(By Dr.David Herzog)
(I) Sound and Glory
Chapter (1) The Glory Zone
Chapter (2) Creative Miracles
Chapter (3) Revelatory Realms and Portals
Chapter (4) Prophetic Glory
(1) The Glory Zone
When you are in the glory zone and speak out what God istelling or showing you, things will start to be created at that moment. I will explain how this occurs behind the scenes. There is a difference between saying words flippantly as op-posed to prophetically declaring with conviction those same words when you are in a zone or atmosphere of His glory. He is the Creator so if you follow the same pattern of waiting for His glory to come and then speak out what He is saying, the same things will follow.The unseen or invisible things that God used to create are His presence and sound waves.
Even God was never recorded as opening His mouth to speak
anything until first He sent His own Spirit or Glory to first hover,
creating an atmosphere conducive to creative miracles.
Everything created was created using the part of God Himself,
His Spirit, to create it. Without the element of God’s Spirit hovering, nothing else can be created, He is the only Creator.
This is how Elijah could command rain to fall or not and how
Ezekiel could command dead, dry human bones to come back together. First these men of God immersed themselves in the
Spirit or Glory of God and then spoke, prophesied, or declared what God told them to speak. But what actually happens behind the scenes to cause these things to occur? E=MC2
Even Einstein’s theory of relativity connects to the creation story.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a Jewish scientist who thoroughly studied the first five books of the Bible that most Jews of his day knew well. He was fascinated by the cre- ation account especially as a scientist. His theory in simplified terms: E is energy and M is mass or substance. Basically Einstein concluded that energy is real, even though it is invisible to the naked eye.
One example of energy is electric ity.Though you cannot see it, you know it is real when you turnon a light or turn off the television. Energy can also be experienced through the presence, glory, and Spirit of God.When the presence of God is felt during a time of worship, often you become energized not just spiritually but physically as well—even though you may have been exhausted only moments earlier. Suddenly, because of His presence, you are filled with physical and spiritual energy. The presence of God’s glory releases a supernatural energy and provides the potential for miracles. Energy is substance even if your eye cannot yet see it. The presence, power, Spirit and Glory of God is not an emotion that only those who are sensitive can feel. Energy is a power, a capacity for work just like electricity and
sound waves that you can’t see, but still exist.An example: John G. Lake, a great missionary to South Africa in the early 1900s.
In his account, many people in South Africa were dying of disease.While assisting doctors during a bubonic plague outbreak, Lake was asked why he had not contracted the disease since he used no protec- tion. He said, “it is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.” demonstrate, he had them take live bubonic plague germs still
foaming from the lungs of a newly dead person and put them in
his hands and then examine the germs under a microscope.
The germs were dead! The energy and presence of God was
invisible to the naked eye but magnified under the microscope’s
lens there proved to be a real, for midable, existing power that
killed the virus. This is how John G.Lake explained why
he did not get sick he carried the cure in his body and
spirit to cure disease through the power of
the Spirit through Jesus. In another amazing testimony,
John G. Lake asked doctors to bring him a man with
inflammation in the bone. He asked them to take their instruments
and attach it to his leg while he prayed for healing.
Then he asked them what they saw taking
place on their instruments. They replied that
every cell was responding positively!
John G. Lake replied, “That is God’s divine science!”
Some scientists (especially those who work in string theory)
believe that the smallest particle is not the electron, the neutron,
or the proton—it is sound, “sound waves” or vibra -ting strings that have “notes.” 3 When you take the smallest atom known
(a neutron or a proton) and split it to its smallest form,
there is one more particle inside the smallest particle a
vibrating sound wave. If this is true, and if the Genesis
account is true that God used His words, or sound, to create,
then I believe that sound waves are the smallest living
substance unseen by the human eye that is at the core of every created thing. The Scriptures confirm stating that,
“the very stones will cry out.” (See Luke 19:40 AMP.)
