Saturday, July 13, 2019


Deliverance Glory 
One of the characteristics of the glory that the Elijah mantle 
carries is what I call deliverance glory.When the glory of God appears, deliverance happens quickly. In the glory there is no time as we consider time on the earth. One day is as a thousand years. 
The glory is an accelerator. What would normally take years, 
happens in a moment in His glory.The Word of God says, 
“Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). 
Well, how would things be in Heaven? If you had a tumor and 
walked into Heaven, how long do you think it would take
 you to be healed? On the same note, if you needed 
deliverance from something, how long would it take 
you to get it if you had been in Heaven? Instantly right? 
The reason: the glory that is in Heaven. 

In the glory there is no sickness or demons because just as in Heaven, they are not allowed to enter. If God’s will is to be done on the earth as it is in Heaven, then the one ingredient missing from earth as it is in Heaven is the glory.When that glory appears on the earth, then we can say and expect with confidence that His will be done as rapidly on the earth as it would be in Heaven.In Mysteries of the Glory Unveiled,
 I mention how the glory comes.There are several ways to create an atmosphere for His glory to come.When it does come, 
deliverance happens in a much faster way than without His glory appearing. King David learned this lesson when he played 
the harp for Saul. He knew how to tap into the glory realm through praise and worship which is very powerful. In fact, David was known to play the harp with skill, and the special presence of God that 
resided on his skill manifested when he played. 
Saul was tormented with evil spirits and needed relief. 

He called on David to play the harp and while he did, Saul would be relieved of the tormenting spirits. The reason: true worship leads to the glory and presence of God appearing in response to worship. 
When the Lord Himself appears in His glory or brings 
His presence, evil flees. Arise, shine; for your light has come! 
And the Glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, 
the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness 
the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His Glory 
will be seen upon you  (Isaiah 60:1-2 emphasis added) 

Light expels darkness by its very nature.When the lights are on, there is no darkness. If you try to cast away darkness but you yourself are not full of light, chances are it will takeyou a long time to do it. 
When you are full of the glory of God, often one word from 
God alone will expel the darkness. Jesus came to the man 
with the legion of devils. The man was chained and the 
whole region feared the man. With just one word, 
“Go!” the man was totally freed. (See Mark 5:1-20.) 

The less you are filled with the glory of God, the longer it takes to cast out darkness or to see deliverance and victory in spiritual warfare.
The real warfare takes place when you remain in the glory; once there, the Lord fights on your behalf. The disciples struggled over casting out the spirit from the boy who kept throwing himself in the fire. 
They failed to free the boy. Jesus had been praying and 
fasting all night on the mountain. He came and cast out 
the spirit from the boy and then corrected the disciples, 
explaining the need for prayer and fasting. 
(See Matthew 17:14-21.) 

Fasting is another way to get into the glory quicker. 
The more of His glory that is in you, the less effort it takes
 to expel darkness. Less glory will lead to more of you trying 
to do the job in your own strength.That is why deliverance and 
warfare are usually very tiring.We need more of His glory
 and then less intervention on our part will be required. 
When I was in Africa preaching in a crusade there were 
many people desperately in need of deliverance. 
I ministered on the glory of God and during the open air 
outdoor meeting a demon-possessed woman approached 
the stage hissing like a cat. My knee-jerk reaction was 
to cast it out so as not to disrupt the meeting. 

But then again, I did not want the focus of the meeting to shift to 
the devil and this woman when the people were so close to t
he glory and worshiping the Lord with all their hearts. 
The Lord told me I had two options. I could bind the spirit and she would calm down, but the crowd’s focus would be on her. 
My other option was to keep the people worshiping and 
as the glory increased the Lord Himself would deliver not 
only her but the entire crowd. I chose the latter.
The woman got closer and closer to the stage but 
I just ignored her and kept the people singing. 

Suddenly I was singing a new song. The song went something like this,“In heaven’s glory there are no demons or darkness, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” As I began to sing, 
I could see angels descending upon the people from a portal in Heaven. As I pointed in the direction where the angels were, 
hundreds of people on that side of the crusade suddenly 
fell to the floor, screaming, vomiting, and coughing as 
deliverances took place while I was singing. 

