Monday, July 15, 2019


• MATTHEW 1: The Genealogy and Birth of Jesus Christ 
• MATTHEW 2: The Visit of the Wise Men 
• MATTHEW 3: John the Baptist 
• MATTHEW 4: A Temptation and a Call 
• MATTHEW 5: The Righteousness God Accepts 
• MATTHEW 6: Our Treasures 
• MATTHEW 7: Judging, Prayer, and False Prophets 
• MATTHEW 8: The Centurion and the Tempest 
• MATTHEW 9: Jesus Performs Healings 
• MATTHEW 10: The Apostles Are Sent Out 
• MATTHEW 11: Jesus Speaks of John the Baptist 
• MATTHEW 12: The Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit 
• MATTHEW 13: The Parable of the Sower 
• MATTHEW 14: Feeding the Five Thousand 
• MATTHEW 15: The Canaanite Woman's Request 
• MATTHEW 16: Peter's Confession 
• MATTHEW 17: The Transfiguration 
• MATTHEW 18: Jesus and the Children 
• MATTHEW 19: --
• MATTHEW 20: A Parable and an Admonition 
• MATTHEW 21: The Fig Tree 
• MATTHEW 22: The Great Commandment 
• MATTHEW 23: Message to the Scribes and Pharisees 
• MATTHEW 24: Signs of His Coming 
• MATTHEW 25: The Parable of the Ten Virgins 
• MATTHEW 26: The Last Supper 
• MATTHEW 27: The Crucifixion 
• MATTHEW 28: The Resurrection 

                       GOSPEL LUKE 
Introduction to the book of Luke 
1A John's birth 
1B Christ's birth (Part 1) 
1B Christ's birth (Part 2) 
1C Mary Elizabeth 
2A Birth of Jesus 
2B & 3A Jesus early life and John's Ministry 
4 Jesus' Temptations 
5 Some Disciples Called 
6 Jesus Chooses the Twelve and Teaches 
7A Centurion's Servant and the Widow at Nain 
7B John's Messengers 
8-Some Parables and Some Miracles 
9B-The Confession of Peter 
9C-Jesus Predicts His Death and the Transfiguration 
10-Seventy Disciples and the Parable of the Good Samaritan 
11-Instruction in Prayer and Sign of Jonah 
12-Jesus Teaches the Disciples 
13-Parables and Repentance 
14- Healing on the Sabbath and the Cost of Following Christ 
15-16-Three Parables Illus the Jew Gone Astray and Follow Up Teaching 
17-Instruction Lepers Second Coming 
18-More Parables of Humility 
19-Zacchaeus and the Entry into Jerusalem 
20-Opposition from the Religious Politico Mafia 
21-Jesus Prophesies Re Last Days 
22-A The Setting for Jesus' Last Days 
22-B Jesus' Last Week 
22C-Judas' Betrayal and Peter's Denial 
23-Jesus Tried and Executed 
24A-Jesus Resurrection and Appearances 
24B-Jesus Commissions His Disciples 

• The Servant and His Ministry 
• 2 The Beginning of the Gospel (1:1-13) 
• 3 Jesus Begins His Ministry (1:14-45) 
• 4 Calling the Sick and the Sinners (2:1-17) 
• 5 The Old and the New (2:18-3:6) 
• 6 Jesus’ Authority (3:7-35) 
• 7 Mystery of the Kingdom of God (4:1-34) 
• 8 They Were Afraid (4:35-5:20) 
• 9 Healing His Daughters (5:21-43) 
• 10 A Servant’s Encounters (6:1-29) 
• 11 Feeding Five Thousand, Walking on Water (6:30-56) 
• 12 Tradition of Men (7:1-23) 
• 13 A Miraculous Sign (7:24-8:26) 
• 14 Jesus the Christ (8:27-9:13) 
• 15 Setbacks and Conflicts (9:14-50) 
• 16 To Enter the Kingdom of God (10:1-31) 
• 17 A Serving Attitude (10:32-52) 
• 18 For the Lord’s Use (11:1-26) 
• 19 Confronting the Opposition (1) (11:27-12:27) 
• 20 Confronting the Opposition (2) (12:28-44) 
• 21 The Last Days (13:1-37) 
• 22 Preparing for His Death (14:1-42) 
• 23 Jesus Betrayed and Condemned (14:43-15:20) 
• 24 Jesus Crucified and Buried (15:21-47) 
• 25 He Is Risen! (16:1-20) 

