Creative Miracles
In this next move of God we will begin to see extreme demonstrations of God’s power and glory that will suspend the very laws of gravity. There have been many miracles that seem to defy the laws of nature and gravity. As the church delves into this area of God’s glory invasion, I believe we will see more of these miracles in our day. “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened”(Luke 11:10). We know that everything was created by the glory of God and the sound or the spoken word.
So when the heaviness of God’s glory is present in a meeting, for example, we know that every body part and creative miracle needed is available. But how do you extract those creative miracles from the glory in the meeting? By realizing that all the miracles and body parts are in the glory but in an expanded form.To illustrate, look at these four dots. You can easily see these dots that are placed relatively closely to each other on the page. But imagine if I placed these same four dots in the four corners of a football stadium.You would know they are there but you would not be able to see them at the same time as the space between them has been expanded over a larger area.
Similarly, your body parts are in the meeting and the glory of God is present.You were created from His glory so body parts are present but are suspended in the glory in an expanded form. The power is there for a miracle and the body parts are there; now we need to extract a particular body part from the glory realm that is in the room.You do so by declaring the body part to be made manifest and the parts come together so you can see the miracle visibly just as you can see the dots when they are in a compacted form.The second ingredient for a creative miracle is sound or a spoken word comman-ding an object to form out of the raw material of the glory. We know from Chapter 1 that everything created can listen and obey as it too is made of sound.
We also know that nothing created can ever be destroyed but only changes form. Knowing this you can command your hair or your cartilage to return and be reformed or recreated from the glory that is present.The body part has the capacity to obey. Accepting this revelation helps when praying with much greater faith and authority for creative miracles and body parts. This realization is why we are witnessing instant weight loss in most of our meetings as we command fat cells to depart. Imagine if you commanded your fat cells to be stretched out as far as the east is from the west, you would no longer be able to see the fat.This is how a lot of creative miracles happen.We have also seen people’s missing teeth reappear, as well as hair, cartilage, and thyroids reappear, even after they had been surgically removed. We use the same Genesis1:1 principle of how God created the earth and everything in it inclu-ding you and me.
If we only see God as the Healer, and focus our prea-ching and receiving on healing, then we will only see healings but Not creative miracles In order to see the creative we must see God as Creator, as well. We must know God more as the Creator than as the Healer in order to abound in the creative miracles. The reason: God manifests the way you perceive Him. For example, some churches focus on the God of salvation and consequently they witness many salvations, but not healings. Other churches emphasize a God who delivers and He manifests as such. God will manifest in the way you perceive Him.
Do not limit God see Him in unlimited aspects and you will see unlimited manifestations of Him. An example of widening your perception: angels.You are probably aware of angels present in the room but you cannot see them because they are in an expanded form but you can sense them.When you are in the glory zone, angels are there too but in expanded form. Sometimes they will contract and you will be able to see them in solid form. In fact, when you are in the presence and glory of God the molecular structure of your own body starts to change.
As mentioned in the previous chapter, you may arrive at a meeting very tired but as you are worshiping God you become energized physically and even sickness departs.Your body made of glory comes in contact with a greater glory when worshiping or praying and it changes your body’s cell structure.You start to feel lighter in the presence of God as gravity seems to have less hold. At times you may even feel so light that you will fly away because your body is changing into an expanded form. Even evangelist and healer Smith Wigglesworth, known for unusual miracles, has been quoted as saying,“The life that is in me is a thousand times bigger than I am outside.” As your spirit starts to expand, it affects your body. In fact, I believe that a person can get so light when the spirit expands in the glory that someone can be transported from one place to another! Ezekiel was in the Spirit when he was transported to a valley of dry bones. (see Ezek. 37:1.) Philip was transported while sharing the Scriptures with the Ethiopian eunuch. (see Acts 8:27-29). Elijah was often transported and would disappear for days and be found on a mountain somewhere far away.
How is this possible? These experiences almost sound like a line from the “Star Trek” TV program “Beam me up, Scotty.” But this is not as far-fetched as you may think. In the TV show, you see a person standing in the “transporter” and when the right levers are pulled, the person’s molecules and particles expand and travel to a different location. Then the make-up of the person retracts and re-concentrates and the person arrives in one piece at the desired location. When you are in the glory zone you feel light and the very cells and molecules of your body start to change as your spirit begins to expand and at times your body will follow. I have had this happen to me several times. One time I was driving to a meeting between Paris and Belgium.While still in Paris my car broke down. I prayed for a miracle as the car was being towed.
