Saturday, July 13, 2019


 (Reaping Glory) 
In the Old Testament, Elijah and Elisha both moved in the area of miraculous provision, both shadows of Jesus who moved in provisional miracles. May the Lord, the God of your father, increase you a thousand-fold more than you are and bless you, just as He has promised you! (Deuteronomy 1:11). In order to reap the great 
harvest there will need to be agreat harvest of resources and 
finances. God has already revealed many of these things 
and it has been a great blessing to many ministries worldwide. 
But before we can walk into mighty reaping there 
must be violent sowing. When the widow gave Elijah her 
last meal it was a violent attack against the poverty, fear, 
and reality of her present circumstances.
(See 1 Kings 17:8-15.) 

Such leaps of faith cause great reaping to take place. When you sow sacrificially into a ministry moving in the glory and blessing of the Lord, God causes the same measure given plus the measure of glory that rests on that ministry to be multiplied supernaturally. 
We have seen people receive even 1,000 times what they 
have given after we have prayed and blessed the gift sown 
into the anointing and glory operating in our ministry.
The only time this happens is when a gift is sown sacrificially 
into good ground.The good ground is where the glory and
 presence of God is moving. It’s the same fertile ground that 
Adam and Eve walked on the glory of 
God with them in the Garden. 

We see this same glory ground with the boy who gave Jesus all the food he had.With only a few loaves and fish sown into Jesus, the glory manifested, and God provided a miracle. God took the sacrificial gift, sown into good ground and fed over 5,000 people. 
God performed a 1,000-fold multiplication that day. 
All it took was a young boy willing to give it all for God’s purposes. 
The Bible says to become as a little child to enter into the 
Kingdom of Heaven. Too often we calculate what we think 
we should give after looking at our savings account,
the bills waiting to be paid, our checking account balance 
a child does not calculate, he just gives. 

In the Old and New Testament, whenever the glory of God appeared, Israel stopped and took up an offering to honor the God of glory. It was an automatic response to the glory that God required when manifest presence and glory appear; Not because He needs it but because He knows that this is what man treasures the most, his gold and silver 
and provision. It is one of the highest acts of worship to give up something for God’s glory that is truly,personally costly.
What may seem like a lot to one may be insignificant to another. 
 Jesus was apparently very interested in offerings as 
He watched to see how much each person gave. 
He noticed that the poor widow gave more than all 
the wealthy people she gave her last two mites, 
100 percent of what she had. It’s the percentage of our 
sacrificial giving that determines whether or not it is sacrificial.

This is not to say that everyone should always give all. But when the glory comes or God tells you to sow into a ministry or place where the glory is moving, giving generously into that which God is already blessing with His glory will cause the greatest return. Generosity is determined by the percentage of what you have that you give, 
not the actual amount. Solomon gave 1,000 animals on 
the altar and his sacrifice resulted in the heavens opening up 
and God granting Solomon everything He needed and 
whatever he desired. He did not squander God’s benevolence 
he asked for wisdom. Solomon’s sacrificial gift was in 
accordance with what he already had and 
great blessing followed. Should we give only to receive? 

No, we give because it is the highest act of worship. But, at the same time, you Reaping Glory give knowing that you will also receive.
 It’s not the only reason to give but it is one of the benefits.
When you praise and worship God with songs, you do it out of love; 
yet you also believe for God’s presence to come upon you in return. 
It is not selfish if your motives for receiving are good and for His glory. What farmer would go out sowing and then feel ashamed to reap what he has sown? This is how God created the order of things. 

the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force(Matthew 11:12). I got excited about this aspect of the glory, 
for not only did our ministry want to see spiritual manifestation of 
the glory we also believed that there needed to be great material manifestations of glory as well. One translation for glory is “wealth.” 
It is similar to when a king or queen arrives with all the fanfare, 
pomp and circumstance, glory, and wealth. I’m sure you have 
heard the phrase,“Here comes so and so walking down 
the street in all his glory.” One day God asked me if I wanted 
to sow into the glory so that the heavens would open up in a new way.
 I said,“Yes Lord!” I began to study the Book of Acts and noticed
 how people gave sacrificially to their spiritual fathers, 
the apostles, and laid the price of their homes and lands 
at their feet.I believe for the Elijah Glory Anointing and 
the full apostolic mantle to fall upon the church, 
there needs to be a great love for 
those we follow in the Lord.