The Gospel of John was the fourth and last gospel to be written. Certain heresies had already sprung up, so the Apostle John found it necessary to set forth in his gospel the deity of Christ. 
• JOHN 1: Jesus Christ As God in the Flesh 
• JOHN 2: Water into Wine 
• JOHN 3: Born Again 
• JOHN 4: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman 
• JOHN 5: The Pool of Bethesda 
• JOHN 6: Jesus Is the Bread of Life 
• JOHN 7: The Promise of Believing on Christ 
• JOHN 8: The Woman Taken in Adultery 
• JOHN 9: The Man Born Blind Is Healed 
• JOHN 10: The Good Shepherd 
• JOHN 11: The Raising of Lazarus 
• JOHN 12: The Triumphant Entry 
• JOHN 13: The Last Passover 
• JOHN 14: The Promise of the Spirit 
• JOHN 15: The Vine and the Branches 
• JOHN 16: The Disciples Warned of Persecution 
• JOHN 17: Christ's Intercessory Prayer 
• JOHN 18: Jesus Before the High Priests and Pilate 
• JOHN 19: The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ 
• JOHN 20: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ 
• JOHN 21: The Risen Christ 
• ACTS 1: The Ascension of Jesus 
• ACTS 2: The First Gospel Message Preached 
• ACTS 3: The Lame Man Healed 
• ACTS 4: The Prayer of the Church 
• ACTS 5: The Apostles Go to Prison 
• ACTS 6: The Accusation of Stephen 
• ACTS 7: The Witness of Stephen 
• ACTS 8: Philip's Ministry 
• ACTS 9: The Conversion of Saul 
• ACTS 10: Peter Visits Cornelius 
• ACTS 11: Peter's Vision, and the Gospel Spreads 
• ACTS 12: King Herod Moves Against the Church 
• ACTS 13: The First Missionary Journey 
• ACTS 14: The Journey Continues 
• ACTS 15: A Meeting of the Church Elders 
• ACTS 16: Paul Called to Macedonia 
• ACTS 17: Paul's Message on Mars Hill 
• ACTS 18: Paul's Visit to Corinth 
• ACTS 19: An Uproar in Ephesus 
• ACTS 20: Paul's Message to the Christian Elders 
• ACTS 21: Paul Arrives in Jerusalem and Is Arrested 
• ACTS 22: Paul's Message to the Jews 
• ACTS 23: Paul Speaks to the Sanhedrin 
•ACTS 24: Paul's Defense 
• ACTS 25: Paul Appeals to Caesar 
• ACTS 26: Paul Speaks Before Agrippa 
• ACTS 27: The Perilous Journey 
• ACTS 28: Paul Reaches Rome 

The New Testament is divided into three categories. The first contains the Gospels, the first four books of the New Testament, which deal with the life of Christ. Next is the Book of Acts, which continues Christ's ministry through His apostles. The rest of the New Testament is made up of epistles, which are concerned with matters of doctrine. Romans is the first epistle. In determining scriptural conduct for the Church, we use hermeneutics, or scriptural interpretation, as our guide. If something was taught by Christ, practiced in Acts, and taught in the epistles, then we feel that it can be properly practiced by the Church. 
• ROMANS 1: God's Attitude Toward Sin 
• ROMANS 2: God's Judgment 
• ROMANS 3: No Man Is Righteous by the Law 
• ROMANS 4: Abraham Was Righteous by Faith 
• ROMANS 5: The Effects of Adam's Sin 
• ROMANS 6: We Are Dead to Sin 
• ROMANS 7: The Struggle of the Spirit with the Flesh 
• ROMANS 8: Life in the Spirit 
• ROMANS 9: The Sovereignty of God 
• ROMANS 10: Righteousness by Faith 
• ROMANS 11: Our Attitude Toward the Jews 
• ROMANS 12: Exhortations 
• ROMANS 13: Being Subject to Authorities 
• ROMANS 14: On Judging Others 
• ROMANS 15: Paul's Ministry to the Gentiles 
• ROMANS 16: Personal Greetings from Paul 

1CORINTHIANS!-! Paul went to Corinth in Greece on his second missionary journey. Corinth was a thriving commercial center and a very corrupt city. The church in Corinth had several problems, so Paul wrote this epistle to deal with them. 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 1: God's Work in Us 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 2: The Wisdom of God 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 3: Divisions in the Body 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 4: Ministers of Christ 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 5: The Case of Incest 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 6: Christians and the Law 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 7: Christian Marriage 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 8: Christian Liberty 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 9: More on Christian Liberty 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 10: Lessons from the Wilderness 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 11: The Communion Service 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 12: The Body of Christ 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 13: Agape Love 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 14: The Proper Operation of Spiritual Gifts 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 15: The Resurrection of Christ 
• 1 CORINTHIANS 16: Conclusion 

