Saturday, July 13, 2019


 ( Elisha Glory ) And so it was, when they had crossed over, that 
Elijah said to Elisha,“Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?” Elisha said, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me”(2 Kings 2:9) Elisha wanted to be just like his spiritual father, Elijah. That is the reason he asked for a double portion. Elisha wanted to continue the legacy so Elijah, in a sense, would live on through the same glory, yet stronger. It is recorded that Elijah performed seven major miracles—Elisha is credited with 16. The last one was after his death. 

His bones so held the glory and sound waves of power that when a dead man was thrown over onto Elisha’s bones in the same grave the man was instantly resurrected! The Elisha glory is when the torch of the last generation is passed to the next generation with even greater power. To operate in this realm, there are some important principles to understand. Recently several spiritual leaders and apostles of the faith have gone on to be with the Lord—now is the time to walk into the Elisha mantle and continue where they left off. To do this we must be willing to stand with those we consider our spiritual leaders when they are attacked or criticized.This is the true test of our love and friendship.When we are a close friend to those leaders who are being promoted, blessed, and honored, it is easy to want to be part of their company. 

But the test comes during persecution.The disciples were severely tested. Judas wanted what he could get from Jesus’ popularity. He wanted the same power for miracles, esteem in the eyes of others, and a place in the government next to Jesus when He would, supposedly, overthrow the Roman government. Of course Judas did not realize that it was the spiritual Kingdom of God on the earth that He was implementing at that time.When Judas and the others realized that the fun part was over and Jesus was going to be mocked, scourged, crucified, and humiliated, they had second thoughts about openly demonstrating their association with Jesus. When you know someone and their true heart, it does not matter what someone says, or what is written claiming otherwise. This will be the place of promotion or demotion depending on our stand in that moment.This is going to be the model for the true apostolic wave that is coming: believers are willing to lay down their lives for those whom God has placed us here to serve and ultimately the Lord Jesus Himself.The disciples left all to follow Jesus and Jesus said to them, “...he will do even greater things than these, because I go to be with my Father” (John 14:12 AMP emphasis added). That is when the double portion comes, when we receive the spiritual inheritance of our fathers in the faith because we were faithful to serve and honor them. 

Elisha left all to follow Elijah, a type of Jesus, and he received the “greater things,” a double portion anointing—and gave God all the glory.Few people in our day have really tapped into the double portion of what the Church saw even 50 years ago in regard sto the glory, power, and miracles.Why is this? Few today have even the same portion as Kathryn Khulman, A.A. Allen, and Jack Coe just to name a few of the great healing evangelists of the 1950s. 

                               RUTH HEFLIN 
I was blessed to know Ruth Heflin, a prophet and apostolic leader and minister. She was like Elijah in the sense that she was a prophetess unto the Lord like none other I have ever seen. She prophesied and spoke the word of the Lord to more presidents around the world than any other. She moved in signs and wonders and often glistened with “glory dust.” With one prophecy alone she would totally turn your world upside down and the prophecy would already begin happening as she was speaking it. Just being around her I felt like my him. Many other presidents and dignitaries invited her as well. 

Doors were open to her because she prayed for people, not against them. She would not allow her tongue to destroy a person of authority but instead prayed for those in authority despite their beliefs or sin. We decided to do likewise and pray for President Clinton to change. We prayed that he would repent publicly on national television. Sometimes you must not go with the crowd if you want to keep that anointing, even when your own reasoning does not understand what is happening. 

Soon after our prayers, he was on TV repenting. Ruth was used to birth a new revival of the glory of God and signs and wonders. In her camp meetings every imaginable sign and wonder took place which, of course, ruffled the feathers of those comfortable with the status quo. We again staked our ground and said that we are part of this new wave of God. We saw many souls saved, multitudes healed, governments open up to us around the world, and the blessings continue to this day. Ruth became very ill after a car accident and soon enough she went to be with the Lord. We had just been with her weeks before. In fact the weekend she died she was scheduled to minister with me in a big conference in the Haag in Holland. I arrived at the conference without Ruth and the pastor asked me where she was. When I told her she had passed away, he told me I would have to speak during her sessions as well as mine. 

