Rules and Regulations
1.1 Biblical Basis for Church Membership
1.2 Qualifications for Church Membership
1.3 Requirement for Baptism
1.4 Application for Membership
1.5 Procedure at Church Members’ Meetings
1.6 Transfers from Other Churches
1.7 The Discipline of Church Members
1.8 Termination of Church Membership
2. Church Officers
2.1 Elders
2.2 Deacons
2.3 Charity Trustees
3. Church Ordinances
3.1 Baptism
3.2 The Lord’s Supper
4. Church Members’ Meetings
4.1 The Purpose of Church Members’ Meetings
4.2 Ordinary and Special Church Members’ Meetings
4.3 Convening Church Members’ Meetings
4.4 The Conduct of Church Members’ Meetings
4.5 Voting
4.6 Minutes
5. Power of Amendment
5.1 Amendment Clause
This local church exists in order to fulfil a threefold purpose: a) The worship of God in Spirit and Truth (John 4:23). b) The edification and encouragement of the body of believers (Ephesians 4:16, Hebrews 10:24-25). c) The fulfilment of the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).
The Holy Scriptures contained in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the only rule or standard that God has given the churches to govern all matters of faith and practice. As its subordinate standard, the Church recognises the 1966 Baptist Affirmation of Faith, which is summarised below:
1. The verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and that they are the sole, supreme, and all-sufficient authority in every matter of Christian faith and practice.
2. One living and only true God, subsisting in the Trinity of Three co-equal and co-eternal Persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; all infinite without beginning; the Father neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Spirit eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.
3. The Deity, eternal Sonship, and spotless humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ; His virgin birth, crucifixion, death, and burial; His physical resurrection, and ascension into heaven.
4. The personal, eternal, and unconditional election of the Church in Christ unto everlasting salvation.
5. The Fall of mankind in Adam their federal head whose transgression is imputed to them, and from whom they derive a corrupt nature, thereby rendering them both unable and unwilling to meet the claims of God's righteous and holy law.
6. That though all men are rendered spiritually impotent by the Fall, they are none the less accountable to God for their sins, and they shall answer for the same in the day of judgement except they be granted repentance unto eternal life.
7. The special, particular, and eternal redemption from all sin, and the penal consequence thereof, of all God's elect, through the substitutionary sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
8. The eternal and everlasting justification through faith of the elect and redeemed Church, by the blood and imputed righteousness of Christ, irrespective of any moral or spiritual works done by them either before or after regeneration.
9. The effectual calling of all the redeemed by the invincible power and grace of the Holy Spirit, according to the counsel of God's will, involving their regeneration and sanctification by the direct agency of the Holy Spirit, through which the saints grow in grace perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord.
10. The grace of faith whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls is the gift of God, and the work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, who convinces them of sin, works in them repentance unto life, and enables them to look to, receive, and rest upon the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
11. The final perseverance in the ways of God of all those who have been chosen by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and regenerated by the Holy Spirit, so that they shall never perish, but have eternal life.
12. The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust, when the wicked will go away into everlasting punishment and the righteous into life eternal.
13. The duty and privilege of all true believers to profess their repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, by being baptized, that is, immersed in water, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, prior to becoming members of a Christian Church or partaking of the Lord's Supper.
14. The preaching of the Gospel to every creature as a divine command and solemn duty.
15. The necessity of a believer's life being consistent with the profession he makes.
16. The congregational order of the churches.
1 Church Membership 1.1 Biblical Basis for Church Membership According to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) there is an inseparable connection between making disciples, baptising them and teaching them. The apostles implemented this commission by gathering baptised believers into local churches teaching them all that Christ had commanded (Acts 2:38-42, Acts 20:20-21, 1 Corinthians 4:17).
With the exceptions of the dying thief on the cross (Luke 23:42-43) and the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:37-38), the New Testament records nothing of believing men and women who were not members of local churches. All believers are required by Christ to observe the Lord’s Supper which is clearly a local church ordinance (1 Corinthians 11 cf 1 Corinthians1:1-2).
