VIII. Salvation ; We believe that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only condition of salvation.
XV. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper; We believe that Christian baptism is the single immersion of a believer in water to show forth in asolemn and beautiful emblem our identification with the crucified, buried and risen Savior, throughWhom we died to sin and rose to a new life; that baptism is to be performed under the authority ofthe local church; and that it is prerequisite to the privileges of church membership. 

(13) Seventh Day Baptist Church; Quotes copied & pasted from: www.seventhdaybaptist.org/content/Salvation;  
A Typical Prayer Of Surrender Lord, I confess to you that I am a sinner in need of your salvation. I be-lieve that Jesus died onthe cross for my sins. So I ask you to forgive me of my sin. 
          Lord, I want to repent by turning awayfrom the sin in my life and turn to-ward you as my Savior. Lord, I want to surrender my life to you and ask you to make me the kind of person that you want me to be. 
         I want to live my life for you.Lord, give me your Holy Spirit so that I can have the power I need to live a life that will be pleasingto you. 
         I thank you that I am now your child. In Jesus' name I thank and praise you, Amen.

(14)Sovereign Grace Baptist Church; Quotes copied & pasted from: www.sgba.net/information/statement_of_faith.php
V. The Way of Salvation; We believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly of God's grace... The salvation of God is thereforenot merely made possible, but is actually procured, through Christ's vicarious death, for all whobelieve savingly in Him.
XV. Christian Baptism ; We believe that the Scriptures teach that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer inChrist; in the name of the Father, and Son and Holy Spirit; to show forth, in a solemn and beautifulemblem, our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Savior, with its effect, in our death to sin andresurrection to a new life; that baptism is prerequisite to the privileges of a church relation, and tothe Lord's Supper.

(15) National Baptist Church; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.nationalbaptist.com/about-us/what-we-believe.htm
 lIV. THE WAY OF SALVATION. We believe that the Scriptures teach that the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace
V. JUSTIFICATION. We believe the Scriptures teach that the great Gospel blessing which Christ secures to such asbelieve in him is justification; that justification includes the pardon of sin
VI. THE FREENESS OF SALVATION. We believe that the Scriptures teach that the blessings of salvation are made free to all by theGospel; that it is the immediate duty of all to accept them by cordial, penitent and obedient faith; andthat nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest sinner on earth
XIV. BAPTISM AND THE LORD'S SUPPER . We believe the Scriptures teach that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer, intothe name of the Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost; to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem,our faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Saviour, with its effect, in our death to sin and resurrectionto a new life; that it is prerequisite to the privileges of a church relation; and to the Lord's Supper.

(16) Old Time Missionary Baptist Church ; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://oldtimemb.com/ourbeliefs.html 
               We believe that salvation comes by faith through the grace of God and requires the hearing ofthe preached word, the inspiration and calling by the Holy Spirit and that it takes place not only inthe mind, but most of all in the heart. 
                 Believing in your mind is insufficient as the demons also believed, and trembled. The word ofGod convicts us all who believe and is our strength through this life and into eternal life.[Then they give their source of authority] 
Pendleton Manual – 1867http://www.archive.org/ stream/churchmanualdesi00pend#page/n1/mode/2up
          (p. 11) Regeneration is the spiritual process by which we become new creatures in Christareborn againborn of the Spiritborn of God quickened together with Christ renewed after theimage of God, etc., &c... This being the case, regeneration does not occur in baptism.
          (p. 13) There is an actual, a real remission of sins when we believe in Christ—there is a declarative,formal, symbolic remission in baptism. 

(17) Full Gospel Baptist Church; (Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.fullgospelbaptist.org ) 
VIII. We believe in Jesus Christ as the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, who brings men and women atsalvation into relationship with Himself and His Body, the Church. We further believe that it is thebaptism of the Holy Ghost that places one into the Body of Christ. All Believers have been baptized by Christ with the Holy Ghost.
XIII. We believe all Believers are baptized with the Holy Ghost and all Believers should be filled withthe Holy Ghost Compendium on Distinctives VIII and
A) Being filled with the Holy Ghost may and should occur subsequent to salvation in obedience tobiblical exhortation.
B) The baptism of the Holy Ghost occurs once and for all at salvation.
C) Being filled with the Holy Ghost should not only be a continuous reality, but an ongoingcharacteristic of the believer’s consecrated holiness.
D) We believe in speaking in tongues, as our heavenly language, that builds us up in our most holyfaith. Tongues is an indicator, not a qualifier.[Note: No mention is made of water baptism, only “baptism of the Holy Ghost”)