I did not know what to say. How could I fill her shoes when others were expecting her to speak? The Lord showed me about walking in her shoes and mantle in a greater way. I was to minister in her sessions under her anointing as well as mine. I was to walk into the “double portion” which included the anointing and glory that I was faithful to steward upon my own life as well as the inheritance of some of her anointing, grace, and glory. As I ministered the glory, the prophetic, signs and wonders, and salvations, the glory doubled and multiplied like I had never seen before—and that was only the beginning. During the conference which ended on a Sunday, the Lord told me to go to Ruth’sfuneral. 

The only problem: the funeral was in the U.S. on Tuesday and I was returning to France on Monday from Holland to rejoin my wife and kids awaiting my return. I told the Lord how hard it would be to leave Holland by Monday, take a train to France, and then find a plane ticket at the last minute on the same day. I explained to the Lord that I had just been with Ruth a few weeks before.The Lord told me that I had to see her off until the end, as Elisha stayed with Elijah until the end, to receive the double portion.The Lord impressed upon me that it was of utter importance that I go no matter what the cost. I quickly called the airlines and miraculously found a ticket. 

I rushed to France, grabbed my wife, and rushed to the airport where we almost missed our flight. That night upon arriving in the U.S., I was in Ashland,Virginia, where her body lay the night before the funeral. As we walked in the room, the glory was so thick that we began to weep. Not just because she had passed away, but because of the intense glory that filled the room. It was stronger than when she was alive. I asked the Lord how this could be.Then He explained to me the passage when even the bones of Elisha had raised a man from the dead.The glory was so strong on his own physical body that a dead man could be raised by touching it. (See 2 Kings 13:21.) 

The Lord told me to touch her body and a double portion would be imparted. As she was now in a higher realm of glory in Heaven, her body was the point of contact to transmit the glory between Heaven and earth. As we laid our hands upon her body, the power of God shot though us like an electrical surge that can only be explained as resurrection glory. Little did we know that we would be sitting next to our new glory friends, Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda.They also received a mighty impartation and inheritance from Ruth.This was another reason God sent us, so He could direct us to our next covenant relationship in His glory. Since then we have seen a much greater glory and definitely at least a double portion of what we had before this trip. 
I have noticed something important about those who walk with the greatest mantles—they also honor Israel and the Jewish people who are the spiritual parents of all believers and the Church.As mentioned previously, as we honor our spiritual parents, Israel and the Jewish people, God promises a special blessing. In fact in these last days those who do not honor Israel will not receive the double portion. In Malachi, the spirit of Elijah being restored is connected to the hearts of the fathers (Israel) turning to their children and the children (the Church) to their father. How can we receive a double portion of what the early Church had if we don’t identify, honor, and associate ourselves with them and their offspring today? It will require us to stand firm with Israel in her time of crises when it is not popular to do so. Ministries that are sincerely praying, fasting, and interceding for our spiritual parents, Israel and the Jews who birthed us into the faith, will experience a whole new dimension in God. God is also calling many to support the work of God there and simply identify with them. Many of the people of Israel are now enemies of the Good News, and this benefits you Gentiles.Yet they are still the people He loves because He chose their ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For God’s gifts and His call can never be withdrawn (Romans 11:28-29 NLT). 

