Saturday, July 13, 2019

CHAPTER - (3) & ( 4)

Revelatory Realms and Portals 
woods and there found a large slab of concrete next to some ruins.We began to pray and worship the Lord and then we simply laid down and soaked in the presence of God while our worship leader played music for the next few hours. During this time something unusual happened. People on our team, comprised of people from the United States, Europe, and the South Pacific islands, were taken to the third heaven. After the experience, they reported seeing other team members in Heaven and related having the same conversations. Team members reported having been taken in the Spirit to the streets of gold and other parts of Heaven. It was amazing to hear the people, interviewed separately, tell of their experiences and how they saw other team members in Heaven, and their almost identical descriptions of what they saw there.Their similar recollections confirmed their validity and credibility. Three people from our team (including my wife) who were from three different continents said they were transported over the earth and western Europe. All three saw the same cities in Europe on fire burning. They related seeing this only months before the car-burning riots in Paris and the London bombings in 2005. 

The Lord put a burden on them to begin to intercede for the souls that could be saved, and that some level of catastrophic destruction was coming and to pray to lessen or avert it.Three people taken to the same cities to pray for the same things in the same experience makes us realize how real this realm is. Since that time many people in our meetings have had third heaven experiences. Apostle Paul writes about a man who went to the third heaven most believe he was talking about his own experience. As mentioned previously, both Elijah and Enoch took a one-way trip to Heaven, both body and spirit. 

While in the most remote parts of French Guiana, a pastor and I were talking about the meeting we had just finished and about the witch doctors, sorcerers, and gangmembers who were just saved with signs and wonders following. It was after midnight and as we shared, I saw an angel on the pastor’s back for over 30 minutes. I told him about the angel and he was stunned, and said his back had been burning for the past 30 minutes. Just then we both saw a ladder going up to the sky and angels ascending and descending from it. We saw angels coming and going until about 3A.M. and all the barn animals outside were making a lot of noise as they could sense what was happening.We both received direct impartation and instruction from Heaven about the next five to ten years of our life and ministry, much of which has already unfolded just from that one experience. Visitations, dreams, visions, and heavenly experiences are of great worth. 

They can alter and accelerate years of your life and ministry because of one heavenly encounter. Mary was changed with one angelic visit, as were Moses, Joshua, Joseph, David, Elizabeth, and many more. Revelatory Realms and Portals Just as you can be transported over the earth because of the glory, you can also be transported upward to Heaven.Your spirit, and at times your spirit and body, can be taken there.The apostle Paul could not tell if his spirit only or both his body and spirit was taken to Heaven to see things, many of which he was not allowed to describe. In the glory zone there is no distance between time and space, Heaven or earth.The same way you can be 
taken horizontally from one city to another, you can be taken 
vertically from earth to Heaven. 

 In these last days I believe God is choosing to use dreams and visions as major means of speaking to His people and giving direction and answers to prayer.Dreams and visions differ. Dreams are usually more prophetic and symbolic, not usually literal.Visions are actual pictures of what will happen. Though dreams take more experience and maturity to interpret than visions, they often offer much more detail once interpreted.That is why it says in the Bible that “old men will dream dreams and young men see visions”(Joel 2:28). It may take more maturity to understand dreams than visions a picture can say a thousand words. For instance, Peter had a dream about eating all the unclean animals. It was in no way a literal dream. God was not telling him to go to an “all you can eat” pork and shrimp buffet. 

Peter was even surprised about the dream and told God that he had never eaten animals considered unclean. Actually the dream was speaking metaphorically about bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles, who were con- sidered unclean by the Jews of that day. In fact, they were forbidden to even enter the home of a Gentile.Therefore, Peter’s dream was revolu-tionary and symbolic, not a new doctrine about what Jews could eat. For the first time he was to share the Gospel with the Gentiles. The proper interpretation of the dream changed the entire course of the Church resulting in Cornelius becoming the first Gentile convert. (See Acts 10.)How can you experience dreams, visions, and third heaven encounters? One thing I have noticed is that many people receive visions and dreams while sleeping, day dreaming, or soaking in the spirit all are in a relaxed state. Often upon awakening I hear the voice of God or receive a vision. Why do people receive better when they are resting or sleeping? When you are resting, your mind is relaxed and able to receive from Heaven. 