If there are sound waves in every created thing this would confirm the Genesis account. Sound is the main ingredient in the base composition of all created things. God spoke, and it was created. In fact, everything created was created when God spoke it all into existence. That being so, there are sound waves imbedded in every created thing. Man was created from the dust. The Hebrew word for dust is “aphar” and it does not mean dirt. It actually means, “smallest created particle.”
I believe that the smallest particle is a sound wave, the building
block and first ingredient of all things created including man.
It is now being studied through experiments by Japanese
researcher Masaru Emoto that water particles and other
subatomic particles actually respond to sound and even
voice recognition. 4 If this is true, then every created thing
can hear in a sense and respond in some way as all things
created were first created with the same core ingredients
sound and the glory or presence of God.
In Psalm 148 God commands the sun, moon,
and stars to praise Him. He even commands mountains
and hills to praise Him. Only an intelligent God who knows
His creation intimately can command seemingly inanimate
objects to respond in worship to Him. In fact, all creation
has the ability to hear, listen, obey, respond,
and worship its Creator.
Jesus commanded the fig tree to die after not producing fruit and the tree obeyed Him. Every living thing can and does respond. Quantum physics confirms that if you study an object long enough, it will respond in a certain way because you were observing it, thus it realizes it is being observed. NASA scientists recently discovered that sound waves of musical harmonious notes were coming from black holes (collapsed stars); and other experiments revealed similar results from rock samples taken from outer space. 5 In fact, they found that every created thing has musical sound waves imbedded in them.
During the black hole study, they detected sounds emanating
from the black hole. 6 Why would musical sounds be produced
from His creation? The Lord commands everything to worship Him. Hence, rock samples from distant planets emit sounds
of worship that we can hear when put under special
machines that track sound waves and energy.
Have you ever noticed that when you are traveling alone in the countryside, walking in the woods, or enjoying a beautiful natural setting you often sense the presence of God?
Have you noticed that at times when you are attending
a church retreat camp or something similar in a natural
surrounding you seem to receive a greater touch from God?
Creation emits “sound waves of worship” that are invisible
to your natural ear, but your spirit receives them.
Jesus and Elijah often went out to the mountain,
John to the desert, and Moses climbed up the mountain
to get alone with God. Have you noticed that you often
can connect with God easier in a beautiful natural surrounding?
I believe that all creation, in its natural state, is worshiping the Creator. Praise and worship brings the presence of God.
There is anongoing symphony praising Him 24/7 in nature, in His uncorrupted creation. Your spirit feels refreshed and you often feel closer to God in nature than you do in the city where he creation is no longer in its raw, natural state. Often we listen to music and worship tapes to help us get into the presence of God. But when you are outdoors, you sense His presence without manmade music because there is a natural ongoing orchestra of worship via the creation.
Even though your natural ear cannot hear it, this invisible worship welcomes the presence of God. When people pray against cancer,
they often command cancer as if it is a person and command it to go. Also, people pray and command their broken bones to be healed.
I used to think it was strange to talk to sickness in this way;
but this is possible because every created thing has sound
waves and responds to sound waves spoken with the Glory
and Spirit of God. Just saying words or reciting Scriptures is
not the key.The letter of the law kills, but the Spirit giveslife.
Get into the glory zone of His presence first, then speak
forth and the creation will respond to your word if it is attached
with the Spirit. Even cancer responds to the sound and command of your spoken words! I believe that if you speak to the cancer
while in the presence of God, and in faith, believing and
understanding that the cancer can hear you and respond, it will die.
I have seen this occur countless times. Now, even doctors use sound waves to treat cancer. Doctors use a procedure called high-intensity focused ultrasound, which is high energy sound waves, to destroy cancer cells.7The high-intensity words you speak at the cancer cells that can hear and respond are much more powerful with the Holy Spirit and Glory. So if created objects can respond because they themselves have sound emanating from them, then God is showing us more of how He operated through Jesus and the prophets.