The mechanic said the engine was beyond repair. As I prayed, God miraculously repaired the car to the surprise of the mechanic. By 7:30 P.M. I was back on the road but I had lost many hours of travel time. The meeting in Belgium started at 7 P.M so I was already 30 minutes late and I still had a three-hour drive in Friday night traffic. I called the pastor to tell him I would not make it in time to preach. As I drove along, I decided to enjoy God’s presence and worshiped him without a care in the world. Then the Lord spoke to me and told me I would indeed arrive in time to preach. I had a hard time believing this so I just said “amen.” I felt so light and full of glory while I was worshiping in my car when 45 minutes into the drive I suddenly noticed I was already in Belgium; and the next exit was the one leading to the church.
I was shocked because I never even saw the sign welcoming me to Belgium, let alone the very exit of the leading to the church. I pulled into the church parking lot at 8:15 P.M. and they were still worshiping, singing the last song. The pastor was very surprised to see me it was impos -sible to make the trip in 45 minutes. The meeting was awesome! This has happened to us several times in different places and countries. I believe that being transported will become more common during this Glory Invasion .
When you are experiencing extreme glory you are, inessence, in an expanded glory where the cell structure of your body may expand. Jesus went through a lot .He wasresurrected, glorified, took the keys of death, hell, and the grave, had seen the Father, and then reappeared resurrected. He returned as a man from an extreme glory zone the throne of God. His body was still in its expanded form to such a degree that He could travel through walls after His resurrection when he appeared to the disciples in the house without going through the front door just as angels can since they are permanently in the glory spirit realm. (SeeActs 1.) The molecules in your body are stretched out
when in expanded form and will have no trouble going through
walls in a certain level of high glory.Your spirit body basically
dominates your physical body. Just as sounds can
travel through walls, you can travel through walls
too because you are made of sound and glory.
When you are in an extreme state of glory, the sound waves of your body can penetrate walls as they expand. Even though you are a physical being, made of sound and solid matter, you can still experience this phenomenon. Just as a television picture can travel thousands of miles from a satellite in space into your home and deliver sounds and light in the form of a picture, you are created from the same stuffsound waves and light. Once the glory hits a certain level,
it affects the sound waves inside your body and the entire
molecular structure of your being. Even Albert Einstein theorized
that there is the exis-tence of a 4th dimension where time is
absent and eternity reigns.The 4th dimension that is beyond
time and space can only be pierced by an object traveling at
twice the speed of light. I believe Einstein was alluding to
something he did not realize, the invisible kingdom of Heaven
that is all around us. As we are in the glory zone, we pierce
through our current three-dimensional realm into another
realm the kingdom of Heaven that is more real than what we see.
If a scientist basing all his information on facts can realize there is another realm, how much easier should it be for us to believe? After all, there are examples of this other realm throughout the Scriptures. How did Jesus and Peter walk on water? Jesus, who came in the form of a human like you and me, knew how to get into the glory realm, just as you and I can. The gravity and molecular structure of His body
changed and He became light enough in the glory that
He could walk across the surface of the water.
Also possiblein His presence, the molecular structure of
the water could have changed and contracted tighter under
each step He took, just as water can change intoice, a more
solid form of the same substance. Israel walked through the
Red Sea as God defied the laws of gravity by suspending
the massive bodies of water in the air until His people
traveled safely to the other side. Jesus and Peter also
defied the three dimensional law of this world of gravity and
operated out of Heaven’s 4th or unlimited dimension as
they both experienced the glory zone. By faith Peter asked for permission to join Jesus as He walked on the water.
Peter lunged into the glory realm where his body weight did not make him sink but the water actually became solid enough for him to walk on. He was supported by the knowledge of his spirit and not his intellect. Walk by the spirit, not the flesh.The flesh is your natural, carnal, worldly, and three-dimensional limited way of thinking. As soon as Peter began to analyze and revert to past experience and acquired knowledge, he began to sink. I believe that although he did not understand how he was walking on water, he simply did by faith.
