Saturday, August 10, 2019

|| Foursquare Gospel Church ||

 Baptism - Water baptism is required as a public commitment
to Christ's role as Redeemer and King. Foursquare Gospel Church
baptizes by immersion. Bible - Foursquare teachings hold that
the Bible is the inspired Word of God, "true, immutable,
steadfast, and unchangeable."
 Communion - The broken bread represents Christ's broken body,
given for humanity, and the juice of the vine reminds of the shed
blood of Christ. The Lord's Supper is a solemn occasion, entered into
with self-examination, forgiveness, and love toward all.
Equality - The Foursquare Gospel Church rejects anti-Semitism and
all ethnic discrimination. Since its founding by Aimee Semple McPherson,
the church has ordained female ministers, and women are active
throughout the church. Evangelism - Planting and growing
local churches is a priority. This church engages in global,
interdenominational evangelism.
Gifts of the Spirit - The Foursquare Gospel Church teaches that
the Holy Spirit still bestows his gifts on believers: wisdom, knowledge,
faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues,
and interpretation of tongues.
Grace - Salvation comes through grace, a free gift from God.
 On their own merit, human beings cannot earn righteousness
or God's favor and love.
Healing - Jesus Christ, who does not change, is still ready
and willing to heal people in answer to prayers of faith.
Christ can heal the body, the mind, and the spirit.
Heaven, Hell - Heaven and hell are real places. Heaven is
reserved for those who are born-again believers in Jesus Christ.
Hell, originally created for Satan and his rebellious angels,
 is the place of eternal separation from God,
for people who reject Christ as Savior.
 Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was conceived
by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and became a man.
By shedding his blood on the cross, he redeemed from sin
all who believe in Him as Savior. He lives as a Mediator
between God and man.
Salvation - Christ died for the sins of humanity.
Through his substitutionary sacrifice, he earned pardon of
sins for all who believe in Him.
Spirit-filled Life - Members are encouraged to live holy,
exemplary lives, honoring Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with
their thoughts and actions, behaving in a loving, sincere, truthful manner.
Tithing - The Foursquare Gospel Church believes that tithes and
monetary offerings are commanded by God for ministry,
evangelism, and to release personal blessing.
Trinity - God is triune: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The three Persons are coeternal, coexistent and
 equal in perfection.

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