It follows that all Bible believing Christians ought to belong to a visible local church to partake Biblically of the Lord’s Supper.
1.2 Qualifications for Church Membership
A person wishing to be a member of the Church must give a credible profession of faith in Christ and:
• accept the beliefs of the Church,
• meet the Church’s requirement for baptism,
• be accepted as a member at the church members’ meeting,
• acknowledge the responsibilities of a church member,
• abide by the decisions of the church members’ meeting, and
• be committed to serving Christ within the Church and beyond.
1.3 Requirement for Baptism A person wishing to be a member of the Church must have been baptised in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.1. 1.4 Application for Membership A person wishing to become a church member shall apply to the elders who will arrange for the candidate to be interviewed by two spiritually mature church members. They must assess whether the applicant meets the Church’s criteria for membership and submit a report to the church members’ meeting at which the application is being considered.
1.5 Procedure at Church Members’ Meetings
Applicants for membership will normally be required to give testimony at an Ordinary Church Members’ Meeting. If accepted, the new member will normally be welcomed publicly.
1.6 Transfers from Other Churches Where an applicant has previously been a member of another evangelical church a recommendation from that church will normally be required.
1.7 The Discipline of Church Members The Church may discipline members whose standards of conduct fall short of those laid down for Christians in the New Testament. As a spiritual society, the Church may impose only spiritual penalties such as suspension of privileges, excommunication, and, in the last resort, expulsion from membership.
The primary aim of discipline shall be the restoration of the offender and the matter shall not be brought before a church members’ meeting until private attempts have been made to bring about repentance. Examples of conduct justifying disciplinary action, all of which shall be deemed sufficient to justify expulsion from membership, are:
• uncharitable conduct towards others
• immorality
• schism
• heresy
• unwillingness to submit to the legitimate authority of the Church
• failure to attend the Lord’s Supper for 12 months, without good cause 1.8 Termination of Church Membership Church membership may be terminated in one of the following ways:
1.8.1 Transfer If church members move away from the area they will be encouraged to attend a likeminded church and the elders will, if requested, write a letter of commendation to facilitate transfer of membership to the new church. Such a letter may also be provided, at the elders’ discretion, when a member transfers allegiance to another evangelical church within the neighbourhood. No letter of commendation will be written if disciplinary action is in force or anticipated against the member concerned.
1.8.2 Withdrawal The Church prefers not to recognise the practice of resignation but it is legally possible for church members to resign their membership. Resignation also occurs when church members cease to attend the means of grace and, in effect, withdraw themselves from the fellowship of the Church without either transferring to another church or giving satisfactory reasons for their non-attendance. The Church will then withdraw from those members, recognising that they have already withdrawn from the Church.
1.8.3 Death Church members
who die are regarded as having transferred their membership from the church militant on earth to the church triumphant in heaven.
1.8.4 Expulsion Where the conduct of a member is considered to be contrary to the purpose and beliefs of the Church or disruptive to relationships between members, the elders may recommend to an Ordinary Church Members’ Meeting that the membership of that person be reviewed. The meeting shall consider the allegations against the member who shall be given the opportunity to hear the allegations and to speak in his or her defence before withdrawing from the meeting. The meeting shall then decide whether to terminate the membership of the person concerned. A person whose membership has been so terminated shall be entitled, with the support of four other members, to appeal to a Special Church Members’Meeting.
2. Church Officers This Church recognises two spiritual offices within the Church: elders and deacons, and one legal office: charity trustees.
2.1 Elders
2.1.1 The Function of Elders The task of elders is to serve the Church through oversight, ruling and teaching. They are responsible for:
• overseeing the conduct of public worship.
• the administration of the ordinances of believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper. • preserving purity of doctrine and the maintenance of discipline among members. • supervising all meetings and organisations connected with the Church including the oversight of those responsible for any other ministries of the Church.