We see a generational blessing that doubles and multiplies.Abraham, blessed by God, left a spiritual inheritance to his son Isaac. Isaac was born with an already-blessed status left from his father plus whatever else he would do for God would be added and doubled. Each generation that honored its fathers received an even greater blessing. Jacob received the blessings of Abraham and that of his own father Isaac, plus whatever else he would be and do for God. If we cut ourselves off from identifying with the Jewish people, we lose that generational blessing and are cut off from the root of where the blessings began. The blessings came out of Abraham and the Jewish people. As we re- plug ourselves into that root we tap into all the blessings since Abraham all the way to Jesus, the early Church, and today. Take a strong stand with your forefather Israel and see the inheritance and double portion come upon you. Incorporate intercession for Israel and the Jewish people around the world, for their salvation, protection, and their return to the land of their forefathers. 
                                   JUDEO-CHRISTIAN HERITAGE 
Esther is a type of the Church. She was favored and had a good position in life and had favor with the king. The Church is often in this place, especially in the West.We are living off of the blessings that our forefathers, Israel and the Jewish apostles, laid for us. Many of us are comfortable and things are going fairly well. But there is a problem. The king knows not that Esther is a Jew and now there is an extermination decree. She is in a desperate position. 

Will she go before the king and risk losing her position, esteem, prosperity, and even her life by identifying herself with the Jews? It was known in Esther’s day that anyone who went before the king without permission would be executed. Furthermore, how would the king respond to her request to annul the declaration to kill the entire Jewish race? She had two options. She could stay and do nothing and continue receiving the benefits of a queen; or she could do something about it. Mordechai told her that she was born, blessed, and honored in her present position for a purpose, “Maybe you have come into the kingdom for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). In other words, the only reason God blessed and favored her in such a way was so she could use this favor to bless Israel. 

If she failed she would have missed the reason for her existence, blessed to be a blessing to Israel. She chose to reveal her true identity to the king. We, too, must reveal our true identity as children of God and offspring of Israel.Will we be silent in these days when it is unpopular to stand with Israel and the Jewish people; or will we reveal that we are one with Israel and honor our spiritual fathers of the faith and Jesus Himself who came as a Jew? The United States and Europe are facing this same dilemma. The nations that have experienced great revival in Christendom are among the most blessed and respected nations in the world.Will America and her allies stand by Israel and the Jews knowing that their blessings originated when they helped Israel become a nation again and became a refuge for many Jews? Or will we close our eyes and try to be politically correct so as to possibly avoid future enemy attacks? If we don’t take a strong stand with that which initiated our blessing, we will eventually lose what we are trying to save. We must once again stand with the root of our blessing and spiritual inheritance instead of cutting off our root system in hopes of self-preservation. 

And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you (Romans 11:17-18). Joseph had a similar testing as that of today’s Western nations. Although a Jew, he became great in the Gentile na- tion of Egypt. He used his favored position not just for himself but to save Israel from starvation. He revealed his true identity and revealed his association with his brothers and Israel. Moses also did the same and chose rather to suffer affliction with God’s people than to enjoy the pleasures of sin in the house of Pharaoh. Receiving the double portion of God’s glory and anointing rests heavily upon this principle of revealing your identity with God’s chosen people. Ruth followed Naomi, her Jewish mother-in-law, and God blessed her for it. She identified herself with Naomi and told her, “...wherever you go I will go...and your people will be my people and your God will be my God” (Ruth 1:16). 

That is what you call identifying with Israel. She was a Gentile yet followed and identified with her Jewish mother-in-law. She eventually met Boaz who was to be her husband who is a type of Christ. Boaz gave her a double portion of the grain that the others were receiving when he heard about her sacrifice and love for her mother-in-law. Ruth is even in the family lineage of Jesus. We, too, will reap a double portion Elisha anointing of everything that God has planned to give us if we honor our spiritual father, Israel, in these last days, and use our favor, finances, gifts, and anointing to bless Israel and prepare her to accept her Messiah. 