(18) Evangelical Baptist Church; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.ebcct.org/beliefs.htm
(a) that in order to be saved sinners must be born again 
(b) that the new birth is anew creation in Christ Jesus; 
(c) that it is instantaneous and not a process; 
(d) that in the new birththe one dead in trespasses and in sins is made a partaker of the divine nature and receives eternallife, the free gift of God; 
(e) that the new creation is wrought about in a manner above ourcomprehension, not by culture, not by character, not by the will of man, but wholly and solely by thepower of the Holy Spirit in connection with Divine truth so as to secure our voluntary obedience tothe Gospel; (f) that its proper evidence appears in the holy fruits of repentance and faith andnewness of life.
WE BELIEVE; that the great Gospel blessing which Christ secures to such as believe in Him isJustification; 
(a) that Justification includes the pardon of sin and the gift of eternal life on principles ofrighteousness; 
(b) that it is bestowed not in consideration of any works of righteousness which wehave done, but solely through faith in the Redeemer’s blood is His righteousness imputed unto us.
WE BELIEVE that repentance and faith are 
(a) solemn obligations and 
(b) also inseparablegraces 
(c) wrought in our souls by the quickening Spirit of God 
(d) thereby being deeply convicted ofour guilt, danger, and helplessness, and with unfeigned contrition, confession, and supplication formercy, 
(e) at the same time heartily receiving the Lord Jesus Christ and openly confessing Him asour only and all-sufficient Savior.
WE BELIEVE that Christian Baptism is 
(a) the believer’s immersion in water 
(b) into the name ofthe Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost; 
(c) to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem our faith inthe crucified, buried, and risen Savior with its effect in our death to sin and resurrection to a new life;
(d) that in the scriptural order baptism precedes the privileges of church membership and is thepublic recognition of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
 Six-Principle Baptists ; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://spbaptists.info/articles/fundamentals10.html 
Fundamentals of the Faith Baptism, though not essential to salvation, is absolutely essential to Christian obedience and to thedeclaration of those great truths which Baptism alone symbolizes and declares.
Our Denomination and Its Distinguishing Traits 
Quotes copied & pasted from: http://spbaptists.info/synopsis.html
Our denomination, Six-Principle Baptists, sometimes referred to as the Old or General Six-PrincipleBaptists, traces its origin in America to the ministry of Roger Williams in the 1600's.

(19) Reformed Baptists Quotes copied & pasted from: http://faithreformedbaptist.org/?page_id=127 
Chapter 10: Of Effectual Calling1. Those whom God hath predestinated unto life, he is pleased in his appointed, and accepted time,effectually to call, by his Word and Spirit, out of that state of sin and death in which they are bynature, to grace and salvation by Jesus Christ 
Chapter 11: Of Justification
1/ Those whom God effectually calls, he also freely justifies, not by infusing righteousness into them,but by pardoning their sins, and by accounting and accepting their persons as righteous 
2/ Faith thus receiving and resting on Christ and his righteousness, is the alone instrument of justification
4/ God did from all eternity decree to justify all the elect, and Christ did in the fullness of time die fortheir sins
5/ God continues to forgive the sins of those that are justified, and although they can never fall fromthe state of justification.
Chapter 14: Of Saving Faith 
1/ The grace of faith, whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls, is thework of the Spirit of Christ in their hearts.
Chapter 17: Of The Perseverance of the Saints
1/ Those whom God has accepted in the beloved, effectually called and sanctified by his Spirit, andgiven the precious faith of his elect unto, can neither totally nor finally fall from the state of grace, but shall certainly persevere there in to the end, and be eternally saved.
This perseverance of the saints depends not upon their own free will, but upon the immutability ofthe decree of election .