When your mind is so full of the cares of life, when God tries to speak to you, you unknowingly block it out because the “mailbox is full.” When you are praying but fully awake, often it is still hard to see a vision or hear the voice of God because your mind is prayerfully active with many thoughts and concerns. One way to receive revelation, visions, and dreams while awake is to lie down while listening to soft worship music and simply relax not praying out loud but soaking up the music and presence of God, relaxing your mind and body.Then see what images pop into your mind and spirit and go with them. 

Oftentimes God speaks when we are still. Also, before Revelatory Realms and Portals going to sleep you can ask God to give you a dream and He will often grant your request as you are trusting your faith for dreams and asking in faith. I notice that I receive more dreams when I ask Him for them than when I don’t. Ask and you shall receive. I also ask Him for visions while I am praying or soaking in His presence.

You can practice receiving visions.An example: One day while driving two hours to a meeting in Miami, Florida, I received a vision of some of the healings that would take place later that night.You may receive visions while driving because of the monotony of driving without distractions. While in that mode I could see a man being healed of a cataract. Then the Lord told me to look further and see what other details of the man I could see. As I looked again at the vision 
I started to make out the face of the man. He looked about 50 years 
old so I jotted that down.Then I saw a second vision of a Hispanic-looking lady, her age, and her sickness.When I arrived at 
the meeting I looked around to see if I could find the 
people in the crowd. Sure enough,the man I saw was 
there and so was the lady.As I was invited to speak,
 I pointed to the man and asked him if he had cataracts. 
In shock, he nodded his head.Then I called him up and 
asked him if he was around 50 years old. He answered into the microphone that he was exactly 50years old. 
This totally exploded the faith level in the room. 
When I spoke to the Hispanic girl and asked her to confirm the sickness and her age as I knew them to be from the vision, 
she said I was accurate and the audience was amazed. 
You can imagine the remainder of the meeting was blessed with 
more such miracles and an awesome presence of God. 
Basically we can all receive visions.

They are simply pictures in your mind that God is bringing to you.Visions are not always accompanied with goose bumps, an angel, or an audible voice. More often than not it’s a mental picture God gives you and you simply go with what you are seeing.Seeing is the essence of a vision. Start to practice receiving visions and write down the mental picture you receive when you are praying, soaking, driving, or whenever you experience one. Then compare notes and see which ones are accurate and begin to hone the gift for His glory. 
Trances are similar to visions or dreams but occur while you are in a sleep-like state. Often people call them daydreams. Some have been known to slip into a trance while driving and then wonder how they were able to drive and be lost in the trance at the same time. 

There are some places on earth that already have an open portal to Heaven which makes it easier to receive revelation.For instance, when you are in a church or city that is experiencing revival, there is an open portal allowing a greater awareness of the supernatural possibly a Jacob’s laddertype of portal with angels ascending and des-cending.The biggest portal is in Jerusalem. I believe it is the
 easiest place to hear Revelatory Realms and Portals from God, receive dreams, visions; and angelic appearances are common occurrences there. Of all the cities in the world, He has designated Jerusalem as the city of the Great King. (See Matthew 5:35.)
 It is the largest open Heaven portal on earth. Not to mention 
the fact that Jesus died, was buried, and rose from the dead 
there and will return there; as well as the first major revivals 
in the Book of Acts took place in Jerusalem. 
Also, almost every major religion has a presence 
in Jerusalem because they value the portal even if they 
do not know the Messiah. Many battles throughout history 
have been fought in and for this city. Bethel is another 
city in Israel where we easily received visions and third heaven encounters because Jacob already opened it. 

Once a portal has been opened I believe there is a permanent door in that place allowing it to be reopened much easier because someone already paved the way.Genesis 28:17 says,“this is the gate of Heaven” Speaking about Jacob’s ladder located in the city of Bethel. 
It does not say it was but that it is the gate, or a doorway, of Heaven. Other portals are found in more infamous cities. 
Sedona, Arizona, is one such portalcurrently known 
as the largest New Age town in the Southwest. 
It has also been named the most beautiful town in America by 
USA Today as it is surrounded by breathtaking red rocky 
mountains and was once the main site for filming many 
of the early TV westerns. I have found that when you pray and 
enter into the Spirit in Sedona there is a huge wave of God’s glory there, and clarity in hearing God’s voice that is unlike many 
other places. Why and how is this so? Even though you can 
obviously see the New Age influence and many cults 
headquartered there great glory also resides there. 