We need to trust themwith even our material blessings for the furthering of the Gospel and to honor the gift and glory of God in them. During my Sunday morning message, God told me to give my car 
away to the local pastor of the church we attended at the time.
I was shocked. I realized that this was not just another token 
gift but God wanted something more of me.
As I was experiencing a new glory in my ministry 
it needed to be accompanied by a new level of sacrificial 
giving for God to trust us to walk in the higher realms 
of the Spirit and finances. Our level of obedience in 
sacrificial giving is totally connected to the level of 
the supernatural and the miraculous that 
God will entrust to us. 

The Bible clearly points out in Luke 16:12 and Luke 19:17 that if God cannot trust us to give our material riches when He asks for it, He certainly will not trust us with great spiritual riches. This is one 
reason many are not seeing the extraordinary miracles, 
salva- tions, and provisions as experienced in the Book of Acts.
Are we willing to free up ourselves in this area of finances to see 
God’s power resurrected in our day? In the middle of the Sunday morning service I gave thecar away. At first, just thinking about 
it seemed hard. But then as I realized God Himself had prompted me and that only a greater blessing from Heaven could come of it for 
both the pastor and myself. I then got excited about giving away 
our only car.When excitement comes to give beyond the norm, miracles are ahead. As I gave the car, the glory of God broke
 into the service, signs and wonders appeared, 
Reaping Glory and many material miracles 
happened to the church. 

 Many gave spontaneously, and almost violently. One of the miracles that followed—the landlord decided to give approximately $200,000 worth of repair work that the church building needed. Several months later I began to question the Lord.“Lord,we do need another car and I did give that other one away joyfully,where is our next vehicle?”
The Lord told me that the moment I gave the car away in the glory, 
the car He had for us was ready all I had to do was receive 
it by faith.This is an example of “violent reaping.”
The next week I was off to preach in Germany. 
When I arrived, I noticed a car dealership across the street 
from the church so I visited the German car shop and looked at 
the fine cars. I picked out the car I believed we were to have 
and told God that before I left, if nothing else happened,
 I would drive away with this car by faith. 

The last night of our conference in Germany a man came up to me 
that I had never met. He told me that he had a car for me. 
I received a car that night and drove it home it was almost
 identical to the one in the shop! If I had not put myself into a
 “reaping mode” by physically going to look at and attempt to prophetically walk into and receive my harvest, I may not have
 ever received that car, or any car. This is simply training for 
greater advances of the Kingdom. Many have preached on seed 
time and sowing but now God is releasing revelation about how 
to reap the harvest Bible talks about the reapers and the harvest 
of the last days (Rev.15:15-16).“...The plowman will overtake 
the reaper and the treader of grapes him 
who sows seed”(Amos 9:13). 

I purposely reaped that car because I went out looking for it. 
A farmer does not sit down to his dinner table waiting for the 
harvest to come jump onto his plate. After he has sown and the 
time to reap has come, he must go out looking for the harvest.
 How many times have you given in the offering and then 
weeks or months go by and you totally forgot about what you gave? You did not reap and you wondered why the harvest was 
taking so long.You thought that God would just give you 
whatever is due you as He wills. How will you know if what you received was from your giving if you don’t even remember 
what you gave? The truth is, God is telling us to go reap. 
It’s like sitting under an apple tree. An apple falls on your head 
and you say, “Wow, where did this come from? I am blessed today.” Well, you maybe got blessed by accident or by grace; but, 
for every apple that falls by accident there is a whole tree 
to be reaped on purpose. Start to reap on purpose the things
 God has promised you instead of only receiving what 
God spoon feeds you. Start to look for the harvest.