 When the church in Corinth received Paul's first epistle, those who were against Paul became more vocal, even expressing doubts about Paul's authority and apostleship. This second epistle is mainly Paul's defense and testimony of his ministry. 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 1: The Comfort of God 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 2: How to Resist Satan 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 3: The New Covenant 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 4: The Hope of Glory 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 5: Our Earthly Tents 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 6: The Ministry 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 7: Godly Sorrow 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 8: The Example of the Macedonians 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 9: The Spiritual Law of Giving 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 10: Paul Defends Himself 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 11: Paul's Trials 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 12: Paul's Weaknesses 
• 2 CORINTHIANS 13: Paul's Warning 

• 1JOHN • 
John was the last living apostle, the only one who wasn't martyred for Christ. The heresy of gnosticism was gaining a foothold in the Church when John wrote this letter. The Gnostics didn't believe that God created the "evil" material world, but that a distant emanation of Him did. They believed that Jesus was a phantom when He lived on the Earth and didn't have a body of flesh. Gnosticism was further developed by Arias, who started the Arian heresy. Arias denied the deity of Christ and claimed that He was only a created being. The Arian heresy is the basis of the Watchtower Society's (Jehovah's Witnesses) belief system. John sought to correct the heresy by emphasizing the deity of Jesus Christ in his writings. 
• 1 JOHN 1: Fellowship with God 
• 1 JOHN 2: Abiding in Christ 
• 1 JOHN 3: God's Love 
• 1 JOHN 4: Exhortation to Love 
• 1 JOHN 5: Praying According to God's Will 

• 1 PETER 1: Redemption 
• 1 PETER 2: Christian Conduct 
• 1 PETER 3: More on Christian Conduct 
• 1 PETER 4: Persecutions 
• 1 PETER 5: Exhortation to the Elders 

2 PETER 1: Knowing God 
• 2 PETER 2: Divine Judgment 
• 2 PETER 3: The Return of Christ 

HEBREWS 1: Let Us Draw Near to God 
• HEBREWS 2: The Humanity of Christ 
• HEBREWS 3: Jesus Is Superior to Moses 
• HEBREWS 4: The Rest of God 
• HEBREWS 5: The Priesthood 
• HEBREWS 6: A Warning to Slothful Christians 
• HEBREWS 7: The Superior Priesthood of Jesus Christ 
• HEBREWS 8: The New Covenant 
• HEBREWS 9:The Old Covenant and the New Covenant 
• HEBREWS 10: The Perfect Sacrifice 
• HEBREWS 11: The Hall of Faith 
• HEBREWS 12: The Patience of the Saints 
• HEBREWS 13: Application of Spiritual Truths 
• TITUS 1: Qualifications of the Elders 
• TITUS 2: The Lifestyle of the Christian 
• TITUS 3: The Christian in the World 

• 1 TIMOTHY 1: The Christian and the Law 
• 1 TIMOTHY 2: On Prayer 
• 1 TIMOTHY 3: Bishops and Deacons 
• 1 TIMOTHY 4: Advice to a Young Pastor 
• 1 TIMOTHY 5: More Advice on Pastoring 
• 1 TIMOTHY 6: The Treasure of Godliness 

• 1 THESSALONIANS 1: Faith, Love, and Hope 
• 1 THESSALONIANS 2: The True Minister 
• 1 THESSALONIANS 3: Paul's Concern and Love for the Thessalonians 
• 1 THESSALONIANS 4: The Christian Walk 
• 1 THESSALONIANS 5: The Return of Jesus Christ 

• 2 THESSALONIANS 1: The Persecution 
• 2 THESSALONIANS 2: The Day of Judgment 
• 2 THESSALONIANS 3: Exhortations 

1: Patience in Trials JAMES 
2: Faith and Works JAMES 
3: The Unruly Member JAMES 
4: The Love of the World JAMES 
5: The Latter Rain 

• REVELATION 1: The Revelation of Jesus 
• REVELATION 2: Ephesus,Smyrna,Pergamos,Thyatira 
• REVELATION 3: Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea 
• REVELATION 4: The Throne of God 
• REVELATION 5: The Sealed Book 
• REVELATION 6: The Seals Are Opened 
• REVELATION 7: The Remnant Is Sealed 
• REVELATION 8: The Trumpet Judgments 
• REVELATION 9: More Trumpet Judgments 
• REVELATION 10: The Second Coming 
• REVELATION 11: The Two Witnesses 
• REVELATION 12: The Dragon Cast Out 
• REVELATION 13: The Beast and the False Prophet 
• REVELATION 14: The 144,000 in Heaven 
• REVELATION 15: The Seven Last Plagues 
• REVELATION 16: The Plagues Are Poured Out 
• REVELATION 17: The Pulling Down of Babylon 
• REVELATION 18: Commercial Babylon Falls 
• REVELATION 19: • REVELATION 20: The Judgments 
• REVELATION 21: A New Heaven and Earth 
• REVELATION 22: The Soon Return of Christ

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