Faith with action will get you into the glory realm of creative
miracles faster than anything else even if you don’t understand it.
I hope that the insights in this book will give you some
understanding of miracles and add to your faith and confidence
about what goes on behind the scenes when these things occur.
St. Luke the Younger (A.D. 946) was a Greek believer who
loved God and gave much to help the poor. He is one of the
first saints recorded to have been seen levitating during prayer.
Even after the 17th century and well into the Colonial
Era these things occurrences were recorded.
St. Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663) was also known for levitating he was often referred to as the “Flying Friar.” His experiences are some of the best documented in church history. He was always in the Spirit and seemed oblivious and unshaken by anything in the natural world. He was not accepted into the Franciscan order because they consi-dered him too focused on God. He was sent from one monastery to another and finally they allowed him become a priest at the age of 25. It is recorded that St. Joseph of Cupertino would have extensive visions and heavenly trances triggered by simple things like music and
hearing the name of Jesus. There are more than 70 recorded
instances of Joseph levitating, along with numerous miraculous healings that were “not paralleled in the reasonably authenticated
life of any other saint,” according to the book, Butler’s Lives of the Saints. Joseph’s most radical instance of flight was when a group of monks were trying to place a large cross on the top of a church building. The cross was 36 feet high, taking the efforts of
10 men to lift; when suddenly, Joseph flew 70 yards, picked it up “as if it were straw” and put it in place. Such phenomena kept Joseph’s leaders from allowing him to celebrate mass in public for 35 years. They usually confined him to his room with a private chapel.
During a revival we held in Paris, France, in 1998 that lasted six months, we witnessed levitations or being lifted up off the ground. During the first weekend of meetings, the glory came so strong that I could not even grab the microphone to speak. People suddenly started to wail and weep for souls, and a 15-year-old girl in the back of the room slipped into deep travail and intercession for souls. While she was weeping she was suddenly lifted up 13centimeters off the ground and then she flipped over, still in the air for a few more seconds, and then slowly came down. Her movements totally surprised some of the people seated near her who were attending the meeting simply out of curiosity. Immediately after the girl returned to her seat, 13 people ran up to be saved each one had had suicidal tendencies. These experiences were later recorded in a revival e-mail that was
distributed throughout the United States and Canada.
After this first weekend of revival meetings in Paris, for the next six months, four nights a week, souls were saved in each and every meeting, along with miracles, signs and wonders displayed, and believers repented of sin in their lives. This revival was one of
the highlights of our ministry work in that country, one of
many places on the earth where we have seen God move
in new ways. Scriptures say that Enoch was lifted up to the sky
(see Gen. 5:24), and Jesus ascended in front of 500 people
(see Acts 1). Elijah was taken up in a chariot
of fire (see 2 Kings 2:11).
Today, there have been reports from various countries, including Argentina, about people levitating while preaching. If people involved in magic and sorcery levitate and can draw a crowd in broad daylight as has been known to happen in New York City by modern day magicians and those using demonic power, how much more can the true children of God, blood-bought believers, move in even greater demonstrations of His power? Again, it is not the miracle or act that is good or
evil but the source of the miracle or act that is important.
As long as it’s Jesus in you and the power of Heaven,
enjoy the journey and have a safe flight. God can use
all things for His glory. I truly believe that these examples
from the Bible and recent history are foreshadows and
glimpses of what the last day church will look like and
do for His glory to display His power. Many seekers
are now being seduced by demonic power camouflaged
as pure and innocent as they are searching for the supernatural.
Will we rise up to the occasion as Moses did with his rod and challenge the current power and demonstrate an even greater power? Or will the followers of Jesus shy away from the challenge and play it safe behind church walls every Sunday? Some consider New Age followers to be the largest un-reached people group in America and, along with Islam, the number of followers is growing in many nations worldwide.
Even the most powerful sorcerers in the Bible, like Simon and Bar-Jesus, were totally stunned and defeated by the superiority of
the power of God demonstrated by the apostles and believers.
Today, though, most Christians shy away from believing
God’s power and label it all as strange or dangerous.
I believe that if the church doesn’t begin to move
in even greater power than is recorded in church history,
we will lose the current generation who is starved to see the supernatural causing millions to flock to movies such as
Harry Potter and join the demonically influenced streams and cults.
