(The Adamic Administration)
The principle and purpose of delegated authority is accountability and responsibility.
The first government on earth came from a kingdom outside it. The world was governed in a way similar to the colonies we have been looking at. Yet the transcen-dent kingdom had significant differences: √ The territory of earth was created by the home country rather than taken by force. It was not anyone else’s posses-sion beforehand.
√ There were no inhabitants on earth at first, which was designed with them in mind; it was specifically prepared for those who would live here.
√ The original inhabitants were not of a different culture from the home country but were actually the offspring of the King himself. The similarities are these:
√ The home country desired to expand the realm of its influence by bringing the nature, mind-set, and purposes of the kingdom to the colony of earth.
√ The King’s Governor was present in the colony to oversee the transformation process. He was to guide the King’s children his local governors who were to convert the colony into a replica of the kingdom. Let’s take a closer look at the creation of this colony of earth.
@The Original Government.
The first book of Moses begins with these words: “In the beginning God [the Creator-King] created the heavens and the earth [the physical universe].” The Creator-King is described by first-century theologian Paul of Tarsus as “the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unap-proachable light, whom no one has seen or can see.” The eternal King of an unseen kingdom con-ceptualized and made the entire physical universe. By creation rights, it is his property. It would be impossible to grasp the vastness of the unseen kingdom that encompasses our universe especially when we consider that the physical realm in which the earth exists is too immense for us to comprehend. Our universe is so enormous that we’re still trying to find out where it ends. Astronomers have discovered billions (some say up to 200 billion) of galaxies in the observable universe. It is estimated that each of these galaxies has tens or hundreds of billions of stars.
Multiply billions of galaxies by billions of stars in each galaxy and you have a staggering number of stars in the universe.1 If these sheer numbers were not enough to astound us, consider the way they are held together. As NASA records,Almost every object in space orbits around something. The planets orbit the Sun; our Moon and the moons of other planets orbit their planets; comets orbit the Sun....Even the Sun is orbiting around the center of our galaxy....An orbit is the result of a precise balance between the forward motion of an object in space (such as a planet or moon) and the pull of gravity from the body it orbits.
An object in motion will stay in motion unless something pushes or pulls on it. This is Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion. Without gravity, an Earth-orbit-ing satellite would go off into space along a straight line. With gravity, it is pulled back toward the Earth. There is a continuous tug-of-war between the one object’s tendency to move in a straight line and the tug of gravity pulling it back. The universe exists in remarkable balance. This is why the Scripture says, in essence, that only a fool thinks, Nobody is keeping this universe in order. Clearly, an orderly government of vast ability and power maintains our universe.
@Expanding the Invisible Kingdom.
One of the New Testament writers said, “The universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” The King of the invisible world decided to create a physical world. He did this for the purpose of expanding his heavenly domain as an extension of him-self and his government. He created the physical universe so there would be additional territory to rule and to transform into the expression of his nature and desires. Returning to our definition of kingdom, we can say that the invisible kingdom is the governing influence of God over the territory of earth, impacting and influencing it with his will, his purpose, and his intent. Heaven is God’s kingdom or home country, and earth is his colony.We see various types of governing influence in our every-day human experience, not just in a political context:
√ An artist extends the domain of his mind and heart by expressing himself in physical paintings or sculptures, which can have an impact on those who view them.
√ A writer expresses the vision of his inner world through the printed word, and these words can influence the thoughts and attitudes of those who read them.
√ A businessman transforms his entrepreneurial concepts into specific companies that reflect his personal philoso-phy and provide new products and services that change the way others live.
All these are examples of individuals enlarging their per-sonal influence in the world.What people create, express, or build is usually a reflec-tion of their personalities and outlook. Therefore, as we look at the Creator-King’s desire to extend the influence of the invisible kingdom to earth, it is natural for us to want to know the nature of this King and his kingdom. What influence did he want to bring to earth?
@The Nature of the King:
A Perfect Government.
The nature of the invisible kingdom becomes especially significant when we learn that the inhabitants of earth are to have this very nature themselves. The first book of Moses records these words of the Creator-King:“Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule [“have dominion”] over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.Human beings were not made as machines or as beings with no direct relationship to the Creator. They were drawn out of his own person: “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule...over all the earth.”After creating the universe by his own divine prerogative, the Creator chose one planet amid all the planets of the uni-verse as the practical and unique extension of his influence earth. Then he extended rulership of earth to those made in his own image, his royal “children.” The original Hebrew word for “image,” selem, “means ‘image’ in the sense of essential nature.”