Violent reaping consists of sowing violently and abundantly and 
then looking for the harvest and reaping it abundantly on purpose. 
Next time you are blessed you won’t be wondering, “I wonder why 
I got blessed.”You will know because you were expecting it as 
a farmer expects a harvest. When God told Israel to walk into the Promised Land they had to purposely and physically enter and 
take the land. God had already given it to them but it was 40 years before they actually went in and reaped His promise. 

Likewise, God has promised and prophesied some things to you, 
and you may have even sown generously believing for that
 thing to come to pass. Arise and take the first steps to 
possessing what is already laid up for you. 
Go and spy out the land, ministry, property, equipment 
whatever God has already ripened for your picking. 

The act of looking by faith will begin to release the blessing. 
Elijah told the widow to reap on purpose by telling her to 
gather as many bowls as she could so God could fill them. 
(See 2 Kings 4:1-7.) 

How many times have you asked God to bless a certain project hoping that the money would come in? You probably hoped God would do it but you did not have full assurance that He would.There is a big difference between faith and hope. Faith is now, hope is future tense.
 If you hope for it, it’s still out there in the future.
When you know that you know it’s done, it’s a now thing.
The reason for this is in the giving. Have you given in such 
a way that when it came time for you to reap you had 
sown enough to reap what you were trying to receive? 
This is why it is important to keep track or at least have 
an idea of what we have sown in the glory. Usually when 
the giving requires a sacrifice you can remember it well.
When it comes time for you to purchase that property, 
go on a mission’s trip, or whatever, you know you 
have sown enough to reap it if God multiplies your giving.

You will know if you have enough in your heavenly bank account to make a withdrawal and take a step of faith in that area. If God multiplies what you gave by 30, 60, or 100 and it still does not add up to what you are believing for, you may want to wait and keep sowing from the first fruits of what you just reaped. How do you know 
when you are ready to reap? You know when supernatural 
faith enters in and you know that you know God has done it. 

Not by hoping and pleading but simply receiving what has 
already been done. When you take the leap of faith , 
God comes through. Don’t take a leap of hope or even 
presumption thinking it is faith. God has to place the faith in you supernaturally; it’s not just something you confess. 
Faith for receiving will start to grow by doing the act of 
sowing as you give God something to work with.“
Faith without works is dead”(see James 2:20). 
God said that even the angels would be used to reap the
 harvest in the last days.You can ask God to send angels 
to bring in the necessary funds and He will do it. 

Many times after we pray over an offering that was given to our ministry, people tell us later that thousands of dollars appeared in their bank account and the bank could not account for the reason. 
We have had people tell us that they have received large 
unexpected tax refunds, as well as entire debts on homes, 
cars, ministries, churches, and credit cards paid off after 
we asked God to multiply what they had sown into His glory. 

We were told by a couple that money appeared on their doorstep 
and others found envelopes of cash in their locked homes. 
Some business people are reaping in- credible increases which 
they in turn use as a blessing for advancing the Kingdom of God. 
Who provided the money? Angels are God’s servants on the earth. Angels were used to stir the waters; they can be used in 
provision as well as guiding an unsaved person to a meeting or 
to a person who can lead him to the Lord.You can ask God to 
release provision and release angels to do it. 
I believe there is a head angel over finances.
This angel represents the Lord who provides.
These angels of provision are as real as 
the angels used to protect us. 

I have given you a land for which you did not labor, and cities which you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards 
and olive groves which you did not plant (Joshua 24:13). 
After you have been faithful to sow sacrificially and then 
purposely reap what you sowed, you can enter the next 
dimension of reaping where you did not sow.
This is the realm of living in the over and above, 
where you go beyond your cup being filled to where 
your cup is running over. Few enter this realm because 
they don’t master the sacrificial sowing or the violent reaping 
dimension on a consistent basis. This is where things get exciting. 