We must rise up and lead them to the one true God of all power and love. SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH The walls of Jericho crumbled because people shouted another amazing defiance of the law of gravity. What made the walls fall? The Israelites were told not to speak for one week. In this way they were conserving the power of the sound in their voices so on the day they released it their shouts would have greater power. Words and sound contain certain levels of energy.
If you say “In the name of Jesus” with a tired voice and
after having talked all day about nonsense, the power of your
words are weakened. On the other hand, if you spent the day meditating on God then speak, there is power in your words.
Imagine the Israelites spending an entire week not talking or being distracted or speaking negative words. The entire time their minds and spirits were preoccupied with God and with the anticipation of what He would do next. Then finally after conserving all their sound waves,
on His command, they together released one big shout and shofar blastthe power was like a sonic boom. Sounds waves full of glory
and power like a laser were concentrated on the walls around the city of Jericho and down they came. I believe the walls were overpowered by the stream of concentrated sound waves emanating from the people’s shouts and blew out all the sound waves in the rocks. Because the rock wall was essentially made of the building
block of sound and it was bombarded with greater sound
waves of glory coming from millions of God’s people, the wall
crumbled as the very element that held it up was shattered.
It is well known that if a person sings at a very high pitch long enough glass will break especially a fine crystal goblet. The sound pierces
right through the glass, also made of sounds, and shatters it.
A jet aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sound causes things on earth to shake because of the great power of the sound waves.
In November 2005 a cruise ship was attacked by pirates in the waters near Somalia.The ship’s crew used a newly developed non-lethal weapon that sends out high-powered air vibrations.They aimed a sonic sound boom at the pirates who were trying to board the ship and the blast knocked them off their feet. Fortunately, the cruise ship outmaneuvered the pirates and moved out into deeper waters.
Can you imagine sounds loaded with the glory and power of God? There is a sound of God’s glory that is released when we shout to the Lord corporately. As mentioned previously, sound is also energy and matter and it has energy and weight to it. Sound is a non-visible element but a very real object that, when in a concentrated
form and filled with His glory, is a force to be reckoned with.
I grew up watching Superman and other superheroes on TV. Superman could fly to another country or city in seconds, had x-ray vision, and performed superhuman feats of strength. The Invisible Girl could make herself disappear to get into or out of different situations. Flash Gordon could run faster than the eye could see. The Spiderman story was released as a movie and there is a resurgence of comic book
heroes today as well.This is not an acceptance of such entertainment but only examples of the hunger people have for these types of supernatural experiences. Maybe these characters were
inspired by biblical heroes? After all, Samson lifted the gates
of an entire city. He killed thousands of men with the jawbone
of a donkey as well as many other amazing feats. (see Judges 15.) Elijah outran a chariot, and Philip was transported faster than a blink to another town to preach. Jesus demonstrated the first invisible cloaking device when He disappeared from the midst of a crowd ready
to stone Him! They had rocks in their hands and were looking
right at Jesus the next moment, He was gone (see John 8 and 10). Superhuman strength and power comes from a supernatural God.
The kind of things that happened from Genesis through Revelation
can and will happen again.
I believe that God is now releasing supernatural visions and accurate, detailed words of knowledge about things happening behind closed doors that are baffling unbelievers. God is equipping superheroes for Jesus who will heal and even resurrect the dead. They will take down demonic evil ones threatening cities and countries.The world is desperate for some “Glory Superheroes for Jesus.” While we
wait for His return we can demonstrate His power of love and redemption. Jesus is the true superhero and through the Holy Spirit,
He is living inside of us.We have the ability to demonstrate
His ultimate supernatural power. I believe that raising the dead,
casting out demons, interpreting dreams, reading people’s hearts,
and being transported to help someone in need are just a few
of the ways we can operate in the glory realm.
People want superheroes and we can provide the
Ultimate Superhero for them God Almighty. God provides
supernatural experiences to those who are obedient.
I have heard many testimonies about people who smuggle
Bibles into Communist countries where Bibles are forbidden.
Often as these brave individuals approach security check
points they pass directly through without even having to show
their passports. God can easily expand the molecules in
your body in such a glory that you become invisible.
