Saturday, August 3, 2019

What Is Postmodernism in Religion?

Postmodernism Definition Postmodernism is a philosophy that says 
absolute truth does not exist. Supporters of postmodernism deny long-held 
beliefs and conventions and maintain that all viewpoints are equally valid. 
In today's society, postmodernism has led to relativism, 
the idea that all truth is relative. 
That means what is right for one group is not necessarily right or 
true for everyone. The most obvious example is sexual morality. 
Christianity teaches that sex outside of marriage is wrong. 

Postmodernism would claim that such a view might pertain to Christians 
but not to those who don't follow Jesus Christ; therefore, sexual morality 
has become much more permissive in our society in recent decades. 
Taken to extremes, postmodernism argues that what society says
 is illegal, such as drug use or stealing, is not necessarily 
wrong for the individual. 

Five Main Tenets of Postmodernism Jim Leffel, a Christian apologist, 
and director of The Crossroads Project outlined the primary tenets of postmodernism in these five points: 
1. Reality is in the mind of the beholder. Reality is what's real 
    to me, and I construct my own reality in my mind. 
2. People are not able to think independently because they 
     are defined “scripted,” molded by their culture. 
3. We cannot judge things in another culture or another person’s life, 
   because our reality may be different from theirs. There is 
    no possibility of “transcultural objectivity.” 
4. We are moving in the direction of progress, but are arrogantly 
    dominating nature and threatening our future. 
5. Nothing is ever proven, either by science, history, or any other 

!!> Postmodernism Rejects Biblical Truth

Postmodernism's rejection of absolute truth causes many people to reject the Bible. Christians believe God is the source of absolute truth. Jesus Christ proclaimed himself to be the Truth: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6, NIV). Not only do postmodernists deny Christ's claim to be the truth, but they also dismiss his statement that he is the only way to heaven. 

Today Christianity is ridiculed as arrogant or intolerant by those who say there are "many paths to heaven." This view that all religions are equally valid is called pluralism. In postmodernism, all religion, including Christianity, is reduced to the level of opinion. Christianity asserts that it is unique and that it does matter what we believe. Sin exists, sin has consequences, and anyone ignoring those truths has to face those consequences, Christians say. 
Sources ;;;; 

Answer: Post-modern Christianity is just as difficult to lock down in a concise definition as post-modernism itself. What started in the 1950s in architecture as a reaction to modernist thought and style was soon adopted by the art and literary world in the 1970s and 1980s. The Church didn't really feel this effect until the 1990s. This reaction was a dissolution of "cold, hard fact" in favor of "warm, fuzzy subjectivity." Think of anything considered post-modern, then stick Christianity into that context and you have a glimpse of what post-modern Christianity is. 

              Post-modern Christianity falls into line with basic post-modernist thinking. It is about experience over reason, subjectivity over objectivity, spirituality over religion, images over words, outward over inward. Are these things good? Sure. 
Are these things bad? Sure. It all depends on how far from biblical truth each reaction against modernity takes one's faith. This, of course, is up to each believer. However, when groups form under such thinking, theology and doctrine tend to lean more towards liberalism. 
            For example, because experience is valued more highly than reason, truth becomes relative. This opens up all kinds of problems, as this lessens the standard that the Bible contains absolute truth, and even disqualifies biblical truth as being absolute in many cases. If the Bible is not our source for absolute truth, and personal experience is allowed to define and interpret what truth actually is, a saving faith in Jesus Christ is rendered meaningless. 
         There will always be "paradigm shifts" in thinking as long as mankind inhabits this present earth, because mankind constantly seeks to better itself in knowledge and stature. Challenges to our way of thinking are good, as they cause us to grow, to learn, and to understand. This is the principle of Romans 12:2 at work, of our minds being transformed. 
                Yet, we need to be ever mindful of Acts 17:11 and be like the Bereans, weighing every new teaching, every new thought, against Scripture. We don't let our experiences interpret Scripture for us, but as we change and conform ourselves to Christ, we interpret our experiences according to Scripture. Unfortunately, this is not what is happening in circles espousing post-modern Christianity.;

~The dangers of postmodernism !!

"What are the dangers of postmodernism?" 
 Answer: Simply put, postmodernism is a philosophy that affirms no objective or absolute truth, especially in matters of religion and spirituality. When confronted with a truth claim regarding the reality of God and religious practice, postmodernism’s viewpoint is exemplified in the statement “that may be true for you, but not for me.” 
          While such a response may be completely appropriate when discussing favorite foods or preferences toward art, such a mindset is dangerous when it is applied to reality because it confuses matters of opinion with matters of truth. The term “postmodernism” literally means “after modernism” and is used to philosophically describe the current era which came after the age of modernism.