(20) Cooperative Baptists Quotes copied & pasted from: (http://www.cbfonline.org )
                  A Look at Today’s Baptist BeliefsThe Baptist denomination is part of the protestant church that believes that Jesus Christ is the Lordand Savior and that salvation (being saved) is through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
                 They believethat baptisms should be given to adult believers who can rightly take that choice, unlike other Christian denominations that baptize children. They believe it is a symbol and a sacrament butbaptism is not necessary for a soul to be saved. 

(21)Baptist BMA (Baptist Missionary Association of America)
Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.fortworthbaptistchurch.org/Visitors/BMAA Doctrine.asp 
Doctrinal Statement of the Baptist Missionary Association of America
B/- The Way of Salvation--Salvation is based wholly on the grace of God apart from works (Titus 3:5;Eph. 2:9). Anyone who will exercise repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ willbe saved (Acts 16:30-32; Luke 24:47; Rom. 10:17).
D/-The Ordinances of the Church--Her two ordinances are baptism and the Lord's Supper. Baptismis the immersion in water of a believer as a confession of his faith in Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19; Rom.6:4) and is prerequisite to church membership and participation in the Lord's Supper (Acts 2:41, 42).
              ( 1) We believe in the premillennial return of Christ to earth, after which He shall reign in peace uponthe earth for a thousand years (Rev. 20:4-6).
              ( 2) We believe the Scriptures to teach two resurrections: the first of the righteous at Christ's coming;the second of the wicked at the close of the thousand-year reign (I Thess. 4:13-17; Rev. 20:6, 12-15).
Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.fortworthbaptistchurch.org/Visitors/Salvation.asp;
"What must I do to be saved?" How do you ask Jesus for the Salvation which He offers? Simply say in your own wordssomething like this: "Jesus, I am a sinner. I need your cleansing and your forgiveness. 
                    I believe thatyour are the Son of God and that you died to save me from my sins. I believe you are alive todayand are waiting for me to be saved.  Jesus will you now wash my heart and cleanse me from sin as Iaccept you as the Lord of my life?"

Separate Baptists Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.separatebaptist.org/index.php?page=ourbeliefs 
Articles of Doctrine Article 4 We believe that salvation, regeneration, sanctification, justification and redemption are through faithin the life, death and resurrection, ascension and intercession of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.Article 8We believe that Baptism, the Lord's Supper and feet washing are ordained of Christ appointed in theChurch and none, but true believers, are proper subjects, and that immersion is the Gospel mode ofbaptism. Quotes copied & pasted from:http://www.separatebaptist.org/index.php?page=symbolsummary Summary ; That whosoever will believe in God, Son and Holy Spirit, and that Christ was crucified and He is oursalvation and being Baptized with the Holy spirit, believing in the word the eternal truth can besaved, we will have eternal life.

(22) American Baptist; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.abaptist.org/whatmustido.htm
What Must I Do To Be Saved? 

(23) Fundamental Baptist ; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.fbfi.org/constitution-aboutus-84 
Article III - Statement of Faith ; 
Section 6. Salvation: We believe in the salvation of sinners through Jesus of Nazareth, the Son ofGod, Who is the only Savior of men by virtue of His shed blood, i.e., His substitutionary death forsinners. 
                   We believe that salvation is completely dependent on the grace of God, is a free gift of Godthat man cannot earn or merit in any way, and is appropriated by repentance and faith in the personand cross work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 
                    We hold that in salvation the believer is called, regenerated, Spirit baptized into union with Christ, justified, (including the forgiveness of sin andrestoration to favor with God through the merit or righteousness of Christ), adopted, sanctified, andglorified. 
                     We believe that God secures and guarantees the final salvation of every true believer, andthat the genuine believer will continue in his faith and show evidence of his faith in Christ until hemeets the Lord. 
                   We believe all the elect of God, once saved, are kept by God’s power and aresecure in Christ forever. 
Section 10. The Ordinances: We believe there are two ordinances: baptism and the Lord'sSupper... Baptism is a prerequisite to church membership. 