In this next move of God we will begin to see extreme demonstrations of God’s power and glory that will suspend the very laws of gravity. There have been many miracles that seem to defy the laws of nature and gravity. As the church delves into this area of God’s glory invasion, I believe we will see more of these miracles in our day. “For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened”(Luke 11:10). We know that everything was created by the glory of God and the sound or the spoken word.
So when the heaviness of God’s glory is present in a meeting, for example, we know that every body part and creative miracle needed is available. But how do you extract those creative miracles from the glory in the meeting? By realizing that all the miracles and body parts are in the glory but in an expanded form.To illustrate, look at these four dots. You can easily see these dots that are placed relatively closely to each other on the page. But imagine if I placed these same four dots in the four corners of a football stadium.You would know they are there but you would not be able to see them at the same time as the space between them has been expanded over a larger area.
Similarly, your body parts are in the meeting and the glory of God is present.You were created from His glory so body parts are present but are suspended in the glory in an expanded form. The power is there for a miracle and the body parts are there; now we need to extract a particular body part from the glory realm that is in the room.You do so by declaring the body part to be made manifest and the parts come together so you can see the miracle visibly just as you can see the dots when they are in a compacted form.The second ingredient for a creative miracle is sound or a spoken word comman-ding an object to form out of the raw material of the glory. We know from Chapter 1 that everything created can listen and obey as it too is made of sound.
We also know that nothing created can ever be destroyed but only changes form. Knowing this you can command your hair or your cartilage to return and be reformed or recreated from the glory that is present.The body part has the capacity to obey. Accepting this revelation helps when praying with much greater faith and authority for creative miracles and body parts. This realization is why we are witnessing instant weight loss in most of our meetings as we command fat cells to depart. Imagine if you commanded your fat cells to be stretched out as far as the east is from the west, you would no longer be able to see the fat.This is how a lot of creative miracles happen.We have also seen people’s missing teeth reappear, as well as hair, cartilage, and thyroids reappear, even after they had been surgically removed. We use the same Genesis1:1 principle of how God created the earth and everything in it inclu-ding you and me.
If we only see God as the Healer, and focus our prea-ching and receiving on healing, then we will only see healings but Not creative miracles In order to see the creative we must see God as Creator, as well. We must know God more as the Creator than as the Healer in order to abound in the creative miracles. The reason: God manifests the way you perceive Him. For example, some churches focus on the God of salvation and consequently they witness many salvations, but not healings. Other churches emphasize a God who delivers and He manifests as such. God will manifest in the way you perceive Him.
Do not limit God see Him in unlimited aspects and you will see unlimited manifestations of Him. An example of widening your perception: angels.You are probably aware of angels present in the room but you cannot see them because they are in an expanded form but you can sense them.When you are in the glory zone, angels are there too but in expanded form. Sometimes they will contract and you will be able to see them in solid form. In fact, when you are in the presence and glory of God the molecular structure of your own body starts to change.
As mentioned in the previous chapter, you may arrive at a meeting very tired but as you are worshiping God you become energized physically and even sickness departs.Your body made of glory comes in contact with a greater glory when worshiping or praying and it changes your body’s cell structure.You start to feel lighter in the presence of God as gravity seems to have less hold. At times you may even feel so light that you will fly away because your body is changing into an expanded form. Even evangelist and healer Smith Wigglesworth, known for unusual miracles, has been quoted as saying,“The life that is in me is a thousand times bigger than I am outside.” As your spirit starts to expand, it affects your body. In fact, I believe that a person can get so light when the spirit expands in the glory that someone can be transported from one place to another! Ezekiel was in the Spirit when he was transported to a valley of dry bones. (see Ezek. 37:1.) Philip was transported while sharing the Scriptures with the Ethiopian eunuch. (see Acts 8:27-29). Elijah was often transported and would disappear for days and be found on a mountain somewhere far away.
How is this possible? These experiences almost sound like a line from the “Star Trek” TV program “Beam me up, Scotty.” But this is not as far-fetched as you may think. In the TV show, you see a person standing in the “transporter” and when the right levers are pulled, the person’s molecules and particles expand and travel to a different location. Then the make-up of the person retracts and re-concentrates and the person arrives in one piece at the desired location. When you are in the glory zone you feel light and the very cells and molecules of your body start to change as your spirit begins to expand and at times your body will follow. I have had this happen to me several times. One time I was driving to a meeting between Paris and Belgium.While still in Paris my car broke down. I prayed for a miracle as the car was being towed.
