Saturday, July 13, 2019


Government Glory 
Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising (Isaiah 60:3). As the spirit of Elijah is increasing so will the glory to speak into governments increase and be released in unprecedented ways. I know this is already happening but soon it will occur at an accelerated pace and there will be so many prophets and apostles speaking to heads of nations that the government leaders will be unable to deny what God is saying to them. Prophetic signs and wonders will confirm what is being said.The church has often been satisfied with the prophetic gifts staying confined within their church, home groups, or special conferences. 

But, these are only the starting places where there is room to learn 
and grow in these gifts. Unfortunately, many have allowed the prophetic gifts to stagnate on a lower level, blessing only each other with words. Now is the time for God to showcase His prophetic glory to the heads of nations.The Bible says in the Book of Proverbs, “A man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men”(Prov. 18:16). 
Now is the time for God to share this gift with the secular world so they will be confronted with God’s Word and power. 
God greatly desires to speak to world leaders and those in 
positions of influence such as actors, athletes, bankers, 
and business men and women; people desperately looking 
for an answer to major worldwide crises.There needs to be 
enough vessels prepared, trained, trustworthy, and purified 
to carry out this task. 

Moses spoke to the major world power of his day, Egypt. Not only did he go to the Pharaoh and prophecy, but he also moved in signs and wonders to support his words. I believe that this is the true Elijah glory of the last days. Weneed to prepare ourselves to do God’s bidding on a grand, worldwide scale. We cannot just give accurate prophetic words, they must be coupled with a signs and wonders ministry. 

Some messengers of God move stronger in the prophetic and others move stronger in miracles, signs and wonders. Both giftings are critical and where one is lacking, the other will be strong a combination of the two is greater yet.These two groups need to connect and minister more together so as to receive the fullness of both. Elijah prophesied that it would not rain for three and a half years, and then, that it would rain again for three and a half years. (See James 5:17-18.) 

Elisha spoke to Naaman and prophesied that if he would dip seven times in the Jordan River he would be healed, and he was.Through Elijah and Elisha, God touched a world leader and a military commander of an enemy nation with a prophetic word that brought miracles. Naaman went and searched out Elisha. 
As the glory grows over modern-day prophets, world and community leaders will search out those of us who choose to obey God in this new expression of His glory. The Bibles mentions in Isaiah 60:1 to “Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.” As we arise and allow His glory to penetrate every part of our being, we will activate a reaction in the world and the seats of governments.They will be drawn to search us out as His glory will appear upon you. As this happens and His glory moves upon us, it will trigger a chain reaction. Isaiah 60:3 (NIV) says, “Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

 We must arise and keep rising so that even the presidents, prime ministers, kings, governors, and mayors of the earth will search us out to hear from God and see His glory. David the shepherd boy knew this glory. He worshiped God in the fields with the sheep and practiced the presence of God. Sheep symbolically represent believers. 
God wants us to first practice the presence of God in our 
places of worship and our homes until it gets so 
strong that leaders search us out. 

As Government Glory David grew in glory, he defeated 
the giant Goliath although he was a small boy. 
Years later, word reached King Saul about a young man 
who could play the harp and drive evil spirits away. 
God promoted David above all his brothers who were 
naturally skilled, talented, and physically impressive. 
David was the one prophesied to be king because 
he let the glory arise in him until it became evident. 

God has to do a major work in us in order for us to be able to handle such a task.We are often dealing not just with that leader but also the principalities and powers working behind that government position. We must be ready for such an assignment going in unprepared spiritually could be suicide. Paul the apostle went to Cyprus and ministered 
to the key leader of the island, the proconsul. While doing 
so he had major opposition from a sorcerer, Bar-Jesus who tried to dissuade the proconsul just before his conversion. 
As mentioned previously, Paul prophesied that the 
sorcerer would become blind for three days. 

That prophetic word, coupled with the sign of the sorcerer losing his sight, attested to the urgency and importance in God’s heart of the leader’s conversion.The enemy knew that if the leader became a believer, it would affect the entire nation of Cyprus, allowing freedom for the Gospel to be told. This freedom would spread and touch other leaders in the Roman government and even effect laws 
regarding the Gospel. As Paul was ready to do God’s bidding,
 we must be ready at all times. We cannot have any ulterior 
motives for wanting to be used in this way. 

Selfish ambition, pride, insecurity, and greed can have no root in us. The people of authority we will be speaking to often deal with these issues. Our motive must simply be that God spoke and we are trying to obey what He has told us to do. If we allow insecurity and false humility to control us, we may bail out at the last minute feeling unworthy to speak to those in authority. We must remember,“...
It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me...” (Gal. 2:20).

Your identity has to be so changed that you don’t look at your own stature, influence, or past identity.You must have a total transformation of identity which comes from being transformed by the presence and glory of Jesus. Peter had a total change of identity having been with Jesus. He boldly confronted the religious leaders to repent, telling them that it was they who crucified the Lord. They were amazed at his boldness and authority knowing he was unlearned and a simple 
fisher- man from Galilee. His past identity did not stop Peter. 