(24) World Baptists ; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.wbfi.net/statement.htm 
Section 12. Of Repentance and Faith We believe that Repentance and Faith are solemnobligations, and also inseparable graces, wrought in our souls by the quickening Spirit of God;thereby, being deeply convicted of our guilt, danger, helplessness, and of the way of salvation byChrist, we turn to God with unfeigned contrition, confession, and supplication for mercy; at the sametime heartily receiving the Lord Jesus Christ and openly confessing Him as our only and all-sufficient Saviour. 
14. Of Baptism and the Lord's Supper ;We believe that Christian baptism is theimmersion in water of a believer in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost withthe authority of the local church to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem our faith in thecrucified, buried, and risen Saviour with its effect in our death to sin and resurrection to a new life; that it is prerequisite to the privileges of a church relation and to the Lord's Supper.

Section 18. Of the Resurrection and Return of Christ and Related Events "That the Lord shallgive unto Him the throne of His Father David;" and that "Christ shall reign a thousand years inrighteousness until He hath put all enemies under His feet.

(25) KJV Bible Baptists; Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.kjvbible.com/agreement-of-belief 
Agreement of Belief The Baptist churches listed in the KJV Bible Baptist Church Directory are believed to concur with thisbrief agreement of belief.
The Bible ; We believe the AV 1611 King James Bible to be the perfect and infallible word of God. 
Salvation; We believe a man is secured in his salvation eternally and unconditionally in this age at the momenthe believes. 
The Ordinances; We believe that believers should be immersed in water after being saved.
Future Things; We believe in a pre-millennial, pre-tribulational translation or rapture of the Church. We believe in the restoration of an earthly kingdom to Israel and a literal Millennial reign of Christupon earth.  

(26) Pentecostal Free Will Baptists  
Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.pfwb.org/missionstatement.htm  
OUR BELIEFS;  We believe that the saved should receive WATER BAPTISM, in the name of the Father, and theSon, and the Holy Ghost, as a testimony to the world that he has accepted Christ as Savior andLord. 
                    We believe that the PENTECOSTAL BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS AN ENDUEMENT OFPOWER FOR THOSE WHO HAVE CLEAN HEARTS, and the initial evidence of the reception ofthis experience is speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. 
                      We believe in DIVINE HEALING as provided in the Atonement.We believe in the SACRAMENT OF THE LORD ́S SUPPER as commemorating Christ's death andanticipating His Second Coming. And feet washing. 
                     We believe in the PERSONAL, PRE-MILLENIAL, SECOND COMING OF CHRIST; first, to resurrectthe righteous dead and to catch away the living saints to meet Him in the air; second, to reign withHis saints on earth a thousand years. 

             (27)Welcoming & Affirming Baptists 
Quotes copied & pasted from: http://wabaptists.org 
Who We Are ; The Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists (AWAB) is an organization of churches willing togo on record as welcoming and affirming all persons without regard to sexual orientation or genderidentity, and who have joined together to advocate for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual andtransgender persons within Baptist communities of faith.

(3)Christian Church

The Christian Church was formed when 
it apostatized from the church of Christ. 
The apostasy began to occur when the "American
 Christian Missionary Society" was formed in October 1849. 

The next apostasy occurred in 1859 when the instrument of music began to be added. The Christian Church in trying to justify 
their use of instrumental music and the other things 
they have added, take the position that if God does not 
condemn a thing then it is all right to do it. 

Also the Christian Church specializes in choirs, solos, 
and other special elaborate ceremonies with the purpose to draw a crowd with their entertainment. They follow the practice of 
all the other denominations in religiously observing special days 
such as: Easter, Christmas, etc. 

But the Lord authorized His church to observe the first day of 
the week when the Lord’s Supper is observed. 
The Bible condemns the religious observance of special days. 
"You observe days and months and seasons and years. 
I am afraid of you lest I have labored for you in vain"
 (Galatians 4:10-11). 
But Jesus says "And in vain they worship Me, teaching as 
doctrines the commandments of men" (Mark 7:7). 
When worship is vain, it is useless and will cause one 
to be eternally lost in Hell. Christian Church preachers wear 
the name "Reverend" and are referred to as "Pastor". 
Only God deserves to be called reverend for we read in 
Psalms 111:9 KJV concerning God, 
"Holy and reverend is His name.
 Most Christian Churches fellowship the other denominational 
churches and some have women as preachers or pastors. 
Today they have developed into two main groups: 
the Independent Christian Church and the more 
liberal Disciples Of Christ. Jesus says, 
"Every plant which My heavenly Father has not 
planted will be uprooted" (Matthew 15:13).
 Even though the Christian Church baptizes for the
 remission of sins, their "baptism" is a false baptism 
because it puts one into a false apostate body. 
We read in 1 Corinthians 12:13

"For by one Spirit were we all baptized into one body". 
The Lord only has one spiritual body (Ephesians 4:4)
which is His one church (Ephesians 1:22-23), 
which He is going to save (Ephesians 5:23). 
None of the multitude of denominational churches, 
including the Christian Church, belong to the Lord.