The mechanic said the engine was beyond repair. As I prayed, God miraculously repaired the car to the surprise of the mechanic. By 7:30 P.M. I was back on the road but I had lost many hours of travel time. The meeting in Belgium started at 7 P.M so I was already 30 minutes late and I still had a three-hour drive in Friday night traffic. I called the pastor to tell him I would not make it in time to preach. As I drove along, I decided to enjoy God’s presence and worshiped him without a care in the world. Then the Lord spoke to me and told me I would indeed arrive in time to preach. I had a hard time believing this so I just said “amen.” I felt so light and full of glory while I was worshiping in my car when 45 minutes into the drive I suddenly noticed I was already in Belgium; and the next exit was the one leading to the church.
I was shocked because I never even saw the sign welcoming me to Belgium, let alone the very exit of the leading to the church. I pulled into the church parking lot at 8:15 P.M. and they were still worshiping, singing the last song. The pastor was very surprised to see me it was impos -sible to make the trip in 45 minutes. The meeting was awesome! This has happened to us several times in different places and countries. I believe that being transported will become more common during this Glory Invasion .
When you are experiencing extreme glory you are, inessence, in an expanded glory where the cell structure of your body may expand. Jesus went through a lot .He wasresurrected, glorified, took the keys of death, hell, and the grave, had seen the Father, and then reappeared resurrected. He returned as a man from an extreme glory zone the throne of God. His body was still in its expanded form to such a degree that He could travel through walls after His resurrection when he appeared to the disciples in the house without going through the front door just as angels can since they are permanently in the glory spirit realm. (SeeActs 1.) The molecules in your body are stretched out
when in expanded form and will have no trouble going through
walls in a certain level of high glory.Your spirit body basically
dominates your physical body. Just as sounds can
travel through walls, you can travel through walls
too because you are made of sound and glory.
When you are in an extreme state of glory, the sound waves of your body can penetrate walls as they expand. Even though you are a physical being, made of sound and solid matter, you can still experience this phenomenon. Just as a television picture can travel thousands of miles from a satellite in space into your home and deliver sounds and light in the form of a picture, you are created from the same stuffsound waves and light. Once the glory hits a certain level,
it affects the sound waves inside your body and the entire
molecular structure of your being. Even Albert Einstein theorized
that there is the exis-tence of a 4th dimension where time is
absent and eternity reigns.The 4th dimension that is beyond
time and space can only be pierced by an object traveling at
twice the speed of light. I believe Einstein was alluding to
something he did not realize, the invisible kingdom of Heaven
that is all around us. As we are in the glory zone, we pierce
through our current three-dimensional realm into another
realm the kingdom of Heaven that is more real than what we see.
If a scientist basing all his information on facts can realize there is another realm, how much easier should it be for us to believe? After all, there are examples of this other realm throughout the Scriptures. How did Jesus and Peter walk on water? Jesus, who came in the form of a human like you and me, knew how to get into the glory realm, just as you and I can. The gravity and molecular structure of His body
changed and He became light enough in the glory that
He could walk across the surface of the water.
Also possiblein His presence, the molecular structure of
the water could have changed and contracted tighter under
each step He took, just as water can change intoice, a more
solid form of the same substance. Israel walked through the
Red Sea as God defied the laws of gravity by suspending
the massive bodies of water in the air until His people
traveled safely to the other side. Jesus and Peter also
defied the three dimensional law of this world of gravity and
operated out of Heaven’s 4th or unlimited dimension as
they both experienced the glory zone. By faith Peter asked for permission to join Jesus as He walked on the water.
Peter lunged into the glory realm where his body weight did not make him sink but the water actually became solid enough for him to walk on. He was supported by the knowledge of his spirit and not his intellect. Walk by the spirit, not the flesh.The flesh is your natural, carnal, worldly, and three-dimensional limited way of thinking. As soon as Peter began to analyze and revert to past experience and acquired knowledge, he began to sink. I believe that although he did not understand how he was walking on water, he simply did by faith.