           Postmodernism is a reaction (or perhaps more appropriately, a disillusioned response) to modernism’s failed promise of using human reason alone to better mankind and make the world a better place. Because one of modernism’s beliefs was that absolutes did indeed exist, postmodernism seeks to “correct” things by first eliminating absolute truth and making everything (including the empirical sciences and religion) relative to an individual’s beliefs and desires. 
          The dangers of postmodernism can be viewed as a downward spiral that begins with the rejection of absolute truth, which then leads to a loss of distinctions in matters of religion and faith, and culminates in a philosophy of religious pluralism that says no faith or religion is objectively true and therefore no one can claim his or her religion is true and another is false. 

Dangers of Postmodernism - 
          1 – Relative Truth Postmodernism’s stance of relative truth is the outworking of many generations of philosophical thought. From Augustine to the Reformation, the intellectual aspects of Western civilization and the concept of truth were dominated by theologians. But, beginning with the Renaissance the 14th – 17th centuries, thinkers began to elevate humankind to the center of reality. 
             If one were to look at periods of history like a family tree, the Renaissance would be modernism’s grandmother and the Enlightenment would be its mother. Renee Descartes’ “I think, therefore I am” personified the beginning of this era. God was not the center of truth any longer – man was. The Enlightenment was, in a way, the complete imposition of the scientific model of rationality upon all aspects of truth. It claimed that only scientific data could be objectively understood, defined, and defended. 
             Truth as it pertained to religion was discarded. The philosopher who contributed to the idea of relative truth was the Prussian Immanuel Kant and his work The Critique of Pure Reason, which appeared in 1781. Kant argued that true knowledge about God was impossible, so he created a divide of knowledge between “facts” and “faith.” According to Kant, “Facts have nothing to do with religion.” The result was that spiritual matters were assigned to the realm of opinion, and only the empirical sciences were allowed to speak of truth. While modernism believed in absolutes in science, God’s special revelation (the Bible) was evicted from the realm of truth and certainty. 
            From modernism came postmodernism and the ideas of Frederick Nietzsche. As the patron saint of postmodernist philosophy, Nietzsche held to “perspectivism,” which says that all knowledge (including science) is a matter of perspective and interpretation. Many other philosophers have built upon Nietzsche’s work (for example, Foucault, Rorty, and Lyotard) and have shared his rejection of God and religion in general. 
             They also rejected any hint of absolute truth, or as Lyotard put it, a rejection of a metanarrative (a truth that transcends all peoples and cultures). This philosophical war against objective truth has resulted in postmodernism being completely averse to any claim to absolutes. Such a mindset naturally rejects anything that declares to be inerrant truth, such as the Bible.;

The Greatest Theologians History

The 40 Greatest Theologians Throughout History.
 Throughout history, there have been a large number of people who have contributed significantly to our understanding of God and how He works. 
These theologians have shed light on religious and spiritual matters, and even directed the course of human history. Learning about these theologians can be a great way to help you find out more about your own faith. 
If you are interested in learning more about theology and spiritual traditions, you can read the words of the great theologians. Often, we focus on Christian theologians, since here in the West Christian theology has had a profound influence on society. This list focuses mostly on great Christian theologians, but also includes some influential non-Christian theologians. Here are 40 great theologians from throughout history: 

Early Christian Theologians 
Technically, early Christianity is considered as Christianity prior 
to 325 A.D. However, for the purpose of this list, the theologians 
included are those up through the Reformation. 
Early Christian theologians helped shape the course of 
Christianity for the course of history. 
1. St. Ignatius of Antioch: Also known as Theophorus is considered on of the Apostolic Fathers, and was the third bishop of Antioch. His letters have been preserved as evidence of early Christian theology. 

2. Polycarp: Another influential father of Christianity. His exhortations to avoid materialism are considered part of Christian theology, and he was enthusiastic in combating heresies. His martyrdom is considered one of the defining points of Christianity. 

3. Clement of Alexandria: Clement was known for his combination of Greek philosophical traditions with Christian doctrine. 

4. Saint Augustine: One of the most authoritative figures in Christian theology is Saint Augustine, who successfully completed the merger of Greek philosophical practice and Judeo-Christian religious traditions. His treatises on authority and other theological issues have influenced Christian tradition for centuries. 

5. Saint Jerome: Widely considered one of the most learned of church fathers, Jerome translated the Bible into Latin, providing one of the most important texts in the Catholic church. 

6. Gregory the Great: This pope was very influential as a theologian who revised worship and wrote prolifically about theology and spirituality. 

7. Bernard of Clairvaux: This advisor to five different popes wrote eloquently about different matters of doctrine, especially on the love of God, and on humility. 

8. Francis of Assisi: This saint became devoted to austerity after making some wild choices in his youth. He is one of the most well-known theologians, and had much to do with the development different orders within the Catholic church.

