Tuesday, July 16, 2019

(17)Quakers Quakers

Quakers Quakers also known as Religious Society of 
Friends or as Friends had their beginning in England in 
1652 by their founder George Fox. 

They got the name Quaker because George Fox told them 
to tremble at the word of the Lord. Quakers believe in 
continuing revelation. 
They believe one is saved by repentance which comes as 
a result of a personal faith in Jesus. 
They, along with the majority of the denominational world, 
believe in Satan’s doctrine of salvation by “faith only”. 
They consider Holy Spirit baptism essential. 
 They do not baptize nor partake of the Lord’s Supper. 

(showing what they falsely teach and practice concerning salvation) Quakers (Friends)Quotes copied & pasted from:http://www.ohioyearlymeeting.org/testimonies.htm#BaptismBaptism
Quakers don't believe in water baptism. Friends eschew 
the importance of allexternal religious practice. 
There is no efficacy in water baptism, just as there is 
none inobserving the "Lord's Supper" using bread and 
juice...We are 'baptized' by the HolySpirit.

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