 The Scriptures tell us about three men who were given talents. One received one talent, another five talents, and another ten.As the story goes, two invested their talents and the man with five talents received an additional five; the man with ten, another ten. But the man that hid his one talent was rebuked and his talent was given to the man with the ten talents.Why? The man who doubled his ten talents was faithful to sow and reap violently, so he entered the third dimension. 
He reaped where he did not sow! Once we grab hold of this 
revelation there will no longer be a shortage of finances for 
His Kingdom! As you read previously in this chapter, 
when I gave away my car in obedience to a word from God,
 I later reaped a much nicer car. God also entrusted me 
with a much larger ministry through which I 
minister to thousands instead of hundreds of people. 

Months later I was driving to Germany from France and meditating on this revelation of reaping where I have never sowed. I declared out
 loud that I would now reap where I have never sowed. 
I was thinking about reaping souls and nations I never 
prayed for. When I arrived in Germany, the same man 
who had given me the car invited me to his car dealership again. 
He told me to pick another car but suggested which car he 
thought was the best one a luxury version of the same car 
I had received the first time. I was baffled, and assumed 
he wanted to exchange it for the car he previously gave me. 
No, he told me to keep both cars! I was amazed; and wondered
 why in the world this happened. I had not sowed a second car 
so how did I reap this one? I had not even been asking or 
praying for another car.The Lord showed me that because 
I had been faithful in violent sowing and reaping, 
I entered the next dimension of reaping 
where I had never sowed.

The key is to declare it with your mouth, “I reap where I have never sowed.”After you declare it out loud angels are released to “hearken to the Word of God.” When you declare the Word, angels can’t distinguish between your voice or God’s because it is His Word. They react as if He Himself is declaring it. That is the authority that comes 
when you declare a revelation from Heaven. 
 But now I had a problem. I could not drive 
two cars back to France. These are the new kinds of 
“problems” that arise when the “God of too much” begins 
to manifest as His glory increases which describes how 
in Moses’ day they brought “too much,”for the work of 
the temple (see Exod. 36:6-7). Later God instructed me 
to give the second car to a fellow minister during 
a conference/crusade that we hosted.What a joy it was 
to be blessed in order to bless the socks off someone 
else! Many of us serve the “God of just enough” instead of 
the “God of too much.” We pray and ask God to provide 
just enough to pay the bills.We need to go beyond 
this way of thinking.The way you perceive God is often 
the way He will manifest. If you think He is the God of
 “just enough” you will aim your prayers and faith at that level.

 But, if you know that He provides above what you can ask or even earth to produce and the world is profiting off of the system that God put into place. We too need to reap the earth’s wealth instead of waiting for it to come from a fellow believer. Believers who do not invest in the present world can’t reap from it. For example, owning your own 
home is a big start. If you rent a home or apartment for 20 years, 
in most cases you are giving your wealth to an unsaved landlord 
rather than investing in your own property to leave for your 
children and family. The Bible even mentions in the 
Book of Proverbs that “a good man leaves an inheritance 
to his children’schildren”(Prov. 13:22). Make plans today 
to own your own home.With faith, consistent sowing, and 
going out by faith and attempting, God will help you. 

I believe that God wants the world’s money to work for you, 
instead of you working for the world’s money. Basically the key is buying and selling. Buy low and sell high. For instance, you can 
buy a used car at an auction and resell it for much more. 
Or you can buy a second home at a low price in an area where property values are increasing, such as a resort location. 
If you rent the vacation home during the year at a higher 
rate than your mortgage payments, you will be 
increasing your income.