2.1.2 Qualifications for Elders Only male members of the Church with the necessary qualifications as laid down in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 are eligible to serve as elders. In view of the responsibility the elders bear for the teaching ministry of the Church they must hold unreservedly to the Church’s Basis of Faith.
2.1.3 Number of Elders The Church is responsible for recognising the men whom the Holy Spirit has endowed with the requisite graces and gifts. As the composition of the membership of the Church may change, the number of elders will not be fixed.
2.1.4 Term of Office With the exception of a pastor (as defined in clause 2.1.5), elders shall retire from office after serving for a period of five years, but they shall be eligible for reappointment in accordance with the procedures set out in clause
2.1.6. 2.1.5 Equality and Diversity of Elders All the elders are equal in office and authority but will vary in their gifts so as to complement one another. Some will be engaged in public preaching and teaching more than others. This Church recognises the Scriptural principle that at least one of the elders should be remunerated in order to enable him to devote himself more effectively to prayer and the ministry of the Word. Such an elder is referred to as a ‘pastor’, and is to be regarded as an Office Holder and not an employee.
Prospective pastors (whether members of this Church or of another church) shall be nominated by the eldership but church members may suggest candidates to the elders for consideration. If the elders are in agreement, the nomination shall be considered at a Special Church Members’ Meeting. If the elders do not agree, they shall explain their reasons to the member making the suggestion who (if supported by four other members) may require the matter to be considered at a Special Church Members’ Meeting.
2.1.6 The Recognition of Elders Prospective elders shall be nominated by the eldership. Church members may suggest candidates to the elders for consideration and if the elders are in agreement, the nomination shall be considered at a Special Church Members’ Meeting. If the elders do not agree they shall explain their reasons to the member making the suggestion who (if supported by four other members) may require the matter to be considered at a Special Church Members’Meeting.
1.1 Biblical Basis for Church Membership
1.2 Qualifications for Church Membership
1.3 Requirement for Baptism
1.4 Application for Membership
1.5 Procedure at Church Members’ Meetings
1.6 Transfers from Other Churches
1.7 The Discipline of Church Members
1.8 Termination of Church Membership
2. Church Officers
2.1 Elders
2.2 Deacons
2.3 Charity Trustees
3. Church Ordinances
3.1 Baptism
3.2 The Lord’s Supper
4. Church Members’ Meetings
4.1 The Purpose of Church Members’ Meetings
4.2 Ordinary and Special Church Members’ Meetings
4.3 Convening Church Members’ Meetings
4.4 The Conduct of Church Members’ Meetings
4.5 Voting
4.6 Minutes
5. Power of Amendment
5.1 Amendment Clause
This local church exists in order to fulfil a threefold purpose: a) The worship of God in Spirit and Truth (John 4:23). b) The edification and encouragement of the body of believers (Ephesians 4:16, Hebrews 10:24-25). c) The fulfilment of the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).
The Holy Scriptures contained in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments are the only rule or standard that God has given the churches to govern all matters of faith and practice. As its subordinate standard, the Church recognises the 1966 Baptist Affirmation of Faith, which is summarised below:
1. The verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and that they are the sole, supreme, and all-sufficient authority in every matter of Christian faith and practice.
2. One living and only true God, subsisting in the Trinity of Three co-equal and co-eternal Persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; all infinite without beginning; the Father neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Spirit eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.
3. The Deity, eternal Sonship, and spotless humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ; His virgin birth, crucifixion, death, and burial; His physical resurrection, and ascension into heaven.
4. The personal, eternal, and unconditional election of the Church in Christ unto everlasting salvation.
5. The Fall of mankind in Adam their federal head whose transgression is imputed to them, and from whom they derive a corrupt nature, thereby rendering them both unable and unwilling to meet the claims of God's righteous and holy law.
