Saturday, July 13, 2019


Wait Until the Spirit Moves 
We understand that when the glory comes we have to act,obey, 
and let God do what He intends in that glory. Now you may be asking,“How do I get the glory to come?” There are several 
things that open up the glory realm. Holiness is one of them. 
In fact, in Pensacola, Florida, through an emphasis on holiness, 
the realm of glory was opened to such an extent that revival 
continued for years and caused thousands to be saved and 
brought millions into one level of glory. 

The same could be said for Charles Finney and many of the past revivals as they pursued this holiness portal into one dimension of His presence. Pursue holiness so you can stay in His glory and keep the channels and intimacy with God open more information on this subject of praising and worship that ushers in His glory. The third way to usher in the glory is fasting and prayer. When you fast and pray you are breaking through into the glory realm at an accelerated pace.Why? 
The glory of God was so strong in the Garden of Eden, but the desire for forbidden food caused that glory to be cut off from man 
in the first place. When you fast, you usher back in that 
glory as you deny food for more of God.You are, in a sense, 
telling God that His glory is more important to you at that time than even food. That is why Jesus said,“I have food to eat of 
which you know nothing...”(John 4:32). 

Fasting propels your spirit into the glory much like the rocket boosters and the enormous power that propels the space shuttle into orbit. Once in that realm you tend to hear God better, the power and presence of God increases upon you, and your faith deepens if you are spending that time in prayer, praise, and the Word.Your spirit is totally focused on the spirit realm and distractions tend to lose their grip.
That is why Jesus, the apostles, Moses, Elijah, 
and most of the patriarchs had a life of fasting and prayer
 with such phenomenal results that they shook nations and saw impossibilities become realities.

 I highly recommend Mahesh Chavda’s book,The Hidden Secret of Prayer and Fasting, to go deeper into the subject of fasting. Another key to ushering in the glory is sacrificial giving.It opens up the glory and miracles in ways that nothing else will.There are countless testimonies confirming this throughout Wait Until the Spirit Moves the Scriptures, from Genesis through Revelation.The Book of Malachi 
examples that the “windows of Heaven” open when 
there is a spirit of sacrificial giving. “Bring all the tithes 
into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, 
and try Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts,
“If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and 
pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room 
enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:10). 

The widow who gave her last meal to Elijah multiplied her blessings and her son was raised from the dead. Many of these examples are in my book Mysteries of the Glory Unveiled. When these open doors of glory are together at the same time, it causes an explosion of glory.When these ele- ments are mixed together in a ministry 
or at a meeting there will be a major glory explosion leading to visitations from Heaven’s throne, signs and wonders, 
revival, harvest, and an eternity full of His blessings. 

Now that we know some of the ways to prepare an atmosphere for the glory to come, how do we get the glory of God to manifest? Have you ever been in a meeting and the glory and power of God were so strong that you knew for sure that miracles would take place, but still 
nothing happened? You left with the presence of God all over 
you but you could not figure out why the glory of God did 
not manifest. Because the glory of God is present, 
many make the mistake of immediately praying for the sick, 
casting out spirits, and inviting people to the altar. 

Many times the results are less spectacular compared to what could have been had they waited for the moving of the Spirit, not just the coming of the Spirit. It is one thing to get the glory and Spirit of God to come, it is another thing to get Him to move.Some church leaders are so focused on getting God to come down that they have no revelation about His moving. On the other hand, some try to get God to move, 
but if He has not fully come or He is not yet giving the
 direction to move, I guarantee you He will not move. 

Once the glory comes, there are ways God chooses to operate 
in order for Him to move. The Bible says,“The earth will 
be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters 
cover the sea”(Hab. 2:14). The earth will not be filled with just 
the glory but the knowledge of the glory. If you don’t have the knowledge of something, you will have trouble seeing it operate. 
The priests who carried the ark found this out the hard way. 
When the wheel got stuck, one of the priests tried to fix the
 problem himself and was struck dead! (See 2 Samuel 6:6-7.) 

Somehow they were able to have the ark of the glory in their midst but did not have revelation about the ways of God and how He moves and operates. In the Book of Genesis the moving of the Spirit is explained. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
The earth was without form and void; and darkness was on 
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering 
over the face of the waters.” (Gen. 1:1-2 emphasis added). 
 Wait Until the Spirit Moves In the beginning we see the 
Spirit of God “hovering” or moving.We must not just get
 the glory or Spirit to come; we have to wait until He moves! 

He does not wait until we move; we have to wait until He is moving before we move. When He moves, we can move and great miracles will occur. How do you know He is moving? It is similar to the wind you know when the wind is moving even though you can’t see it.
You can sense the wind is moving. Our sensitivity to 
His moving needs to be developed. As soon as the Spirit 
began to move over the waters, as told in the Book of Genesis,
 then God spoke, “Let there be light,” And there was light.

We have to wait until the Spirit moves before we declare things, pray for miracles, or take great steps of faith. Once the Spirit has moved, then you step out in faith and do or say that which God is doing or saying while He is moving. After the presence of 
God’s glory has moved, you can be sure that God has 
already gone before you to perform what you will say or do. 
Now you can pick the fruit. In our meetings we always 
try to wait until the Spirit is really moving before 
we pray for any miracles. 