There are tax advantages to owning investment property; and, depending on the housing market, you may also be able to sell the property for a profit. Although I am not a professional investment counselor, I believe there are better ways to increase your talents than just letting your money sit in a savings account where it doesn’t earn much interest. In addition to putting your money in savings, 
invest a portion in alternative areas. Ask a trusted and credible 
financial or banking consultant for advice. When you only save enough money for a rainy day, you are like the man with one talent who 
hid his money. Instead, be like the men with five and ten talents who doubled their money by investing and without having to work for it. 
Put your funds into something that will increase your money but does not require too much of your time. God may give you an invention, 
a skill, or a creative idea in which you can invest. 
The income from investing could eventually replace your “day job” 
and allow you to focus on the things God has called you to do 
instead of feeling forced to do a job that you know is not your
 ultimate calling.You may receive a prophetic direction to invest, 
for example, in a certain stock or real estate investment. 
Months later the stock may skyrocket and God may tell you 
to sell the shares you bought or the real estate—
God blesses your obedience. If you put your money in 
the right place at the right time, you will reap the 
wealth of the world and can use it to expand His Kingdom.

The widow who collected the jars of oil in the time of famine used the same principle. She bought low and sold high. She got the oil for free, then later the prophet gave her the word to go and sell the oil and pay off her debts.When we listen to the prophetic, we prosper. Unfortunately, many of God’s people are
 in financial bondage and debt. He wants to give
 you a prophetic word and direction about how to get 
out of your famine and into His blessing. 
He is the same God today as the God 
who provided for Elijah 2,000 years ago. 
He continually cares about every area of our lives, 
including our finances. 
1. Give your tithes to God so He will protect you from the devourer. 
2. Sow and reap abundantly into the glory. 
3. Put at least 10 percent aside into a savings account or 
somewhere safe until you are ready to invest it. 
4. Try to save at least three month’s worth of living 
expenses as a job-loss buffer. 
5. Invest and multiply the “leftover” money. 
6. Sow again some of the money you reaped into 
ministries that are good ground.That way you are reaping from 
your giving into the Kingdom and reaping the wealth of 
the world at the same time. By doing this you will have more 
and more to bless God with. The Bible says that whatever your
 hand does will prosper (see Deut. 28:12 AMP). 

So find something profitable to do with your “hands.” 
If your hands are not invested in a harvest, He can’t bless it. 
He can’t bless and multiply your investments, good works, talents, and/or crops if you aren’t out there in the world using what He has already provided for you. Also, prophetically declaring that the 
favor of the Lord is upon you and that the wealth of the sinner 
is stored up for the righteous, will cause people in the world to favor you.When Israel left Egypt, they inherited all the wealth of Egypt. 
They reaped what they should have earned all those years 
while in slavery, plus they reaped beyond what they sowed.
The Egyptians were compelled to bless them though 
they were not God’s people and in fact outside of 
the covenant with Israel. I believe the world will also 
do this for us as the glory of God and the revelation 
continues to grow in the church. 

The Elijah anointing is all about restoring to the church what was lost restoring the power of God, gifts of God, promises of God, 
and the wealth of God. Since the Council of Nicaea in A.D. 325 
when the church cut itself off from associating with the Jews, 
a poverty spirit emerged. It’s interesting to note that the 
promise of blessing came to the Jewish people and they 
walked in it even during this time when the church in Rome disassociated itself from God’s chosen people. 
I believe that when Christians separated themselves 
from their Jewish brethren they also cut themselves off 
from the Old Testament Scriptures promising His blessing in 
every area of our lives. When the church cut itself from 
the root of blessings and fellowship with Israel and the 
Jewish people who carried this revelation, the church 
lost all of God’s covenant promises to 
Israel concerning wealth.

They, instead, believed their own doctrine that being poor 
is a sign of humility. Because the Jews were blessed with 
material wealth, Christians wrongly surmised that it was a sin 
to be blessed materially because of their hatred and jealousy 
of God’s chosen people during that time. The root of this belief 
came from anti Semitism. As believers come back to loving and supporting Israel and the Jewish people who preserved the 
oracles and Word of God for the world, a double portion of 
blessing will also return as we tap into the rich and fertile 
promises of God.As we associate ourselves with 
God’s covenant land and people, we also receive the 
promises and covenants of blessing promised to the Jews,
 her children, and the Body of Christ, also children 
of Abraham by faith. God is faithful and His supernatural 
manifestations of provision will continue 
as we continue to be obedient as was Elijah!

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