When Jesus commanded the fig tree to whither,
it obeyed because it was created with the capacity t
o hear and obey. Objects such as rocks, mountains, and trees communicate with and worship God all of His creation not only
hears and understands but also replies and worships Him.
This being true, the creation also can respond to you when you speak words of faith directed by God in the glory realm.Now you know why Jesus said we could speak to a moun- tain and it is possible for it to be removed (see Matt. 17:20). The disciples also marveled that even “...winds and water...obey Him”(Luke 8:25). Not just diseases but creation itself obeys.This realization opens a whole new world of
au- thority over creation. God told Moses to speak to the rock and it would produce water. Satan tempted Jesus in the desert to command the stones to turn to bread. Satan knew it was entirely
possible for Jesus to perform the miracle. But Jesus did not
succumb because He was fasting and would not take orders from
or be tempted by satan. Empowering Moses to turn a rock into
water is not much different from Jesus’ ability to turn stones into bread.
Often when praying for miracles we command broken bones to reconnect. The bones can hear and respond just as all created things. Body parts and creation can hear and respond.
Why and how is this possible? In the biblical account of creation, God spoke for the first time in recorded history in Genesis 1:3,“...let there be light; and there was light.”Accordingly everything was created with sound directing it to be a certain thing. First the Spirit began to hover over the waters,then sound was released. So if you are in the presence of God, it is also possible to redirect an object to be another created thing. If the original raw materials that created a certain object are present (the Spirit of God as revealed in Genesis) then
sound can re-direct the same created object into another formespecially if you are in the glory realm of God where the Spirit is hovering. I believe that nothing created can be uncreated things created only change form; even according to the law of thermodynamics this is known to be true. For example,
burned wood turns to ash but does not disappear.
Although the ash seems to dissolve, it is reduced to smaller
molecules that still contain imbedded sound particles. Consequently,one created object can turn into another created
thing if directed by sound waves or a command under the direction of the Holy Spirit. When Moses threw His rod down and it turned into a serpent, the Pha-raoh’s magicians were able to do the same thing.
This proves that the miracle or act of turning something into something else is not wrong or evil in and of itself. The important questions: Who is the source of the miracle? Whose power is in operation? Jesus could have easily turned the stone into bread but Jesus would not have turned the stone to bread by satan’s command because the source would have changed. Jesus’ source is only His Fatherin Heaven.
His first miracle turned water into wine. Again we see one created form turning into another. I believe we will start to see these new types of miracles take place again in the days ahead when we will have authority over creation, have the faith and revelation to see things created change forms, and show the magicians and sorcerers of our day who God really is. So if we have faith to see an object turn into another object, how much easier is it to see things created multiply themselves. Everything generally produces after its own kind.
The fish and the loaves easily multiplied at Jesus’ command.
I have experienced special miracles like this. Someone planned a party for me after church one Sunday. The hostess had made
exactly 23 sandwiches and two pitchers ofwater because
she only invited a handful of people. For some reason, though,
half the church showed up. The lady who prepared the food was shocked. God told her to quiet down and believe for a miracle.
She did, and during the event she watched at least 30 to 40 people eat at least two or three sandwiches each. At the end of the party, there were sandwiches left over.The two pitchers of drink should have provided enough for one serving for each person but she had enough to refill each glass—God had multiplied the drinks too! Another time, we were holding a large evangelistic miracle crusade in a big auditorium in Paris, France. It was very expensive to rent such a place.When we counted all the offerings given by believers during
the outreach, we ran short of what we needed to pay for the crusade expenses. The Lord told me to tell the counters to keep counting.
As they did, the bills suddenly multiplied. I told them to keep counting until they came to a certain amount that was enough to cover all the expenses.We ended up with above and beyond what we
needed as God had supernaturally multiplied the finances.