Jesus gave him a new identity,“fisher of men!” I believe that one reason not many “noble people” are chosen to proclaim the Gospel is because they would be tempted to ride on their natural talents, persuasiveness, or influence. We need a new identity in order to walk into a new calling and level of glory. Lay down everything you think you are, or are not, 
in the eyes of others, and let God resurrect you into a new creation.

As you start to see yourself in His eyes and act that way, others will recognize a new authority in you and you will become a new person. Paul had his identity changed as he encountered the glory on the road to Damascus. He was blinded for three days and was a changed man. His entire identity changed from being a persecutor to one 
who became an apostle of the Lord. 

One powerful experience in His glory will change us and blind us to what we were and open our eyes to a new calling and identity. 
can counsel and direct them in the right direction through the supernatural. Many leaders are so desperate not to make 
the wrong decision that may result in nationwide consequences 
that they consult mediums, psychics, or sorcerers. 
These are the type of people you will be “competing with” 
when you approach an earthly king. But, one word from 
God is more powerful then 10,000 words from a sorcerer. 

Kings Saul and Solomon consulted sorcerers during their reigns 
which led to the end of their careers and ministry. 
We owe it to our generation to proclaim the “Word of the Lord.” 
It is sad when a ruler of a nation cannot find or has not 
heard the Word of the Lord and is forced to rely on wicked 
ones to give him direction. 

Leaders also look for someone who is trustworthy, without ulterior motives. When Naaman offered to give many material treasures to Elisha, he refused them because God told him not to take it. 
Maybe Naaman attempted to pay for the healing he received 
from Elisha’s God because he had paid sorcerers in the past 
for their service, relieving him of any debt that he may have 
thought he owed God and the man of God. But Naaman’s 
debt to the Lord God of Israel was worship only. 
Elisha’s servant, though, went back and pretended that 
Elisha changed his mind and wanted the material things, 
thus comprising his character as a doubleminded man. 
(See 2 Kings 5.) 

Kings look for men and woman of God who are not ministering 
to them because of the potential material gain. If that is their 
motivation, they are no better than magicians or hirelings. 
For example, I believe that the prophets of Jezebel had 
God-given prophetic gifts initially, but sold out to Jezebel for hire. 
When we prophesy we need to have no other motive but 
simply to be the voice of God to that gov-ernment, media, entertainment, school, or business leader. 
Being the voice of God puts great authority upon you and 
nothing can deter you. So first we need a word from God; 
and second we need to be trustworthy in order to be received 
by the kings of the earth. Being trustworthy is especially
important when it concerns private or sensitive issues 
that would jeopardize the leader if your conversation 
would become public. 

If kings are led of the Lord to bless servants in ways that 
increase His work, that is perfectly acceptable and 
appreciated but it cannot be our motive. 
And we can’t receive a gift if we feel it is being given as 
payment for your service or as a form of manipulation. 
We must discern between a gift given to God through you in thanksgiving to God, and a gift given with a control element 
involved securing fu- ture words when needed or given as 
payment for your help. 

Eventually the kings will come and give their gifts and favor to advance the Kingdom of God as Cyrus did. “ you the wealth of the nations will come. ...and their kings will serve you... so that men may bring you the wealth of the nations—their kings led in triumphal procession...
You will drink the milk of nations and be nursed at royal breasts.
Then you will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob” (Isaiah 60:5,10,11,16 NIV). 
God wants the wealth of kings to flow into the hands of 
His people,but in His way and His time.
The Bible declares that “the wealth of 
the sinner is stored up for the righteous” (Prov. 13:22). 

As mentioned in Chapter 4, as I was traveling from Paris to 
the country of Gabon in Africa, on my first visit to hold 
crusades and television interviews, the Lord told me 
to prepare to witness to the government in that country.
This account is a continuation of my earlier reference 
to this visit and is explained in more detail about what 
went on behind the scenes. When I arrived and the pastor 
asked me if there was anything that he could do for me, 
I asked him if he could secure a meeting with either 
the president or vice president of the country. 

He looked surprised, but the next week he called my hotel room and said, “Get dressed, in two hours you are meeting with the vice president of Gabon in his home.” Even though God had spoken 
it to me in the plane, I was amazed and asked the pastor 
how he arranged the meeting. He said he told the vice president 
that I was a prophet with a word from God and that he urgently 
needed to hear it. Because I never identified myself as 
a prophet, even though our ministry often moves very 
prophetically as God leads, I asked the pastor why 
on earth he told the vice president I had an urgent word for him.

 He said it was the only way he could set up a meeting to where the vice president would listen. The pastor asked,“Well,do you have an important prophecy or message directly from God?”“No, not yet,”
 I answered. “Well, you better get one quick!” he said. 
I began to pray and ask God desperately for a word. 
I had the faith to believe for a meeting with the government 
official but totally forgot to pray about what I was supposed 
to say if this meeting really took place. God does not play around,
 if He says you will speak to so and so, you better be prepared 
to take it seriously. I confessed, prayed, bound, praised, 
and almost begged. Finally the two hours were up and 
still no message from God. What was I to say? 