6. That though all men are rendered spiritually impotent by the Fall, they are none the less accountable to God for their sins, and they shall answer for the same in the day of judgement except they be granted repentance unto eternal life.
7. The special, particular, and eternal redemption from all sin, and the penal consequence thereof, of all God's elect, through the substitutionary sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
8. The eternal and everlasting justification through faith of the elect and redeemed Church, by the blood and imputed righteousness of Christ, irrespective of any moral or spiritual works done by them either before or after regeneration.
9. The effectual calling of all the redeemed by the invincible power and grace of the Holy Spirit, according to the counsel of God's will, involving their regeneration and sanctification by the direct agency of the Holy Spirit, through which the saints grow in grace perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord.
10. The grace of faith whereby the elect are enabled to believe to the saving of their souls is the gift of God, and the work of the Holy Spirit in their hearts, who convinces them of sin, works in them repentance unto life, and enables them to look to, receive, and rest upon the Lord Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
11. The final perseverance in the ways of God of all those who have been chosen by the Father, redeemed by the Son, and regenerated by the Holy Spirit, so that they shall never perish, but have eternal life.
12. The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust, when the wicked will go away into everlasting punishment and the righteous into life eternal.
13. The duty and privilege of all true believers to profess their repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, by being baptized, that is, immersed in water, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, prior to becoming members of a Christian Church or partaking of the Lord's Supper.
14. The preaching of the Gospel to every creature as a divine command and solemn duty.
15. The necessity of a believer's life being consistent with the profession he makes.
16. The congregational order of the churches.
1 Church Membership 1.1 Biblical Basis for Church Membership According to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) there is an inseparable connection between making disciples, baptising them and teaching them. The apostles implemented this commission by gathering baptised believers into local churches teaching them all that Christ had commanded (Acts 2:38-42, Acts 20:20-21, 1 Corinthians 4:17).
With the exceptions of the dying thief on the cross (Luke 23:42-43) and the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:37-38), the New Testament records nothing of believing men and women who were not members of local churches. All believers are required by Christ to observe the Lord’s Supper which is clearly a local church ordinance (1 Corinthians 11 cf 1 Corinthians1:1-2).
It follows that all Bible believing Christians ought to belong to a visible local church to partake Biblically of the Lord’s Supper.
1.2 Qualifications for Church Membership
A person wishing to be a member of the Church must give a credible profession of faith in Christ and:
• accept the beliefs of the Church,
• meet the Church’s requirement for baptism,
• be accepted as a member at the church members’ meeting,
• acknowledge the responsibilities of a church member,
• abide by the decisions of the church members’ meeting, and
• be committed to serving Christ within the Church and beyond.
1.3 Requirement for Baptism A person wishing to be a member of the Church must have been baptised in accordance with the requirements of clause 3.1. 1.4 Application for Membership A person wishing to become a church member shall apply to the elders who will arrange for the candidate to be interviewed by two spiritually mature church members. They must assess whether the applicant meets the Church’s criteria for membership and submit a report to the church members’ meeting at which the application is being considered.
1.5 Procedure at Church Members’ Meetings
Applicants for membership will normally be required to give testimony at an Ordinary Church Members’ Meeting. If accepted, the new member will normally be welcomed publicly.
1.6 Transfers from Other Churches Where an applicant has previously been a member of another evangelical church a recommendation from that church will normally be required.
1.7 The Discipline of Church Members The Church may discipline members whose standards of conduct fall short of those laid down for Christians in the New Testament. As a spiritual society, the Church may impose only spiritual penalties such as suspension of privileges, excommunication, and, in the last resort, expulsion from membership.