Then I pointed to another direction where I saw the angels and hundreds more on that side of the stage fell with the same 
deliverance manifestations. Those involved in witchcraft, 
freemasonry, generational curses, and the like were 
being gloriously set free. This went on for about two hours. 
I never had to huff and puff and scream,or go through 
all the deliverance techniques some use during one-on-one deliverances. Mass deliverances were taking place 
while we were worshiping and singing. When I sang, 
“there are no demons in the glory in Heaven,” 
the demons had to leave. 

Demons know they cannot enter Heaven and realized that with the glory coming down, the same rules applied. Imagine hundreds of people instantly delivered as the glory invaded. I didn’t have to 
ask the demon’s name and all his relative’s names before they went. 
All that was neededbring the glory down and let God do it His way.
The only problem was that the demon-possessed lady 
approaching me on the stage did not budge. 
I simply asked that the angels working the crowds 
would come to the stage to accompany this woman. 

As soon as I spoke, the woman began pointing to the angels on her right then on her left as she screamed in fear. She fell on her back and her legs began kicking violently as if someone was pinning her down. The kicking stopped and she was set free, normal, and in her right mind. As the music played and people worshiped, 
we heard in the background hundreds of people 
screaming as mass deliverances were taking place.
 At the end of this many souls ran up to the front to be saved. 

Even people a mile away heard the screams and came to watch they too ran up to be saved.That night there was almost no preaching except the salvation call at the end; yet many gave their hearts to 
the Lord seeing the deliverances and the glory of God.
 This is deliverance glory . The glory is an accelerator and 
speeds up the process. God uses angels in the process of deliverance.The more of the glory there is, the more 
angelic beings are present. When a king or leader 
comes into a room there are body guards and an entourage.

The same happens when the glory appears; God has an entourage of heavenly hosts. These hosts will secure an area much like when a country’s presi- dent appears in a public place. They will ensure that dark- ness and danger are removed to prepare for the president’s arrival. Angels, having just left Heaven to accompany the glory,
 radiate with heavenly presence light and much dark ness is 
expelled when they are present.When Elijah faced the 
entire Syrian army that was looking to capture and kill him, 
he had a similar experience. 

His servant was frightened and told Elijah that they were out numbered. Elijah prayed, asking God to open the eyes of his servant. 
When he did, the servant could see multitudes of armies of 
angels aligned in the heavens ready to fight on their behalf.
Then he knew they were not outnumbered but were actually 
in the majority. In Acts 1:8 God promised to also release 
His power on us. That being true and knowing that he has
 thousands of angels at His disposal, so we do too! 
(See Matthew 26:53.) If we could only perceive the army of 
angels that God has placed at our disposal to dispel 
darkness and enemy forces, we would never fear anything again.

The secret is to stay in His presence, in the secret place, so that His glory becomes our guard. He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1).
 I was in French Guyana a few years ago when this realization 
became a reality to me. At the time of prayer there were 
hundreds of people requesting prayer. It was hot as 
Guyana is located on the Equator, and with no air 
conditioning we were sweating profusely. 
I asked the Lord how in the world were we to pray for 
all the people and He told me to use my ministry team. 

The problem: I did not bring my own team with me on this trip. The Holy Spirit then opened my eyes and showed me that I had a large angelic ministry team. He instructed me to walk among the people but not to touch them so that His ministering spirits could do the job. As I obeyed and walked among the people, the power of God touched them, knocking many to the floor as they received miracles, 
deliverance, and others even went into trances during 
which they had visions of Heaven for several hours. 
Some recounted that they had been to Heaven and
recounted the things that God spoke to them. 

God did the work through angels. Jesus was able to call a legion of angels to the Cross,though He chose not to and obeyed God. 
Even before the Cross, ministering spirits ministered to Jesus 
after He sweat drops of blood. These angels strengthened his
 physical body after losing blood. He surely needed the strength for 
the day that lay ahead of Him. Jesus said that all power has 
now been given to us. I believe we also have access to 
a legion of angels if the need ever arose a legion is 
technically 6,000.We need to make room and allow 
these heavenly hosts to do much of the work on 
His behalf for us.

More and more we need to learn to operate in the glory 
realm His way and let His hand touch the people. 
Often we get in the way, wanting to do all the work when 
He can do it so much better and fasterwith longer lasting results.
Ask God to use you in deliverance glory, to see not just people but entire cities and nations freed from darkness in His glory.

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