Saturday, July 13, 2019


 (Resurrection Glory) 
and revelation in the knowledge of Him...and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the work- ing of His mighty power”(Eph. 1:17,19). The Lord will not only release His power to us which He already has, but it says He will release revelation in order to know the workings of His power. It’s no use having power without the knowledge about how to use it. 

I believe that God is revealing revelation knowledge in these days so believ- ers will know not just the power but how the power works even for raising the dead.God is restoring everything in these days and will do so with even greater power.The spirit of Elijah will once again be fully resurrected in our day! Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5). We know that one of the first major resurrections recorded involved Elijah and Elisha and the pattern continued in Jesus, and eventually, the church. It is interesting to study the resurrections recorded in the Bible. In two similar circumstances both Elijah and Elisha raised the dead in similar fashion.

 It would behoove us to learn from those who have already raised the dead. And he stretched himself out on the child three times, and cried out to the Lord and said, “O Lord my God, I pray, let this child’s soul come back to him.”Then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived (1 Kings 17:21-22). This major miracle in Elijah’s ministry launched him into a new realm. When Elisha was confronted with the same situation later in his ministry, he had had a great mentor and naturally raised the dead in the same way he had seen his spiritual father do. 

Elijah was the only one to learn from as is often the case today. Look carefully at the next passage and see how Elisha raised the dead, giving us more details than the first account. And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands; and then stretched himself out on the child, and the flesh of the child became warm. He returned and walked back and forth in the house, and again went up and stretched himself out on him; then the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes (2 Kings 4:34). There are several keys to raising the dead as written about in the Elijah and Elisha experiences. Both of them stretched out their bodies on the dead boys. 

The Scripture explains that Elisha put his mouth on the boy’s mouth, as well as his eyes and hands on the boy’s eyes and hands. Why in the world would someone put their mouth on a dead person’s mouth? Today this procedure is known as mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and sometimes works to revive a person who has stopped breathing. But where did this idea originate? Resurrection Glory Life was breathed into man’s nostrils by God. 

God symbolically put His face to Adam’s face and brought life to him.This Genesis account may have been a source of direction, revelation, and inspiration for Elijah. What God did was breathe “spirit” into man. A person with only a body but no human spirit has no life. Life is in the spirit of a person.When someone dies the spirit of the person departs from the body. If the human spirit returns to the body, life returns.We see this principle in Ezekiel. Also he said to me,“Prophesy to the breath, prophecy, son of man, and say to the breath,‘Thus says the Lord God; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.’” 

So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army(Ezekiel 37:9-10 emphasis added). The word breathin God’s command to the prophet is really translated as “spirit” when translated from the original writing in Hebrew.The spirit of a man or woman returning to their body is the key to raising the dead.That is why Elijah prayed, “Oh, Lord, let this child’s soul come back to him.” 

He was calling the child’s spirit back into his body. Often, today’s translations of the Bible are not as accurate as they could be, and we lose much of the revelation we could be using. The differences between translations became clear to me when I was preaching in Quebec, Canada. Before as I was reading from an English Bible, it said He commanded breath; but in the French Bible it says He commanded their spirit to return to them, not just breath.As I was preaching, I received a revelation. I preached this revelation as it was coming to me while on the pulpit. All of a sudden a glory for raising the dead was released into the roomI could sense it so strong. During the service, a boy crippled from birth walked for the first time in his life. Later in the meeting, I prophesied over an evangelist in the church and told him,“greater things will you do, soon you will raise the dead.”

Five days later the man I prophesied to was in the hospital to have a growth removed.While in the operating room waiting for the surgery to begin, a dead woman was brought into his room.They tried to revive her, but nothing worked.Then it struck him.The man remembered my prophecy about him soon raising the dead. He had also received revelation about how to do it as I had preached about that with a new revelation. In front of the five French Canadian doctors he yelled out to the dead woman to come back and commanded that her life (or spirit) return to her in the name of Jesus. He declared this twice. 

I can only imagine what the doctors were thinking—they might have thought he was in the wrong kind of hospital. Then suddenly the lady opened her eyes, took a deep breath and was alive. The doctors were shocked and thanked the man for his help. One revelation from God is all it takes to see a new manifestation of His abundant glory. Don’t ever forget that a new revelation brings a new manifestation of God. 