Then great miracles occur. I remember when I was in New Zealand. The Spirit started to move and God told me to call out that baldness was healed. At the end of the meeting a 72-year- old man who was totally bald had hair appear on his head and he still has a full head of hair as of the time of this writ- ing. These kinds of things happen 
when the Spirit is mov- ing. We have seen this same miracle 
of instant hair growth occur several times in the 
United States and Europe. 

We see this same “wait until the Spirit moves” principle in the pool of Bethesda healing. The paralytic explains to Jesus that an angel comes every now and then and stirs the waters. When the waters are stirred whoever gets in the pool is healed. (See John 5:1-8.) The stirring of the waters seems like the Spirit hovering over the waters in Genesis. 
When you wait until the Spirit moves before acting in faith, you will have victory. Using your faith is not the only thing needed.
We need to use our faith at the right timing. 
Elijah prophesied that it was going to rain. 
He sent his servant out several times to see if clouds or 
rain had arrived. Finally when the servant checked 
the seventh time, a cloud the size of a 
man’s hand had formed! 

When Elijah sensed that the Spirit had started to move to bring the prophecy to pass, he began to act. He told the man to get in his chariot quickly and go fast before the rainstorm hit! (See 1 Kings 18:43-45.) Imagine that there has been a famine and no rain for years and someone tells you to get out of the city because of 
the rainstormsand all you see is a tiny little cloud. 
But Elijah knew that when the Spirit starts to move, 
you better move as well or you could 
miss your day of visitation. 

I was in my room one day praising, worshiping, and praying until the Shekinah glory of God filled my room. I kept pressing in 
until I felt the Spirit of God moving. The Holy Spirit told me to emphatically declare that London, England, would open up 
for the glory of God. I did exactly that. Suddenly the 
telephone rang during my prayer time. It was an invitation to 
minister in London at Kensington .

Wait Until the Spirit Moves  Temple. 
As the Spirit moved, the door was already opened; I only had to declare what God had already prepared when the Spirit moved. Another time, I was in London preaching in a large African church. During the meeting I told the people that the Spirit was moving 
and that anyone who was sick or needed a miracle should 
get up and run. Hundreds of peo- ple got up and started running around the room. In that meeting, tumors dissolved, 
gold teeth fillings appeared, and many other miracles.

There was a man in the back who was in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. He also had kidney failure and cancer; and was told that he only had a short time left to live. The man could see that the Spirit was moving, although it was his first time in church. 
He was not even a believer. But, he told himself he had 
nothing to lose and he stood up and began to run with 
the other people while the Spirit was moving. 
He was totally healed that night. He gave his life 
to the Lord and was still healed years later when 
I followed up with him. When David went to fight the 
Philistines and inquired of the Lord whether or not 
he should go and fight and how to do it, the Lord appeared
 to him and told him to wait until he could see the wind or the Spirit blowing in the mulberry trees. Again, this waiting for the 
Spirit to move was a sign to David when to fight. 

David won the battle that day as he waited until the Spirit 
moved before acting. (See 2 Samuel 5:23-25.) 
When the Spirit moves, you move with it. 
Don’t wait until tomorrow. If the Spirit moves on 
 you now to do something or call someone, 
pray for some- one, or give to someone, 
do it as the Spirit is moving 
if you want miraculous results. 

Now you know how to get the glory to come and how to wait until He moves. But you might be wondering if there is anything you can do to facilitate the moving of the Spirit. Is there anything you can do while you are waiting for Him to move to speed things up? 
Yes there is! Keep doing what- ever you did to get 
Him to come in the first place and soon you will sense 
when He is moving. While you are waiting keep praising, fasting, praying, giving, etc. until He moves. 
This is a discipline that in time will train your spiritual 
senses so that you can discern the slightest moving of His Spirit. 

Paul and Silas where in prison and needed the Spirit to move on their behalf.They did not just sit there while wait- ing for God to move; they continued praising Him until the glory and Spirit of God came and moved. When the Spirit moved, they knew it because the earth also moved and shook and the prison doors were opened! 
(See Acts 16:16-26.) In Acts 4:29-31 they kept praying, praising, fasting, and seeking God as they had done at Pentecost in Acts 2. 

Only this time they had a new manifestation of the glory not only did the Spirit come but it also moved, and the earth moved and the building shook! It is well worth waiting for Wait Until the Spirit Moves the Spirit to move; and while waiting, keep the doors of glory open by fasting, praying, praising, repenting, and giving. Amazingly enough, it is recorded in Acts 4 that the believers started giving sacrificial gifts to 
the apostles, including the price of their property and land that they had sold. This stirred the Holy Spirit to keep moving in the early church until there was not one who lacked among them. 

Then in the next chapter of Acts, Peter’s shadow alone healed the sick going beyond the laying on of hands.Theearly believers went from glory to glory after they knew how to wait until the Spirit moved! Even the prophets would often have someone play the harp or an instrument to get the Spirit moving before they would prophecy. 
Then, when they did prophecy, it shook Heaven and earth 
as entire nations were changed. I’m not suggesting that the 
gifts of the Spirit can only operate at specific times.
 I believe that if you limit your gifts until the glory comes, 
when you do share them the effects will be powerfully 
life-changing and situation-changing. 

Instead of just using your gift under your anointing, 
when you wait until He gives you the signal, then Heaven’s 
glory is backing it up and making it a hundred times more powerful. Many people minister out of their gift instead of out of God’s glory.
 The glory and presence of God comes first, then the gift. 
Be sure not to get the order mixed up if you want to see 
what the apostles saw and experience the next 
move of God’s glory upon the earth.

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