Faith with action will get you into the glory realm of creative
miracles faster than anything else even if you don’t understand it.
I hope that the insights in this book will give you some
understanding of miracles and add to your faith and confidence
about what goes on behind the scenes when these things occur.
St. Luke the Younger (A.D. 946) was a Greek believer who
loved God and gave much to help the poor. He is one of the
first saints recorded to have been seen levitating during prayer.
Even after the 17th century and well into the Colonial
Era these things occurrences were recorded.
St. Joseph of Cupertino (1603-1663) was also known for levitating he was often referred to as the “Flying Friar.” His experiences are some of the best documented in church history. He was always in the Spirit and seemed oblivious and unshaken by anything in the natural world. He was not accepted into the Franciscan order because they consi-dered him too focused on God. He was sent from one monastery to another and finally they allowed him become a priest at the age of 25. It is recorded that St. Joseph of Cupertino would have extensive visions and heavenly trances triggered by simple things like music and
hearing the name of Jesus. There are more than 70 recorded
instances of Joseph levitating, along with numerous miraculous healings that were “not paralleled in the reasonably authenticated
life of any other saint,” according to the book, Butler’s Lives of the Saints. Joseph’s most radical instance of flight was when a group of monks were trying to place a large cross on the top of a church building. The cross was 36 feet high, taking the efforts of
10 men to lift; when suddenly, Joseph flew 70 yards, picked it up “as if it were straw” and put it in place. Such phenomena kept Joseph’s leaders from allowing him to celebrate mass in public for 35 years. They usually confined him to his room with a private chapel.
During a revival we held in Paris, France, in 1998 that lasted six months, we witnessed levitations or being lifted up off the ground. During the first weekend of meetings, the glory came so strong that I could not even grab the microphone to speak. People suddenly started to wail and weep for souls, and a 15-year-old girl in the back of the room slipped into deep travail and intercession for souls. While she was weeping she was suddenly lifted up 13centimeters off the ground and then she flipped over, still in the air for a few more seconds, and then slowly came down. Her movements totally surprised some of the people seated near her who were attending the meeting simply out of curiosity. Immediately after the girl returned to her seat, 13 people ran up to be saved each one had had suicidal tendencies. These experiences were later recorded in a revival e-mail that was
distributed throughout the United States and Canada.
After this first weekend of revival meetings in Paris, for the next six months, four nights a week, souls were saved in each and every meeting, along with miracles, signs and wonders displayed, and believers repented of sin in their lives. This revival was one of
the highlights of our ministry work in that country, one of
many places on the earth where we have seen God move
in new ways. Scriptures say that Enoch was lifted up to the sky
(see Gen. 5:24), and Jesus ascended in front of 500 people
(see Acts 1). Elijah was taken up in a chariot
of fire (see 2 Kings 2:11).
Today, there have been reports from various countries, including Argentina, about people levitating while preaching. If people involved in magic and sorcery levitate and can draw a crowd in broad daylight as has been known to happen in New York City by modern day magicians and those using demonic power, how much more can the true children of God, blood-bought believers, move in even greater demonstrations of His power? Again, it is not the miracle or act that is good or
evil but the source of the miracle or act that is important.
As long as it’s Jesus in you and the power of Heaven,
enjoy the journey and have a safe flight. God can use
all things for His glory. I truly believe that these examples
from the Bible and recent history are foreshadows and
glimpses of what the last day church will look like and
do for His glory to display His power. Many seekers
are now being seduced by demonic power camouflaged
as pure and innocent as they are searching for the supernatural.
Will we rise up to the occasion as Moses did with his rod and challenge the current power and demonstrate an even greater power? Or will the followers of Jesus shy away from the challenge and play it safe behind church walls every Sunday? Some consider New Age followers to be the largest un-reached people group in America and, along with Islam, the number of followers is growing in many nations worldwide.
Even the most powerful sorcerers in the Bible, like Simon and Bar-Jesus, were totally stunned and defeated by the superiority of
the power of God demonstrated by the apostles and believers.
Today, though, most Christians shy away from believing
God’s power and label it all as strange or dangerous.
I believe that if the church doesn’t begin to move
in even greater power than is recorded in church history,
we will lose the current generation who is starved to see the supernatural causing millions to flock to movies such as
Harry Potter and join the demonically influenced streams and cults.