We need to continually seek God for fresher and clearer revelation into the things of God for a greater and more powerful manifestation of God’s glory in the world in these last days. Another time, I was holding an outdoor crusade in Africa. During the service I received a word from the Lord that a lady in the crowd had come to the meeting by faith yet her daughter was dying in a nearby hospital. 

Then I received a word from the Lord that the girl had just died but that we were to pray her back to life from where we were. When I spoke that word out, the mother began to weep. From the pulpit I commanded the spirit of the girl to come back into her body even though she was not physically at the meeting. After the service the mother ran to the hospital to see what had become of her daughter. The doctor said while the mother was gone she died and was no longer breathing; and then explained that they realized later she had come back to life.

Time wise, she started breathing shortly after we began commanding her spirit to come back into her body. In this case I did not personally need to be in the same room to see the dead raised, as there is no distance in the glory. Since there is no distance in the spirit,we can command things to happen far away from us. Jesus commanded the Roman centurion’s servant to be healed without setting foot in his house and the same hour his servant was healed.

Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up (John 11:11).How could Jesus tell them that Lazarus was not dead when clearly by all human measures he was as dead as any other corpse? What was the revelation behind all this and how did He raise him from the dead? Earlier in the passage Jesus even said that the sickness was not unto death but for the glory of God. Lazarus was Jesus’ friend. He, along with Lazarus’ sisters Mary and Martha, spent much time together. Lazarus was well acquainted with the power and life of Jesus. 

One day while I was preaching in one of our miracle cam-paigns, this revelation hit me right before I went up to the microphone Jesus was able to speak to Lazarus even though he was physically dead. How was Jesus able to speak to him? Because Lazarus knew Jesus! After the life of Jesus touches a life and breathes on it, it can never die. Because you have a living, personal relationship with the Messiah, you will never die. Lazarus was not dead he knew Jesus. 
All Jesus needed to do was wake him up from his sleep.
The proof that he was not dead, at least in the spiritual sense, is that Lazarus responded by obeying Jesus and came back into his body.

 Anything that God has breathed upon that seems dead is actually not dead but only sleeping or in a spiritual coma! Because Lazarus’ life was totally devoted to God’s Kingdom, Jesus could easily pull him from Heaven to earth.When God has touched something in your life, it never dies even if it seems like it is not moving. Has God spoken or prophesied some things over your life that once had life and 

now seem dead? Did God use you powerfully in a certain way and now it seems to be lost or gone? Those gifts and prophesies are not dead. 
 If God ever breathed upon an area of your life, it is not dead, only sleeping. Wake it up! Did God heal you and you seem to have lost that healing? It is not lost, only sleeping; because He has already touched it. Maybe you have unfulfilled promises. If they were “God breathed,” then they are not dead. Even Abraham had faith that God would raise Isaac from the dead if he had to go through with killing him as a sacrifice. (See Genesis 22:1-18.) Why? Because he knew that 
God had already breathed life and destiny on the boy and that God cannot lie and that God is life, even in the face of death. 

Even the promise to give Abraham a son at his ridiculous age had to come to life. His body and the body of his wife were as good as dead, yet God spoke life to their bodies and a son, Isaac, was born. There is nothing that God has ever touched that appears dead that God can’t awaken. Believers in the Kingdom of God never really die as we are now made alive in Christ whether in the body or Spirit. I believe as you read this God is revealing some things and promises to you that you thought God forgot about or allowed to die. He is just waiting for you to realize the revelation that your dream, prophecy, revelation, desire, or miracle is not dead only sleeping! He is ready to awaken those promises as you open yourself to His abundant glory.

 Even cities and countries that once had major revival and now seem dead are not dead, because the ashes of that revival still remain in the ground. In France, for example, tens of thousands died as martyrs for their faith during the revolution and even before. They were called the French Huguenots. France, a country many have identified as spir-itually dead, has never been dead only sleeping; and is now awakening with major miracles being witnessed, souls being saved, and churches growing life from the dead despite the problems there. 

There is a suburb of Paris called St. Denis where the World Cup Soccer tournament was played. In the subway station there is a statue of a man holding his head in his hand, his name is St. Denis. He was a believer who preached with such conviction that the religious leaders of his day had him beheaded. It is written that St. Denis picked up his head and walked several miles from the place of execution back to the very church that ordered his death. I believe he was not really dead because he had been touched by God! God has manifested His resurrection glory in times past in different ways and today is no different because God never changes. 