Great darkness and great light. Often, the greater the darkness, the greater the light and destiny over a city. The Native Americans called Sedona a sacred town. Leg- end reveals that they considered Sedona so sacred that at one time they would only let chiefs or medicine men (witch doctors) in to pray. Greater Sedona later became “a meeting place for all Indians from all over the southwest.” When rival tribes 
met and migrated to Sedona, they ceased fighting and would 
worship and practice their religions. The Native Americans have regarded Sedona’s environs as sacred and special, 
long before the settlers arrived. 

I believe the Native Americans could sense the glory of God in this town and did not know how to respond as they had not yet heard the Gospel and so worshiped what they knew. They could sense the open heavenly portal. To this day thousands of tourists each year travel 
to Sedona to get a spiritual high, not knowing why they are drawn 
to the city. We are seeing God now reveal Himself there to those
 who are true seekers of the true Creator. In the early 1900s 
Sedona was a place where Christians from all over the 
United States gathered to hold large conferences and 
retreats as God’s glory filled the citylong before it was 
claimed as a New Age vortex city. God has dominate 
that region, but why? One reason: there is already a natural 
portal of glory there making it easier for Tibetan Buddhist monks to access the super-natural. But they are only accessing the second heavens where demons and principalities dwell. 

After God gets hold of that area, it will be an entire open “Heaven on earth” atmosphere once again. Satan tries to entrench himself in areas called to be great portals to keep them closed up and inaccessible to us. I believe that even Mecca in Saudi Arabia was once a portal of glory because people are drawn there to worship and to experience spirituality. They may not worship our Messiah but they feel the urge to worship. Mecca is a portal; but again it is being used to access the second heavens only.This is where dark principalities dwell; 
but it will one day be redeemed and the purpose for which 
God caused people to be drawn there will be revealed. 
ENDNOTE 1. Kate Ruland-Thorne,Sedona’s Legends and Legacies(Phoenix, AZ: Primer Publishers, 1989). 

Prophetic Glory Revelatory Realms and Portals As it was in the days of Elijah so will it be in the comingdays. God is raising up modernday Elijahs around the world to invade the kingdom of darkness and bring in the Kingdom of God through an invasion of prophetic glory. 
The most common manifestation of the glory of God in 
Elijah’s life was his prophetic gifts intertwined with the glory. 
Many people today are majoring on the prophetic gift but not 
on the glory.You can have a prophetic gifting flow at times even 
when you are not necessarily in the glory. God’s gifts are 
irrevocable but not always operated in the glory realm. 
The same goes for those with a healing anointing. 
Just because there are healings, prophecies, or gifts in 
operation does not mean that the glory of God is present. 

Some in the last days will even say,“Lord, Lord did we not 
prophecy in your name, cast out demons, heal the sick etc.”
And the Lord’s response:“I never knew you.” (Matt. 7:22-23). 
 If you first put the primary emphasis on the glory which 
only comes through intimacy with Him, a close relationship, 
and times of waiting on the Lord, then when you do 
prophecy the prophecy will be earth shaking and 
change entire nations. Even King Saul on his way to kill 
David ran into the company of prophets and 
prophesied all day.(1 Sam. 10:10-11.) 
This does not mean that he impacted many 
people while he prophesied. 

Although your prophecy is accurate, 
the weight of the effect of your prophecy will depend on 
the level of the glory and presence of God in your life.
Two people can give the exact same prophecy 
and witness different results. 
One can give it in the glory and see immediate and drastic 
lifechanging results, while the other with the same word, 
running on his gift alone and not the glory, will not see 
the same results.We can’t use the gift without the Giver.
That is why I call it prophetic glory! The same is true 
when you are using your prophetic gift in the area of words of knowledge for healings and miracles. Make sure the glory of 
God is present, then give those same words and there will be many instant miracles. If you give the words before the right time and the glory of God has not fully come, the words though true usually do not have the same immediate and God-glorifying results. 

This was the secret with Elijah and Elisha. They knew the Spirit of God, and when the glory was present and when it was not. 
A few examples: I was being interviewed in Phoenix, Arizona, 
on TBN, a Christian television station. While on the air the glory 
of God hit me strongly. I began to prophesy and mentioned someone’s full name and said that person needed to come to the meetings we were holding in that city and to give his life back to God. 