We must rise up and lead them to the one true God of all power and love. SOUNDS OF TRIUMPH The walls of Jericho crumbled because people shouted another amazing defiance of the law of gravity. What made the walls fall? The Israelites were told not to speak for one week. In this way they were conserving the power of the sound in their voices so on the day they released it their shouts would have greater power. Words and sound contain certain levels of energy.
If you say “In the name of Jesus” with a tired voice and
after having talked all day about nonsense, the power of your
words are weakened. On the other hand, if you spent the day meditating on God then speak, there is power in your words.
Imagine the Israelites spending an entire week not talking or being distracted or speaking negative words. The entire time their minds and spirits were preoccupied with God and with the anticipation of what He would do next. Then finally after conserving all their sound waves,
on His command, they together released one big shout and shofar blastthe power was like a sonic boom. Sounds waves full of glory
and power like a laser were concentrated on the walls around the city of Jericho and down they came. I believe the walls were overpowered by the stream of concentrated sound waves emanating from the people’s shouts and blew out all the sound waves in the rocks. Because the rock wall was essentially made of the building
block of sound and it was bombarded with greater sound
waves of glory coming from millions of God’s people, the wall
crumbled as the very element that held it up was shattered.
It is well known that if a person sings at a very high pitch long enough glass will break especially a fine crystal goblet. The sound pierces
right through the glass, also made of sounds, and shatters it.
A jet aircraft traveling faster than the speed of sound causes things on earth to shake because of the great power of the sound waves.
In November 2005 a cruise ship was attacked by pirates in the waters near Somalia.The ship’s crew used a newly developed non-lethal weapon that sends out high-powered air vibrations.They aimed a sonic sound boom at the pirates who were trying to board the ship and the blast knocked them off their feet. Fortunately, the cruise ship outmaneuvered the pirates and moved out into deeper waters.
Can you imagine sounds loaded with the glory and power of God? There is a sound of God’s glory that is released when we shout to the Lord corporately. As mentioned previously, sound is also energy and matter and it has energy and weight to it. Sound is a non-visible element but a very real object that, when in a concentrated
form and filled with His glory, is a force to be reckoned with.
I grew up watching Superman and other superheroes on TV. Superman could fly to another country or city in seconds, had x-ray vision, and performed superhuman feats of strength. The Invisible Girl could make herself disappear to get into or out of different situations. Flash Gordon could run faster than the eye could see. The Spiderman story was released as a movie and there is a resurgence of comic book
heroes today as well.This is not an acceptance of such entertainment but only examples of the hunger people have for these types of supernatural experiences. Maybe these characters were
inspired by biblical heroes? After all, Samson lifted the gates
of an entire city. He killed thousands of men with the jawbone
of a donkey as well as many other amazing feats. (see Judges 15.) Elijah outran a chariot, and Philip was transported faster than a blink to another town to preach. Jesus demonstrated the first invisible cloaking device when He disappeared from the midst of a crowd ready
to stone Him! They had rocks in their hands and were looking
right at Jesus the next moment, He was gone (see John 8 and 10). Superhuman strength and power comes from a supernatural God.
The kind of things that happened from Genesis through Revelation
can and will happen again.
I believe that God is now releasing supernatural visions and accurate, detailed words of knowledge about things happening behind closed doors that are baffling unbelievers. God is equipping superheroes for Jesus who will heal and even resurrect the dead. They will take down demonic evil ones threatening cities and countries.The world is desperate for some “Glory Superheroes for Jesus.” While we
wait for His return we can demonstrate His power of love and redemption. Jesus is the true superhero and through the Holy Spirit,
He is living inside of us.We have the ability to demonstrate
His ultimate supernatural power. I believe that raising the dead,
casting out demons, interpreting dreams, reading people’s hearts,
and being transported to help someone in need are just a few
of the ways we can operate in the glory realm.
People want superheroes and we can provide the
Ultimate Superhero for them God Almighty. God provides
supernatural experiences to those who are obedient.
I have heard many testimonies about people who smuggle
Bibles into Communist countries where Bibles are forbidden.
Often as these brave individuals approach security check
points they pass directly through without even having to show
their passports. God can easily expand the molecules in
your body in such a glory that you become invisible.
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