Across the United States, Europe, and many other Western nations, the abundant glory and power of God is once again resurrecting and waking up what was and continues to be. Several years ago I ministered in Spokane, Washington, where John G. Lake ministered healing to the whole city. People came to his healing rooms where they would be prayed for and remained until they were healed. 

Everyone who entered left healed. Spokane was rated the healthiest in America by secular standards. I visited his gravesite and there is a pine tree growing right through his grave.While preaching I saw a vision of John G. Lake being raised from the dead. The Lord showed me that his anointing and ministry did not die when he passed away and that it would be resurrected if someone would just pick up the mantle that is lying on the ground in Spokane. 

The glory that touched the city and seemed to have faded away, is actually sleeping, waiting for someone else to wake it up. A short time later I learned that someone had bought the property and renamed it the “healing rooms” and the healing ministry of John G. Lake is continuing today right where it started! In fact, now there are churches all over the country that have healing rooms. The mantle never died, just waited for someone with the revelation to awaken it. After God has breathed on an area, a city, a ministry or anything, it only sleeps, never dies.Wake it up! Stir up the gifts that are in you and stir up the mantles over your region. God is unleashing the Elijah glory with resurrection power to raise bodies, ministries, families, and nations from the dead! 

The early church walked on a level of resurrection glory and power that we have yet to see. What was their secret? How did they tap into this extreme glory?The Bible talks about the spirit of Elijah being restored in the last days in the Book of Malachi. 
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of 
the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 

And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse (Malachi 4:5-6). Here we see the return of the spirit of Elijah connected to the hearts of fathers turning to their children and the children to their fathers.The Jewish people are the spiritual fathers of the faith. The Gentile Church today is the chil- dren and offspring 
of the Jewish apostles and prophets. We have been disconnected from each other for over 2,000 years.As we are reconnected to each 
 other it will unlock the resurrection power of God that the 
early Church walked in. As mentioned previously, the Church was cut off from their Jewish roots in A.D. 325 during the Council of Nicaea and ever since that time the power and visitation of God has been turned way down compared to what it was in the early church.

 I believe it was actually lifted from the Church for a long season. As we reconnect to the Jewish roots of the Gospel, we will draw from the rich soil of God’s power. Paul clearly demonstrates this in his writings in the Book of Romans. For if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?”(Romans 11:15). Here we see Paul talking about the raising of the dead in connection with Israel and the Jewish people restored to salvation in their God. Basically when Israel, the root, is restored to the Messiah and we are connected to that root of Israel and our Jewish forefathers, it will be as the raising of the dead for us and our ministries. 

God is about to unleash a wave of resurrection glory to ministries and churches that will reconnect to the root and help Israel return to her Messiah.They will be accepted as they come as well as be a hedge of protection.The early Church started with all Jewish believers and later opened to Gentiles.That dynamic allowed for an explosion of God’s power as the two became one in Him. A flower cut from its roots can only survive two days before it starts to die. 

The Church today has been uprooted and on its own for 2,000 years without connection to Israel.We think we can continue the way we have been; but the third day is coming and we cannot survive unless we get reconnected to our Jewish roots from where the Church originated. A day is as a thousand years to the Lord we are now entering the third day. On the third day Jesus rose from the dead. Ministries that are not reconnecting to Israel and its revival and influencing their followers to pray for, bless Israel, and prepare her for the coming harvest, will start to die out and the anointing, blessing, and favor will dry up with it.

 Those who are beginning to root themselves back into Israel, praying and supporting the revival of Israel will be part of a third day wave of great resurrection glory, power, favor, prosperity, and harvest! I say then, have they stumbled that they should fall? Certainly not! But through their fall, to provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the Gentiles. Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!(Romans 11:11) What a great reason to pray and be a part of the revival of Israel, so that the fullness of what God has for the nations and our ministries comes to pass. Paul clearly explains in Romans that God’s plan is to show Israel mercy once again, just as He has shown mercy to the Church that has also been disobedient. 

God wants to create “one new man,” Jew and Gentile as one in Him.When that happens, I believe it will unleash an avalanche and worldwide wave of glory that we have yet to see! Let it begin today in your life and ministry. In the Book of Ezekiel, there is mention of a valley of dry bones coming back together then being raised from the dead. Many use this passage to preach to the Church about arising out of its slumber and lukewarmness; but I believe this passage is actually referring to Israel today. It can be applied to the Church after it has been properly applied first to Israel to whom it was originally written. 

