Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Mormonism, also known as Church of Jesus Christ of 
Latter-Day Saints was organized by Joseph Smith in 1830 in New York. They say that the Bible is not all of the word of God. 

The three books written by Joseph Smith, ”Pearl of Great Price”, “Doctrine and Covenants”, and the “Book of Mormon” falsely 
claim to also be the word of God. Joseph Smith’s Book of 
Mormon was first published in 1830. It contained many, many grammatical errors, language blunders, absurdities, and contradictions.

 Since the 1830 edition, the Book of Mormon has had more than 3,000 corrections made to it. A Mormon apostle, Orson Pratt, wrote that, 
“The nature of the Book of Mormon is such that, if true, 
no one can possibly be saved and reject it; if false, 
no one can possibly be saved and receive it”. 

The Book of Mormon says that a man is a fool who says the 
Bible is sufficient and that it contains all of God’s revealed truth 
(2 Nephi 29:2-12). But the Bible says, 
But even if we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed” 

(Galatians 1:8). The Book of Mormon in Alma 7:10 says that Jesus was born in Jerusalem, but the Bible says Jesus was born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1). The Book of Mormon in Alma 46:13-14 says the disciples were called Christians in 73 BC, but 
the Bible says in Acts 11:26, “And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch” which was in about 40 AD, 
a difference of more than 110 years. 

The Book of Mormon (Halaman 14:20) says the sun, moon, and stars gave no light upon the face of the land and there was darkness over the land for three days after Jesus’ death, but the Bible says 
“about the sixth hour there was darkness over all the earth 
until the ninth hour” (Luke 23:44), which is three hours while 
Jesus was still hanging on the cross, not three days as 
the Book of Mormon falsely says. 

Mormonism falsely teaches that there are many gods, 
but the Bible says there is, “one God and Father of all” (Ephesians 4:6). They teach that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones, 
but the Bible says “God is Spirit” (John 4:24).

 Although they "baptize" for the forgiveness of sins, but they get their authority to do so from 3 Nephi 11:33-34 of the Book of Mormon. 
The Book of Mormon is a false counterfeit. 
One cannot be saved by obeying a counterfeit. 
They teach that one can be "baptized" for 
those who have already died. 

They also falsely teach that “there were several holy women that greatly loved Jesus…if all the acts were written, we, no doubt should learn that these beloved women were His wives” 
(The Seer, Vol. 1, p. 158-159).

 Pointing out all the errors of Mormonism would fill a book. 
 (Showing what they falsely teach and practice concerning salvation) Mormon ChurchQuotes copied & pasted from: http://www.mormonbeliefs.com/LDS%20Prophets.htm 
All Mormon churches accept Joseph Smith as a Prophet of God. 
After the murder ofJoseph, several have presumed to stand as his successor. Every latter day saint shouldconsider very carefully the claims of every man to this office. 

There can be only one trueProphet of God. 
The divine authority of each church depends on the validity of thatclaim. The first claim was made by James J. Strang.
 At the moment of Joseph's murder,400 miles away,
 he claimed to have been ordained, the same as Joseph, as FirstPresident. 

A letter from Joseph appointing James as his successor later 
arrived byregular mail. Two and half months later, Brigham Young claimed Joseph would have nosuccessor; and claimed the twelve apostles would stand at the head. Three and halfyears later, 
he reversed his position; and by the vote of man 
was elected to be theirFirst President. 

He was neither appointed by Joseph, nor ordained according to the lawof God. They settled in the Salt Lake Valley.
Quotes copied & pasted from:http://www.mormonbeliefs.com/Gospel%20Restoration.htm 
Joseph Smith later claimed to be ordained under the hands of Peter, James, andJohn as an Apostle of the higher Melchisedec
 Priesthood-- the same as prophets of old.Only by ordination 
to the office of Lawgiver (first degree Apostle), as Moses, 
could hegive revelations and commandments from 
God, for His people
.Quotes copied & pasted from: http://mormon.org/restoration/ In 1823 Joseph Smith was visited by a heavenly messenger named Moroni just asangels often appeared to Apostles in the New Testament. 
Moroni told Joseph about arecord of the ancient inhabitants 
of the American continent that was buried in a nearbyhill. 

He said it contained the fullness of the gospel of 
Jesus Christ and was written onthin metal sheets of gold. 
Joseph translated the book into English. 
The book was namedthe Book of Mormon after Mormon, 
the ancient prophet who compiled it.

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