3/ The Hebrew word for likeness is demuth, which “signifies the original after which a thing is patterned.”
4/These words define and describe our design, capacity, potential, and value as human beings made to reflect the personhood of our Creator.The nature of our Creator-King was recorded by Moses as “the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abound-ing in love and faithfulness.” The only way a kingdom can function perfectly is if it is ruled by a perfect king who will not betray his citizens through corruption or oppression.
If he does, he is not a true king but a tyrant and dictator. Since a king is the source and owner of everyone and everything in his kingdom, the key to a true kingdom is benevolence. A perfect government does not exist for itself; it exists for its citizens.
@The Nature of Earth’s Citizens.
Being made in the image and likeness of the Creator-King means that human beings possessed his spiritual nature, char-acteristics, and essential specifi-cations. We were designed to be like, act like, and function like the Ruler of the invisible king-dom.After the Creator gave us his own nature, he (1) gave us physi-cal bodies so we could function in the physical world he had cre-ated and prepared specifically for us, and
(2) breathed His very Spirit into us, animating and empowering us to fulfill our call-ing on earth. Moses recorded, “The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nos-trils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”
The Creator-King formed man, Adam, from the dust of the earth, which means that this human “product” was present in the world but wasn’t yet alive. His body and brain were ready, but they were dormant. We couldn’t say that Adam was “dead” because there was no death at that time. He was what we could call an “un-living being.” It was when the Creator breathed into him the breath of life that Adam became a living being. That breath of the Spirit ignited life in Adam in three dis-tinct ways:
(1) in the invisible spirit of man, which, being made in the image of God, is eternal; (2) in the soul of man—mean-ing the total human consciousness of his mind, will, and emo-tions; and
(3) in his physical body, which became a living vessel housing the spirit and soul. Man’s soul and body gave him an awareness of his earthly environment, while the Spirit of God, dwelling within man’s spirit, gave him a consciousness of his Creator-King and the ability to communicate directly with the heavenly government.So the Spirit gave life to all aspects of Adam as a human being. The same was true in the creation of Eve, the first woman.
When God imparted his Spirit to human beings, humanity experienced the reception of the Spirit of God for the first time. The Creator’s Spirit was our heavenly “Gover-nor” on earth, who proceeded from the King and dwelled with us in the colony of earth, enabling us to receive, know, and carry out his will, much as the royal governors guided and led the people of the colonies.
The statement, “Let us make man in our own image,” does not refer to looking alike, but being alike. The intent of the Cre-ator-King was to express his nature through humanity. That nature was to be communicated through man’s spirit and mani-fested through his soul mind, will, and emotions eventually finding expression through his physical body.
In this way, human beings were created by God to live from the “inside out.” Human beings were created to express the nature of God—in other words, what he is like naturally. (We might say “supernaturally-naturally,” since the Creator-King is a purely spiritual Being.) A human being can relate to and reflect the nature of the Creator only if he possesses his essential image and has his Spirit living within him.
Paul wrote, “The God who made the world and every-thing in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands,” and “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” The Creator-King does not live in any type of build-ing, whether church, temple, shrine, or mosque.
His only true residence on earth is within his human creation. When his Spirit fills our bodies, we are his dwelling place. In this way, through the creation of humanity, the King built his own royal residence to settle in and from which to govern the colony of earth.
@Royal Children and Full Citizens.
Adam and Eve were the offspring or children of the Cre-ator-King. Humanity is therefore really a royal family whose Father is the King of avast an deternal kingdom . Human beings were not subjects but had full status of citizens of the kingdom, having been given free access to everything on earth.
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
The only exception to their complete access to the earth was a restriction on one part of their garden home, which was under the jurisdiction of the King alone.
He told them, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” We will talk more about this restriction in the next chapter.
@Assignment as Vice Governors.
When the King gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth, he was delegating authority to humanity. They were made local rulers in the territory of earth under the heavenly Governor. Humanity was like a “little Rome,” established on earth for the purposes of the kingdom of heaven and given the assignment of making the earth like the home country.