So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.Then He said to me,“Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel.They indeed say,‘Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off! (Ezekiel 37:8). This is clearly a picture of the Jewish people, the whole house of Israel, who had no homeland and had been scattered and lost. But God is beginning to resurrect and gather His chosen. In 1948 the nation of Israel was established and is now in the middle of world events. It is evident that Israel, God’s chosen, is a vital link to the future of the nations. 

The Hebrew language has also been resurrected after 2,000 years. How does all this relate to moving in resurrection power? The resurrection of Israel and her revival will unleash the last great worldwide harvest of souls and bring resurrection glory back to believers. As we accept and participate in what God is doing for His chosen people, the entire body of believers in Jesus will reap the same resurrection glory that is occurring with Israel as a nation. 

Therefore prophesy and say to them, “Thus says the Lord God: ‘Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you back into the land of Israel.’Then you shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up from your graves. I will put My Spirit in you and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land.Then you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken it and performed it,” says the Lord (Ezekiel 37:12-14). Wow, what an exciting time we live in. 

It says that God is opening their graves and bringing them back to their land, Israel. This is already beginning to happen; many Jews are moving to Israel, but there are many more who want and need to go home to Israel. Ezekiel commanded the bones to come together and flesh came on them but there was no spirit or breath in them. I believe that as soon as the remnants of God’s chosen people go to Israel, their homeland, God will start to breathe His Spirit upon them and bring national revival.This will, in turn, cause global revival. Many from the United States and Western Europe, where the majority of Jews reside today, are moving back to Israel. 

As you pray them home, help them with their move to Israel, support ministries that help them, reach out to them in Israel and at home, and stand up for them in their time of persecution and you too will partake of the greatest wave of power, revival, and glory that has ever been experienced.When we began to bless Israel our lives and entire min-istry changed dramatically. First, we toured Israel which I recom-mend every believer do at least once in their lifetime. While on our first trip to Israel in 1994 we were visited in the Upper Room by the Holy Spirit. Also during the trip, my wife and I led 13 Israelis to the Messiah. Having blessed Israel with souls saved and with the outpouring we received in the Upper Room, God rewarded us with non-stop revival for the next five years leading up to a six-month nightly revival with souls saved daily, miracles, and signs. In 1999, the Lord told us to go again to Israel and pour out the glory of God that we were experiencing afresh with demonstrations of power to the congregations and churches in Israel.We were able to impart what God had given us, and the ministries we ministered to began to move in great power, 
signs and wonders. Due to this, God told us He would enlarge our ministry because we had deposited His glory into a larger arena in Israel. During the next two years we held large glory/miracle campaigns across Europe, Africa, the United States, and other nations with many extraordinary miracles resulting and many more salvations. 

God also opened television opportunities for us, and we were able to purchase our own property and ministry base in Europe to reach the nations on that side of the world, in addition to our U.S. ministry.In February 2003 we took a team of 50 people to Israel.As we toured and held meetings, Israelis streamed through the doors asking if they could join our singing they said they felt so happy when they were with us. We rejoiced with them as they rediscovered their Jewish Messiah. 

During this trip we met with Israeli government officials and blessed them and prayed for them and repented for the Western church’s history of anti-Semitism, and resolved to stand with Israel with a declaration signed by many believers abroad. The government official was moved to tears and vowed to give this resolution of support for Israel to the prime minister at the time, Ariel Sharon.This was one of our first steps in reconnecting with Israel, returning to our roots, and standing with the nation of Israel in her time of need. 

 I believe that in this next, and maybe final, move of God, any ministry or believer who does not have some type of emphasis on blessing, praying for, sharing the Messiah, or loving Israel and the Jewish people in these last days, will begin to notice a dwindling of influence and lose their anointing, favor, and finances. Those who don’t connect, death and stagnation will occur as we enter the third day  the hour God wants us to return to our early church roots and the first few hundred 
years of its greatest glory.

This reconnection is a major aspect of the in these last days, 
restoring our foundation on which we stand as He restores the spirit of Elijah, turning the hearts of the children to the fathers and the
 fathers to the children. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; 
May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, 
Prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of my brethren and companions, I will now say, “Peace be within you.” 
Because of the house of the Lord our God,
 I will seek your good (Psalm122:6-9).

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