I understood, through the glory, that this person had been in the ministry but had fallen away and that God was going to pick him back up. The next night, sure enough the man came to our meetings because he heard his first and last name on TV his life changed dramatically. Another time, I was ministering in Hammond, Louisiana, and I again had a man’s entire name, first and last name, 
given to me when the glory fell.The only problem: no one 
claimed to be that man. A woman finally came up and said 
that it was her husband’s name but that he was not at the 
meeting but was at home. Now even though the man was 
not present I could still minister to him directly while the glory was present.Although in the glory there is no distance of time or space, 
if I waited until after the glory had left I could not pray for 
this man in the same way. So I declared over his wife,
“In the name of Jesus, come back!”
referring to the husband who was not present.
 I did not even understand why
 I was saying this over him since he was not even 
in the meeting, but I was simply Prophetic Glory obeying 
the leading of the Holy Spirit. The next day the woman
 returned and testified. She explained that her husband 
had been in a coma for many days. 

The moment I called out his name he came out of the coma.
When she had gone home that night after the prophecy 
he was awake and eating which he had not done in a long time.
The greater the glory that is present, the greater the effect of the prophetic word. It’s one thing to learn how to receive prophetic 
words and hear His voice, but it’s quite another to know when 
to give it and to discern when the glory is present. 
Jesus moved in this realm often. He prophetically declared to 
a fig tree that it would die. At that moment it started to die and 
the next time he saw the tree, death was all over it! I believe that prophecy as we know now will start to change! Prophecy will no 
longer be a future event waiting to come to pass. 

As the prophetic words are coming out of our mouths, 
that which we say will be already created and in motion before 
we finish speaking.Why? In the glory realm there is no time.
When you speak from the glory realm you are actually allowing 
God to create that which you are speaking as you are speaking.
 It is the same principle that God used in Genesis when He had the Spirit hovering and then He spoke. It would behoove us to 
concentrate more on the glory realm as our first priority rather 
than our gifts. Apostle Paul had a prophetic vision in the 
glory about how to avoid the loss of life on his soon-to-be shipwreck. Even though he was a prisoner, it did not hinder the power 
and glory of tapping into the prophetic glory. (See Acts 27.) 

The greater the glory, the quicker things will happen. 
Jesus prophesied that the centurion’s servant would be healed 
and that very hour he was healed. (see Matt. 8.) Mary had 
received a prophecy from the angel of the Lord that she 
would be pregnant with Jesus. (see Luke 1:26-38.) 
This was a glory filled event an angelic visitation coming
fresh from the throne of God. How long do you think it took for that prophecy to come to pass? Instantly! She was already pregnant afterward because in the next verse she is hastily walking over to visit Elizabeth and the baby John the Baptist leaped in his mother’s womb at the presence of Jesus in Mary. (see Luke 1:39-45.) This event took place at the most three days later (or however long it took to walk to Elizabeth’s house) after the angelic visitation and prophecy! Conception was immediate the moment the prophecy was given 
as the Holy Spirit hovered over her just as in Genesis when 
the Spirit hovered over the waters at creation. Then Mary said,
 “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according 
to your Word.” And the angel departed from her. Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city 
of Judah, and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary,
 that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled 
with the Holy Spirit. Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of 
your womb! Prophetic Glory But why is this granted to me, 
that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 
For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting 
sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy” 
(Luke 1:38-44). After a glory-filled prophecy is given, 
the only thing to do is believe it. That is very important and 
should not be neglected. The greater the glory the greater 
the miracles; but also the greater the judgment. 
Swift miracles; but also swift correction or judgment. 

Both are accelerated as the glory is accelerated depending on our response. Zacharias received the same kind of glorious prophetic 
word from an angel. The only difference: he doubted the prophecy. 
He received a second prophecy saying that he would become mute. 
It happened quickly he was mute. The baby John was quickly conceived. All had happened quickly because the prophecies 
were in the glory when the Spirit was moving. 
Why did God have to make Zacharias mute? 
Because the same power that is released through 
the spoken prophetic word in the glory can bring life or death. Zacharias had the power to kill the prophecy in the same 
way it had come to life by speaking while in the glory and allowing 
the opposite to occur, creating a disaster by negative declarations 
in the glory. In order to stop this from happening, 
God had to take away his words by allowing him to be 
mute so he would not undo or prophecy 
the wrong thing.(See Luke 1:11-22.) 