As such, they were like the patroni of the Roman colonies who founded and guided the colony on behalf of the kingdom.5But while the Roman patroni were limited to about three mem-bers, each member of humanity to be born on earth was given the mandate of dominion.
The earth was to be colonized by all members of the human race. I call this assignment the “A d a m i c A d m i n i s t r a t i o n .”To h a ve dominion means to govern, to rule, to control, to manage, to lead, to affect, and to impact. Human beings are essentially spiritual beings who live in physical bodies to carry out their governing responsibilities in the material world of the colony of earth. When the Creator-King said, “Let them have dominion,” he was saying, “Let them have ‘kingdom’ over the earth.
Let them influence the earth on behalf of my country of heaven.” Humanity’s job was to execute heaven’s policies, legislation, and oversight on earth to cultivate the life of the heavenly kingdom, manage the earth’s natural resources, rule over the animals, govern wisely and justly, and keep everything in order. All these things have to do with the administration of the territory.
@The Role of the Heavenly Governor.
It is important to note that since human beings were made in the image of the Creator-King and given the assignment of administering the earth, the key to their effective rulership was a benevolent governing that had the best interests of the kingdom and its citizens at heart. Only a perfect colonial gov-ernment could work in a perfect kingdom.I emphasized earlier that, in a colony, in order for del-egated authority to function, it had to have an open channel of communication to the king, as well as the power to perform its responsibilities in accordance with the king’s wishes. This is why the Governor the very Spirit of the King him self was given to humanity.The Governor came from the King and was the only one who could suitably transform the colony into the home coun-try.
He knew the King’s heart, mind, desires, will, and intent, and he was committed to carrying out the King’s purposes in the territory. Paul wrote, “For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” In addition, human beings were made in the image and likeness of the King, with his own personal presence living within them, so they would be able to transform the colony of earth in to an extension of the invisible kingdom.
Who could better implement the transformation process than those who had the very nature of the King and were guided by the very Spirit of the King? In this way, the earth would be intimately related to the home country in nature and purpose.We see therefore that the Creator-King’sintent was to rule the seen world from the unseen world.
He desired to rule the visible world through the spirit of man. And the Holy Spirit, as Gov-ernor of the human spirit, was humanity’s bridge to the home kingdom; he was the direct chan-nel of communication between the spirit of man and the gov-ernment of heaven.
It was the presence of the Holy Spirit within human beings that gave them the authority and ability to have dominion over their environment. I mentioned earlier that the primary issue of humanity is one of power, the ability to influence and con-trol life’s circumstances.
We desire this ability because we were designed to fulfill our original assignment as vice governors on earth. One of the psalmists wrote, “The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man.”
@Rulership over a New Territory.
Let’s look at humanity’s assignment from one other per-spective. A prince or princess who is the king’s heir doesn’t succeed to the throne if the king is still alive. The only way this might occur (apart from a king abdicating his throne) is for the king’s heir to go to another territory to rule. This has hap-pened in history, although rarely. Therefore, while the heir is in the same territory as the king-father, he or she remains a prince or princess. Yet if the heir lives in a foreign country or territory, he or she can rule as sovereign, while the king-father still rules the home country. So, if a king wanted his children to have the same power, authority, glory, and rulership that he possessed, he had to send them to a different territory or ter-ritories to rule.The King of the invisible realm of heaven is eternal. He cannot die. No one will ever succeed him on his heavenly throne.
Yet because he delighted in humanity, his children whom he had made in his own image, he wanted them to rule a territory of their own in his name. This was not a last-minute idea. He prepared the earthly colony before he created the first man and woman. He designed the perfect physical environment for his children to rule in.
The first book of Moses recounts the creation of the earth, sea, and animals which human beings were to rule over as vice governors prior to the creation of humanity. Then, we read, “The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” The natural world, as dis-tinct from the encompassing invisible realm, was an entirely new realm over which humanity could legally have dominion.
The message of the creation of humanity is therefore very practical. It is not about “religion” as we tend to think of it; it is not about rituals. It describes the government of an eternal King and kingdom and the King’s royal children whom he made his local governors on earth through the authority and power of his own Spirit. It is about the rule of a King over his territory and the transformation of that territory into the manifestation of his kingdom.
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