Some poetic prophecy like, “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?” I wanted to be prophetic not pathetic. This is a man who does not have time to waste.This was not the time to play a guessing game such as asking him if his mother dropped him when he was six years old and then follow with, “God is healing your rejection.” 
No, it’s got to be better than that. The world often needs more 
proof that God is speaking. I have learned the importance of 
upgrading prophetic gifts. Many of us are satisfied at the 
beginner’s stage of the prophetic like explaining 
a prophetic vision, “I see a vision, the sky is blue,
 you are in a boat and the wind is blowing.” 

And then when someone asks what it could mean you simply respond by stating you don’t know but that is what you saw. 
When God puts someone of high authority in your path 
and the destiny and direction of a nation, community, 
or organization could be at stake, it’s time to believe 
God for more detailed words that a leader will quickly 
identify as being from God. I believe that within the church God provides a safe environment to grow in the gifts, but when 
it’s time to use it in the world, that is the time to demonstrate 
the power of God. Finally I prayed all I knew to pray and 
wondered why I did not get a word. 

Suddenly at the last moment the Lord spoke to me the word 
I was to give the vice president. I asked the Lord why He took 
so long to answer. He told me that He was waiting for me to stop talking so I could hear what He wanted to tell me. 
I could have gotten His word two hours earlier if I would 
have simply been still before Him and spent time listening, 
not continually requesting. I told the vice president what 
God told me: that he is second in command of the nation as was Joseph and Daniel and that he would be tested in similar ways. 
Then I shared some personal things about his life and also 
areas only known to him and that if he would obey 
God in those areas, he would be further promoted. 

Also, there were warnings from God concerning certain things 
that only he and God could have known.When I finished 
sharing what God told me, I prayed with him and his wife. 
The man began to weep in front of me and so did the wife. 
They said that what I told them was a word directly from 
God and that they desperately needed to hear it exactly at that time.
 I was relieved and thanked God and them for their time. 
 I left and asked God to confirm that I was not dreaming.
Two hours later, Dr. David Yonggi Cho, the pastor of the 
largest church in the world with over 700,000 members,
 met with the vice president. Dr. Cho was scheduled to conduct a crusade in Gabon’s capital city where I had just ministered. 

He had flown from Korea and after landing headed straight for the home of the vice president. He sat exactly where I sat two hours earlier; and he gave the vice president the exact same prophecy almost word for word. What a surprise the vice president must have had and what amazing confirmation he had from God sending two totally different servants from totally different countries with the same message. GATEWAYS Similar incidents have happened in different countries. If God tells you to speak to government or other leaders, then declare it prophetically to yourself and then as you do God will send angels, people, and circumstances to make the arrangements.

 Here is a more detailed example. As I was flying to preach in Wanganui, New Zealand, the Lord told me to prophecy that the gates of the city were opened. So I declared that the gates of the city were open to the Lord for the glory of God to come in.The Word of God talks about meeting with the elders at the gates of the city. (See Genesis 23:18.) There is a connection between ports of entry into a nation or city and the leaders or elders meeting you at the ports of entry. Both the pastor (the spiritual gate) and the mayor (the political gate) met me at the airport (the physical gate). In Bible days there were security checks to make sure no enemies entered. Today our identity and purpose of entry is also checked at modern-day ports of entry.

This is where I met the spiritual and political “elders” of the city. Both are important gates that need to open to the purposes of God.The mayor just happened to be there at the same time and the entire terminal was empty except for these two men. I walked up to the mayor and introduced myself, and then I began to prophecy some things that God had shown me would happen in the city and how he could prepare for it.The mayor welcomed me and told me to contact him if I needed anything at all during my visit to his city. The Lord had basically given me favor and the keys to the gates of the city.

There was no hindrance in the spiritual or governmental realm. We had a most wonderful week of meetings with many unusual creative miracles such as a bald man receiving hair on his head, many healings, souls saved, angelic visitations, and many more miracles resulting in souls being saved each night. I know now that the words of the mayor welcoming me to the city were really welcoming the Holy Spirit and Jesus to do His purposes, and it made a big difference in the turnout of the meetings. More and more my wife and I are invited to be interviewed on television yet another gate or port of entry.
When we are offered this opportunity, usually I will be led to prophesy over the airwaves the destiny of the city, nation, or individuals. 
As you prophecy, the prophecy is formed and created as you speak. I’ve explained this imore detail in my book,Mysteries of the Glory Unveiled. During the meetings in the city where we are interviewed,
 there is a phenomenal grace and blessing. 
When you speak over the airwaves you are invading and 
taking back the space of the “prince of the power of the air” 
and displacing the enemy so that God can rule over the airwaves 
and bring His purposes to pass.This is another gate into the city. 

If you study the apostles you will notice that they too went to the gates of the city to speak and declare the oracles of God at the govern-mental and spiritual seats of power. They went to places where the entire city could listen to them therefore spreading the message to the maximum number and also influence the leadership of the cities. 
If you are faithful to pray, and even fast, for the world, government, 
and citywide leaders whom God puts on your heart, the Lord may very well open the door for you to speak into that situation. 
God may also use your prayers to open the way for you to
 give the word of the Lord to leaders in desperate need.

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