When the glory is present, there is great power in our words and often our words are prophetic whether we realize it or not. Paul had a similar experience. He was trying to convert the Roman leader of Cyprus, but a sorcerer was hindering his efforts. Paul, in the spirit realm was warring with the demonic power so it would not prevent the 
proconsul leader’s salvation. Finally in the Spirit of God’s glory Paul uses a great weapon that dealt a blow to this sorcerer. 
He used the weapon of prophetic glory. He prophesied that 
he would be blind under the leading of the Holy Spirit. Instantly the sorcerer went blind for days and Paul was able to lead the 
proconsul to the Lord without distraction. With great power
 comes great responsibility. Paul used the gifts wisely in simple obedience. These kinds of demonstrations are rare in the 
sense that the prophetic was used to bring blindness as 
this man’s salvation was very important to
 God and to the island nation. (See Acts 13.) 
Peter prophesied to Ananias and Sapphira. 
The glory of God was growing.The people had just 
experienced a second Pentecost. Many people were being healed, 
and multitudes were joining the apostles and His glory was everywhere. People even gave their homes and lands to the Lord. 

But not Ananias and Sapphira. They were not honest about what they claimed they gave. Because of their deception, Peter prophetically declared that they would die.After questioning Sapphira, and she was untruthful, instantly she died. Then when Ananias arrived, Peter prophesied his death and instantly he was dead. This is a very striking passage that many people have a hard time comprehending. Why is this sin so harshly and swiftly judged when surely there were greater sins being committed in the New Testament church? Why were the Pharisees who were mocking those speaking in new tongues at Pentecost not judged as harshly? Because the glory in Acts 4 is considerably greater and increased since the events recorded in Acts 2.This Acts 4 revival is on a greater level as He takes the Church from glory to glory.They were not just laying hands on the sick anymore.

 Now Peter’s shadow alone was healing the sick. Because the glory had gone to a greater level, so did the prophetic gift and the swiftness of it. Also, I believe that God did not want this new move of His to be hindered by sin. Ananias and Sapphira lied with the spoken word, the same principle but in reverse, and they did so while the glory was present.That which we speak while in the glory is very important. The next time the glory comes in a meeting, be careful of careless words or of creating something with words that God did not intend. 
Honor the King of glory. Because the glory is currently a popular subject, there is a danger for those who pretend to be in the glory to gather a crowd. I believe that a new chapter of the glory, 
judgment glory, may be on the horizon—just as it was with Ananias.

 God is not fooling around in these last days and He won’t allow people to counterfeit what He really wants to do. STEPPING INTO NEW REALMS One night while I was preaching at Ruth Heflin’s camp in Ash-land,Virginia, I had secretly asked God to increase the prophetic gift on my life through Ruth Heflin’s prophetic mantle during the day meetings. I even approached her to sow an offering into her life asking God for a return with an increase of the prophetic gift that was 
on her life.After all, she had a prophetic gift that opened doors to impact nations, presidents, and kings. During the evening service
 while I was preaching, the Lord told me to prophesy. 
He told me to prophesy over Ruth Heflin! I was shocked; 
but I pointed to Ruth who was sitting on the stage and prophesied 
while the glory was present. I prophesied that although she had 
already met many presidents and world leaders she would 
soon be in a meeting with the Pope of Rome! I said that her 
visit with the Pope would cause a chain reaction and that this 
would somehow trigger a major release of revival to millions of Catholics around the world who will be saved. Immediately 
afterward I was kicking myself for uttering such a crazy word. 
Ruth came to the microphone to confirm that this is indeed 
what she had secretly been praying about. She explained that two weeks before, God had even opened up a contact to help her 
meet the Pope. Shortly after I returned home from the camp meeting,
 I received an e-mail stating that Ruth Heflin was in Israel during the

 Pope’s visit to the Holy Land and that she was invited to a special meeting with the Pope present. Prophetic glory changes things! In another instance, I was in an airplane on my way to Wanganui, New Zealand. While in the plane the glory of God came upon me strongly 
to prophecy.The Lord told me to declare that the gates of the city 
are open for the King of glory to enter in. 
I did as I was commanded.When I arrived at the terminal 
it was empty except for the pastor waiting for me and the 
mayor of the city. Scripture says that you meet the elders 
at the gates of the city. The gates during Bible days 
were points of entry into a city. Today gates or points of 
entry into a city include airports. At this airport I met 
the spiritual and political elders of the city. 
The pastor did not even know that the mayor was 
going to be there departing on a trip. I approached him and 
prophesied to him that which the Lord had shown me for 
the city and his life.The mayor offered me his card and phone 
number and told me to call him if I needed anything and he 
would make it happen. In essence, he gave us the keys to 
the city and the favor for these meetings. 