Cornelius was a Gentile who supported Israel and God blessed him spiritually as Peter came to his house and brought salvation and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the first Gentile convert. (see Acts 10) The Bible also mentions the Roman centurion whom they said, “loves our people,”and he even helped build their synagogue. Jesus was drawn to bless him when He learned how the Roman helped the Jewish people and granted his request. And when the centurion heard of Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to Him, requesting Him to come and make his bond servant well. And when they reached Jesus, they begged him earnestly, saying He is worthy that You should do this for him. For he loves our nation and he built us our synagogue [at his own expense]. And Jesus went with them... (Luke 7:3-6 AMP). 
Tradition demanded that the first born son receive a double portion of the inheritance and blessing of the father.That is why Esau and Jacob fought from their birth for the birthright to the time Esau sold his birthright, and regretted it later. I believe the Lord is about to release a first-born double portion now to those who are attentive and seeking it. The first born into the Kingdom were the Jews. From the Old Testament and in the New they were the first to receive the Commandments, to be called His people, to receive salva- tion and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. As they are the first born; God promises some things for them. Isaiah 60–62 speaks of the restoration of Israel and the Jews to their land and to their God.And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations. Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, and the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers (Isaiah 61:4-5). 

Here we see what is already coming to pass in our day as the Jewish people have begun to return and restore the na- tion that was practically in ruins.Verse 7 gets more exciting! Instead of your shame you shall have Double honor, and instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs (Isaiah 61:7 emphasis added). God promises a double portion to the Jewish people above all the other nations and people of the earth. If we identify with them as Ruth did with Naomi, we too will receive a double portion and fully enter into the Elisha anointing! If we fully identify ourselves with the Jews and Israel and make it known that we are of the same family, whether it produces blessing or persecutions, we are saying that we are joined with the first born. I believe that if we look at Israel as if it is also our land at least spiritually and if we intercede and fast and pray for the Jews around the world to know the Messiah, we will also be considered by God as the first born.Jacob disguised himself as his older brother, Esau, to re- ceive first-born status and blessing from his blind father. Because his father could not tell the difference as he smelled, felt, and almost talked like his brother, he gave Jacob the blessing.We must identify with the first born and God’s purposes in the earth for them so much so that we become mistaken for being the first born, and we will receive double portion. But, if we make a distinction between “us and them,” we will miss the double portion blessing. 

If we say we are the Church and we are now the beloved apple of God’s eye, apart from Israel and the Jews, then we lose our portion. God is now restoring all things, not dividing. God is preparing the “one new man” by taking the Ruths and the Naomis and joining those two into one—producing the double portion! Identify yourself as coming from the same family and lineage as Israel through Jesus and pray for their salvation; and you will begin to enter into the double portion. Those who watch and pray for Jerusalem, and spiritually as well as physically help to rebuild her ruins, will receive double portion glory. Because I love Zion, I will not keep still. Because my heart yearns for Jerusalem, I cannot remain silent. I will not stop praying for her until her righteousness shines like the dawn, and her salvation blazes like a burning torch (Isaiah 62:1 NLT). O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually.Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord. Give the Lord no rest until He completes His work, until He makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7 NLT When the glory and revival hit Argentina and Africa, mass deliverances were a new expression of the glory that many pastors carried with them to those nations. When the glory hit South Korea it manifested in a spirit of prayer. So much so that there are now “prayer mountains” all over South Korea, and they have imparted the spirit of persistent prayer to other nations. Australia and New Zealand have manifested the glory of God through a new wave of praise and worship which is sweeping the nations. 

The Bible says that His praise will come forth from the ends of the earth—we are seeing this happen today. France has the gift of passion.When believers receive the Lord they praise, dance, weep, and worship, pray and fast, with all their heart. England has produced some of the most renowned Bible teachers in the world with roots from the great revivals of the past. Many other countries are beginning to see new glory invasions. I believe that the Native Americans will see a wave of resurrections from the dead that will be imparted to the nations. I notice that the more I travel and minister in different nations, the more of God’s glory is imparted. Ministries with the most diverse gifts from God and are most openminded to new things are often ministries whose leaders have traveled to many diverse countries. 