Click here to see Quotes from their website, 
showing what they falsely teach and practice concerning salvation. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.disciples.org/AboutTheDisciples/tabid/67/Default.aspx The church is identified with the Protestant “mainstream” and is widely involved in social and otherconcerns. 
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), while founded on 
American soil in the early 1800s, isuniquely equipped to live up to its identity that it is a "movement for wholeness in a fragmented world."The denomination was born in the 1800s.

Quotes copied & pasted from:http://www.disciples.org/AboutTheDisciples/HistoryoftheDisciples/tabid/69/
Default.aspxIn 1910, the Disciples established 
the Council on Christian Unity, the first denomination 
in the world tohave an organization devoted to t
he pursuit of Christian unity. 
Disciples helped organize the National and World Councils of Churches. The denomination also contributed the first lay president of the NationalCouncil (1960-63) - Indiana industrialist J. Irwin Miller. 

The Rev. Paul A. Crow Jr., retired president of the 
Council on Christian Unity, the Rev. Michael K.Kinnamon, now 
General Secretary of the National Council of Churches, 
along with the Rev. PatriceRosner are Disciples who served 
as chief executives of the Consultation on Church Union -now ChurchesUniting in Christ (CUIC)  which is striving for visible unity.

 Disciples have given leadership to the establishment of a new ecumenical venture in the U.S. called Christian Churches Together (CCT) that brings together Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, Evangelicalsand Pentecostal Christians. 
The Rev. Richard L. Hamm, former General Minister and President, has beennamed CCT's first full-time executive.
Quotes copied and pasted from: http://www.phcc-lr.org/site/pastorupdate.asp?sec_id=180001136Pulaski 
Heights Christian Church 4724 Hillcrest Ave.,
 Little Rock, AR 72205Meet Our PastorRev. 
Holly Patton was called as Senior Minister of 
PHCC on Sun., May 3, 2009.
Holly grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. She earned a 
B.A in Political Science from the University of Ark ansasat Fayetteville. She has had many jobs. Among them: real estate sales in Jackson Hole, Wyoming; non-profit work at the Vanderbilt Museum in Centerport, New York; pharmaceutical sales for NovartisPharmaceutical, and for Eli Lilly. 

Holly has even been a Lobbyist! Holly holds a Masters of Divinitydegree from Memphis Theological Seminary.
Independent Christian ChurchQuotes copied and pasted from: http://www.wcicc.org/doctrine.html 
World Council Of Independent Christian ChurchesDoctrine5. 
Clergy will respectfully submit to the authority of 
the Board of Elders of the WCICC. 
We believe that at any moment the Rapture of 
the saved may occur, when "the Lord himself shall 
descend from heaven" to catch up His people 
to meet Him "in the air" ( I Th 4:13-18). 
We believe in thepersonal, bodily return of 
our Lord Jesus Christ. 

He will then set up His kingdom upon the earth for 
Histhousand-year reign, after which He will deliver the kingdom 
to the Father ( MAT 24:29-31).
Quotes copied & pasted from: http://www.wcicc.org/Ministerial_Credentials.htmlThe WCICC provides legitimate, 
legal, and recognized Ministerial Credentials to qualified individuals.MINISTER OF MUSICThis credential is granted
 to one who is a member of the WCICC and who has a calling in directingchoirs, ensembles, singing groups, bands or is a psalmist themselves and has a calling from God inmusic.
PRAISE and WORSHIP LEADERThis credential is 
granted to one who is a member of the WCICC and 
has a calling in leading others inpraise and worship 
unto the Lord. This person is a psalmist in the Body of Christ.