Reformation Theologians & Revivalist Theologians

Reformation Theologians 
The Reformation is generally considered to last from 1517 to 1648. 
This was a time period marked by transformative theology. 
Learning about reformation theologians can help you find out 
more about your faith and spirituality. 
9. Martin Luther: Many religious scholars pinpoint the beginning of the 
    Reformation from when Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door of 
    church. Luther directed religious thought for centuries. 
10.John Calvin: A French reformist who broke with the Catholic church 
      and  helped with Protestant reform efforts, influencing Christian 
      theology and religion. 
11.John Knox: Brought the Reformation to Scotland, and rose in the 
      ranks of the Church of England, contributing to the Book of Common Prayer. 
12.Teresa of Avila: This saint reformed Carmelite nuns, and was a 
     prominent theological thinker, and apologist for Catholicism. 
13.John Hooker: Theologian who was instrumental in bring reason 
     and tolerance to the Church of England. His influence has been felt in 
     Anglicanism for centuries. 
14. Richard Baxter: One of the leading Puritan theologians, he was 
    a non-conformist who influenced Christianity through his writings 
    and hymns. 
15. John Milton: His polemic writings have had a great deal of influence 
    on theology, as well as serving under Oliver Cromwell. 
16.Jacob Boehme: A free thinker whose writings have been 
     theologically influential. 
Revivalist Theologians 
During periods of religious awakening, theologians often appear 
to provide new insights into theology and other weighty matters 
of the spirit. The great theologians of the “Awakenings” in 1727, 1792, 
1830, 1857, 1882, and 1904, can provide some great insight into 
the development of religion. 
17. Jonathan Edwards: One of the most important philosophers and theologians of American revivals, Edwards focused on determination and harmony. 
18. Charles Wesley: Leader of the Methodist movement, and a theologian with a number of writings, and known for his hymns.
 19. John Wesley: Like his brother Charles, John Wesley was known as a religious thinker who helped lead the Methodist movement. 
20. George Whitefield: This revivalist helped bring the Great Awakening to Britain and influential in the evangelical movement.
 21. William Booth: Founder of the Salvation Army, and a theologian instrumental in providing aid to those who needed it. The Salvation Army is well-known throughout the world. 
22. Joseph Smith, Jr.: Founder of the Latter-day Saint movement, Smith was known for his new theology for that time. He was inspired by the revivals of the Second Great Awakening. 
23. William Burt Pope: Theologian focusing on the “big picture” of Christianity, and a linguist who translated different works. 
24. Soren Kierkegaard: A prominent theologian that focused on the practice of Christianity. Considered one of the first existentialists.

Modern Theologians & Non-Christian Theologians

Modern Theologians 
Even today, Christianity is changing. Theologians offer insight into 
the word of God, and new ideas about religion are always emerging. 
You can keep up with the latest in understanding religion and 
God with some of the modern theologians. 
25. Karl Barth: The father of “neo-orthodoxy” and influential in the 
      movement to reject theological liberalism. 
26. Gordon Clark: Well-known American philosopher and theologian, 
       his ideas of scripturalism have influenced modern Christian thinking. 
27. C.S. Lewis: One of the most well-known modern Christian theologians. 
     Also known for his fiction, much of which contains Christian undertones. 
28. Joseph Ratzinger: Pope Benedict XVI, is a well-known academic and
     theologian who continues to influence the direction of the Catholic church. 
29. John Stott: A noted leader of the modern evangelical movement 
      worldwide, and a theologian whose writings are influential. 
30. Albert Schweitzer: Medical missionary and religious philosopher 
   who challenged many commonly held views from skeptics and 
   Christians alike. He was awarded a Nobel prize in philosophy. 
31. Marilyn McCord Adams: Prominent religious philosopher looking into 
     theology, and teaching philosophy to the next generation of theologians. 
32. Elizabeth Stuart: A feminist theologist specializing in queer theology. 

Non-Christian Theologians 
Other religions have their own theologians as well. If you are interested 
in understanding the teachings of other spiritual traditions, and if you 
want to understand other ideas of religion and deity, you can learn 
from some of these great historical theologians. 
33. Abraham Joshua Heschel: One of the leading Jewish theologians of 
      the 20th Century. 
34. Rachel Adler: An influential Jewish theologian, focusing especially 
      on gender issues and Jewish law. 
35. Prophet Muhammad: The founder of Islam is considered one of 
      the foremost theologians in the world someone whose view of 
      theology has shaped the world for centuries. 36. Leila Ahmed: 
      The first women’s studies professor at Harvard Divinity School, 
      Ahmed is interested in gender studies in Islam. 
37. Buddha: While possibly not truly a theologian, Buddha’s spiritual 
     teachings nevertheless have influenced millions of people through 
38. Ketut Wiana: One of the foremost scholars of Hindu theology in 
     the world today, and an expert Agama Hindu Dharma. 
39. Baháu’lláh: This Persian nobleman and theologian is the founder 
    of the Baha’i faith someone who has influenced spiritual thinking for 
     the past 150 years. 
40. Confucius: While Confucianism doesn’t espouse a specific theology, 
there are spiritual elements involved, and his thoughts on spirituality, 
and metaphysics have been influential over thousands of years