The primary aim of discipline shall be the restoration of the offender and the matter shall not be brought before a church members’ meeting until private attempts have been made to bring about repentance. Examples of conduct justifying disciplinary action, all of which shall be deemed sufficient to justify expulsion from membership, are:
• uncharitable conduct towards others
• immorality
• schism
• heresy
• unwillingness to submit to the legitimate authority of the Church
• failure to attend the Lord’s Supper for 12 months, without good cause 1.8 Termination of Church Membership Church membership may be terminated in one of the following ways:
1.8.1 Transfer If church members move away from the area they will be encouraged to attend a likeminded church and the elders will, if requested, write a letter of commendation to facilitate transfer of membership to the new church. Such a letter may also be provided, at the elders’ discretion, when a member transfers allegiance to another evangelical church within the neighbourhood. No letter of commendation will be written if disciplinary action is in force or anticipated against the member concerned.
1.8.2 Withdrawal The Church prefers not to recognise the practice of resignation but it is legally possible for church members to resign their membership. Resignation also occurs when church members cease to attend the means of grace and, in effect, withdraw themselves from the fellowship of the Church without either transferring to another church or giving satisfactory reasons for their non-attendance. The Church will then withdraw from those members, recognising that they have already withdrawn from the Church.
1.8.3 Death Church members
who die are regarded as having transferred their membership from the church militant on earth to the church triumphant in heaven.
1.8.4 Expulsion Where the conduct of a member is considered to be contrary to the purpose and beliefs of the Church or disruptive to relationships between members, the elders may recommend to an Ordinary Church Members’ Meeting that the membership of that person be reviewed. The meeting shall consider the allegations against the member who shall be given the opportunity to hear the allegations and to speak in his or her defence before withdrawing from the meeting. The meeting shall then decide whether to terminate the membership of the person concerned. A person whose membership has been so terminated shall be entitled, with the support of four other members, to appeal to a Special Church Members’Meeting.
2. Church Officers This Church recognises two spiritual offices within the Church: elders and deacons, and one legal office: charity trustees.
2.1 Elders
2.1.1 The Function of Elders The task of elders is to serve the Church through oversight, ruling and teaching. They are responsible for:
• overseeing the conduct of public worship.
• the administration of the ordinances of believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper. • preserving purity of doctrine and the maintenance of discipline among members. • supervising all meetings and organisations connected with the Church including the oversight of those responsible for any other ministries of the Church.
2.1.2 Qualifications for Elders Only male members of the Church with the necessary qualifications as laid down in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 are eligible to serve as elders. In view of the responsibility the elders bear for the teaching ministry of the Church they must hold unreservedly to the Church’s Basis of Faith.
2.1.3 Number of Elders The Church is responsible for recognising the men whom the Holy Spirit has endowed with the requisite graces and gifts. As the composition of the membership of the Church may change, the number of elders will not be fixed.
2.1.4 Term of Office With the exception of a pastor (as defined in clause 2.1.5), elders shall retire from office after serving for a period of five years, but they shall be eligible for reappointment in accordance with the procedures set out in clause
2.1.6. 2.1.5 Equality and Diversity of Elders All the elders are equal in office and authority but will vary in their gifts so as to complement one another. Some will be engaged in public preaching and teaching more than others. This Church recognises the Scriptural principle that at least one of the elders should be remunerated in order to enable him to devote himself more effectively to prayer and the ministry of the Word. Such an elder is referred to as a ‘pastor’, and is to be regarded as an Office Holder and not an employee.
Prospective pastors (whether members of this Church or of another church) shall be nominated by the eldership but church members may suggest candidates to the elders for consideration. If the elders are in agreement, the nomination shall be considered at a Special Church Members’ Meeting. If the elders do not agree, they shall explain their reasons to the member making the suggestion who (if supported by four other members) may require the matter to be considered at a Special Church Members’ Meeting.
2.1.6 The Recognition of Elders Prospective elders shall be nominated by the eldership. Church members may suggest candidates to the elders for consideration and if the elders are in agreement, the nomination shall be considered at a Special Church Members’ Meeting. If the elders do not agree they shall explain their reasons to the member making the suggestion who (if supported by four other members) may require the matter to be considered at a Special Church Members’Meeting.
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