The entire week of meetings in New Zealand were successful 
beyond words with many spectacular miracles that I had never 
heard of or witnessed previously. While in the African nation of Gabon, other miraculous things hap-pened.While in the airplane 
heading to Gabon, the Lord instructed me to prophecy 
over the government of that nation and the door would open.
 I declared this while in theair.When I arrived, the pastor
 asked me if there was anything he could do for me.
 I asked him for an audience with the president or vice 
president of the nation.Within days I was in front of the 
country’s vice president prophesying to him and his wife in his mansion. They both wept openly at the prophetic word 
they desperately needed to hear at that time in their lives.

Two hours later Pastor Yonggi Cho from South Korea arrived at their home to also speak a word to the vice president. He was also in Gabon to hold a crusade but went first to the vice president to prophecy over him. Pastor Yonggi Cho gave the same prophecy word for word! This was an important sign to the man in office and a great encouragement to me in the area of hearing the Lord. There is no limit in the glory. Once in the thick presence of His glory simply say what 
He tells you to say. In the last experience I shared with you, 
I was not asked to prophecy in front of a crowd of people. 
I was alone on the airplane and as I prophesied, things 
opened up on the ground by the time I arrived. Prophesy sends 
angels on your behalf to arrange these kinds of things. 
The most recent experience I had was flying into Washington, D.C. During the flight the Lord told me that I would be inside 
the White House praying for the nation in a very critical 
time within the next few days. I could sense the 
unquestionable heavy weight of God’s glory at the time. 

As I was in the glory zone I immediately declared that 
which was told to me that the doors are open to the White House. 
In the natural I did not know anyone with such connections; 
but when I arrived, the pastor wanted to show me the White House, 
so, like most tourists, we drove by the outside of the impressive 
large building. Silently I began to prophecy a second 
time about going in. This all happened on a Friday. 
Without telling anyone about the prophecy, on Sunday 
morning a woman approached me and asked me if the 
Lord had told me to go into the White House to pray. 

I was stunned and said that was true. The woman said 
she had a friend who worked in the executive building right next 
to the White House where many of the White House staff work. 
She asked for my social security number and said that my 
records and history would have to be checked by security 
and the FBI a process that can take months to complete. 
But this woman had also heard from the Lord that somehow 
I was to go in right away and within 24 hours of giving my 
social security number and with the escort of the White House
 staff worker, I was cleared to go inside the White House and 
was given a private tour. I prayed in each of the important rooms 
where many decisions are made on a daily basis decisions 
effecting our nation and the world. It is so important to 
declare what God is telling you while the atmosphere of 
His glory is present. This happened a second time, 
only six months later, when my wife and I had the 
opportunity to pray and declare things prophetically 
in the west wing including the Oval Office, the situation room, 
the press corps room, and other key areas. 

So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone (Ezekiel 37:7). As we see in this passage the moment Ezekiel prophesied, the noise had already begun and the miracle started the moment the prophecy started.The prophecy does not just foretell, it creates that which it is being said! It is the tool that brings it to pass. Confessing what you want God to do is different from declaring 
what He is saying right now while the glory is present. 
Ezekiel continued to prophecy and the miracles continued. 
Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, 
son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord God:“
Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, 
that they may live’”(Ezekiel 37:9). You can imagine what 
happened next. Just remember here that it is not just the 
prophetic gift alone that is so important, but the fact that 
Ezekiel is prophesying while the Spirit is moving and 
the glory of God is present he was first in the 
Spirit of the Lord. (see Ezek. 37:1.) 

He clearly explains that the Spirit of the Lord transported him to this place to prophecy. Here is what happened after the second prophecy. So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army (Ezekiel 37:10). Both Elijah and Elisha walked and lived in the prophetic glory realm and when they spoke it caused 
Heaven and earth, kings and nations, to react and respond.
The prophets of old have much to teach the present-day generation.They did whatever it took to get in a place with 
God for His glory to come so they could be effective. 

They knew that GLORY without His Presence nothing can happen. Jesus even said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Elijah and Elisha prophesied wombs to open,
 rain and drought, provisions, resurrections and deaths, 
and the list goes on. Now God is raising up such prophetic 
glory gifts so people can report terrorist plots to the police 
so that they can stop attacks before they happen. 
More and more the police force, media, and governments 
will be depending on the new Elijahs, begging to know 
the Word of the Lord regarding their national safety 
and security.We owe it to our generation, and the next, 
to press into this end-time grace of prophetic
 glory for His purposes!

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