Saturday, August 3, 2019

Reformation Theologians & Revivalist Theologians

Reformation Theologians 
The Reformation is generally considered to last from 1517 to 1648. 
This was a time period marked by transformative theology. 
Learning about reformation theologians can help you find out 
more about your faith and spirituality. 
9. Martin Luther: Many religious scholars pinpoint the beginning of the 
    Reformation from when Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door of 
    church. Luther directed religious thought for centuries. 
10.John Calvin: A French reformist who broke with the Catholic church 
      and  helped with Protestant reform efforts, influencing Christian 
      theology and religion. 
11.John Knox: Brought the Reformation to Scotland, and rose in the 
      ranks of the Church of England, contributing to the Book of Common Prayer. 
12.Teresa of Avila: This saint reformed Carmelite nuns, and was a 
     prominent theological thinker, and apologist for Catholicism. 
13.John Hooker: Theologian who was instrumental in bring reason 
     and tolerance to the Church of England. His influence has been felt in 
     Anglicanism for centuries. 
14. Richard Baxter: One of the leading Puritan theologians, he was 
    a non-conformist who influenced Christianity through his writings 
    and hymns. 
15. John Milton: His polemic writings have had a great deal of influence 
    on theology, as well as serving under Oliver Cromwell. 
16.Jacob Boehme: A free thinker whose writings have been 
     theologically influential. 
Revivalist Theologians 
During periods of religious awakening, theologians often appear 
to provide new insights into theology and other weighty matters 
of the spirit. The great theologians of the “Awakenings” in 1727, 1792, 
1830, 1857, 1882, and 1904, can provide some great insight into 
the development of religion. 
17. Jonathan Edwards: One of the most important philosophers and theologians of American revivals, Edwards focused on determination and harmony. 
18. Charles Wesley: Leader of the Methodist movement, and a theologian with a number of writings, and known for his hymns.
 19. John Wesley: Like his brother Charles, John Wesley was known as a religious thinker who helped lead the Methodist movement. 
20. George Whitefield: This revivalist helped bring the Great Awakening to Britain and influential in the evangelical movement.
 21. William Booth: Founder of the Salvation Army, and a theologian instrumental in providing aid to those who needed it. The Salvation Army is well-known throughout the world. 
22. Joseph Smith, Jr.: Founder of the Latter-day Saint movement, Smith was known for his new theology for that time. He was inspired by the revivals of the Second Great Awakening. 
23. William Burt Pope: Theologian focusing on the “big picture” of Christianity, and a linguist who translated different works. 
24. Soren Kierkegaard: A prominent theologian that focused on the practice of Christianity. Considered one of the first existentialists.

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