They are not focused only on what God is doing now in their own nation, but have seen the glory manifested differently in many nations and have taken it as their own. It is possible to take ownership, in a sense, of a new glory and make it your own. For instance, after we ministered in Africa there was an immediate increase in mass deliverances whenever the glory would hit our meetings in the United States and Europe. There are new waves and manifestations of God’s glory that have yet to be manifested on the earth. The new glories will only be manifested as nations untouched by God’s glory are awakened.The Middle East and Arab nations have not yet seen the awesome glory that will be revealed once God wakes up those sleeping giants. China saw a tremensdous glory and reproduced millions of new converts in a short amount of time once the glory invaded that nation. Israel and the world will experience the greatest end-time glory invasion when the King of Glory, the Messiah, comes and takes His place in Jerusalem. Each nation has a glory that God wants to make known in the earth. 

In the secular sense, America is known for sports and apple pie among other things, France is known for perfume and pastry; and Brazil is known for soccer. Now God wants all nations to be known for the glory He will reveal through believers who will stand with Israel and His chosen people. God is sending people to nations who have never experienced a national move of God. God often sends His people from one nation to another to help that nation dig deep and discover His treasures hidden deep in the soil. Digging may require fasting, prayer, intercession, giving, repentance, and miracles. But after the glory of God is extracted from the ground and starts to surface, the reputation of that nation will change. 

China was known as a closed Communist country. Now its reputation is changing. Now we hear about China’s underground church and the great things God is doing there despite political and economic changes. God wants to change the reputation of so called “bad” nations that are full of “good news” potential. Saul was determined to persecute the church and had earned a bad reputation; but after the glory invasion touched his life and he became Paul, that same determination was transformed into tremendous manifestations of glory that continues to this day to bless the nations. I believe the ultimate climax of God’s glory on the earth will be when Israel rediscovers the glory of God at the return of the Messiah to Jerusalem.The Bible says that we are to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel” (Mark 16:15) and that “these signs will follow them that believe”(Mark 16:17) believe we have not yet seen all the manifestations of God’s glory. 

The glory will be fully manifested after we go to the nations that have not yet experienced the glory invasion of God in this generation or have never heard the Gospel. After you leave your country and set foot in another to preach or share the Gospel the, “Go into all the world...and the signs will follow” is activated and we have full rights to ask God to manifest His glory leading to many salvations. I believe that churches and believers who cannot go to other nations but will pray and send others with their finances, will also walk in the glory invasion and partake of a greater glory of God in their lives. 

As you press into His glory, ask Him to release a glory invasion of God in your life and accelerate what He wants to do through you. David Herzog is the founder of David Herzog Ministries. He and his wife, Stephanie, are hosts of “The Glory Zone,” a weekly TV program. David and Stephanie have ministered in crusades, conferences, revivals, and outreaches throughout the United States, Canada, England,Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium,Italy, Spain, Denmark, Holland, Norway, Malta, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Mexico, French Guyana, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, the Caribbean, the Arctic, Native American Reservations, Kuwait, and Israel. They have also lived 12 years overseas ministering to the nations of the world. The Herzogs have led seven tours/outreaches to Israel. About the Author David is a prophetic evangelist and motivational speaker who moves in miracles as well as trains believers worldwide to operate in the glory and power of God and succeed in every area of their lives. Their desire is to create a center to train people to do great works while taking the Gospel around the world via television, crusades, revival meetings, and prophetic street evangelism. The Herzogs are currently based in Sedona, Arizona, where they live with their three daughters. Supporting the greater cause of reaching the harvest of souls worldwide connects you to a glory and breakthrough greater than what you can accomplish on your own.

Together we accomplish many times more.When you give into a ministry that is good ground and living in the glory zone reaching the harvest, God blesses and multiplies what you given exponentially. Partners allow us to go beyond and accomplish many times over what we could with our own gifts, strength, or finances. Our ministry travels around the world to reach the lost through crusades, mission trips, revivals, feeding the poor, and our worldwide TV program, “The GloryZone,” airing now in every continent. Also, we strongly Partner With Us

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