We have seen this miracle many times over. We are also
witnessing many people receive instant weight loss during our meetings. One man in Tennessee lost 70 pounds in one service after receiving a word of knowledge. In Las Vegas during the first night of meetings, about 20 women lost weight equal to five dress sizes.
God can just as easily remove fat cells as we can put them on. As you start to meditate on this revelation and on how big God really is, you will begin to believe and then you will see these same mira- cles happen in your own life. We have witnessed many financial miracles and debt cancellation in our meetings, as well. After people haven give to the work of God, because of the creative miracle realm they notice extremely fast money miracles. Some even find money in their pockets and purses immediately after placing an offering in the basket.
Others have discovered thousands of dollars in their bank account that was not there before. God performed the same miracles: multiplying resources for the widow, feeding the crowd with loaves and fish, prospering Peter with many fish, placing the gold coin in a fish’s
mouth to pay the taxes, and there are many more examples of
God’s glorious provision miracles. In our meetings we are seeing
more and more bald people receive instant hair growth. A lady in Prescott, Ari- zona, received hair growth while we were all watching! We actually saw her bald spots filling in with hair. In Augusta, Georgia, hair appeared instantly on top of a man’s head where he was
totally bald and the color of his hair was its original dark color.
We have also seen people with white hair have their hair returned to its original hair color. It is amazing to watch these transformations.
So if everything created cannot be destroyed but is only converted
into another form, then the hair still exists some- where—it has just been converted to another form, but it still exists. There is no distance in the glory so wherever your hair is, it can still respond.
And because your hair has sound waves and can hear and respond, when I am in the glory zone in a meeting I can call out,“Hair, come back.” It can return to its original state and respond to my words spoken under the direction of the Holy Spirit. God cares about every hair on your head; how much more He cares for the pressing needs and problems in your life. How do you think Ezekiel was able to prophesy and speak to bones and say,“...O dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord!” (Ezek. 37:4-6)? God was telling him to speak to bones,
not demons, people, God, or angels, but bones! And when he did,
they responded as proof that they could hear and obey.
Then even the sinews and flesh joined in and re- formed. How could the flesh that was dissolved return? Again, nothing created is really gone, it only changes form into smaller molecules and atoms we cannot see. At the sound of God’s command, they are reformed. Ezekiel even prophesied over the dry bone’s breath, which is their spirit when translated from the original, and it also obeyed and re- turned. How would the bones know which bones to recon- nect to after so many years? Apparently created things have a memory just as we have a memory. At a health clinic in Mexico, an organic garden
field was cultivated and maintained normally, with the exception
that the owner told the gardeners to show lots of love, care, and attention to the plants growing only in half of the garden.
At the end of the growing season, the half of the garden that was treated kindly produced twice as much crop as the other half. In another experiment at the same clinic, a man had two trees growing in front of his window. He projected hate and anger toward one tree and to the other he expressed love. In six weeks the tree that received hate and anger withered and almost died, the other tree flourished.Creation responds to what humans say and do. The Bible says the earth swallowed up Korah and his re-bellion. It is possible that the earth where he was standing got tired of his sin and rebellion. (See Numbers 16:32.) I believe that there are geographical locations on the earth where sin has reached such a high level that the earth, waves, and the elements have turned against man as they can no longer tolerate the enormity of filth.This will become more and more evident in the last days as sin abounds in certain cities more than others, and where there is not enough light to counteract the darkness. The Bible even says that the creation itselfgroans with birth pangs for the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God. (See Romans 8:19,22.) IF WALLS COULD TALK I led a tour to Israel recently and our friend and missionary pastor was with us. He had been struggling for eight years with the idea that Israel had a special place in God’s heart. He grew up on replacement theology and no matter what Scriptures he read that showed him how God was still dealing with the Jewish people, he could not get the revelation. But he did see the effects and blessings of those who pray and love Israel and the Jewish people.
He decided to go to Israel for understanding and insight. The first day we visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem. At the wall, the pastor leaned his head against it and prayed. Within minutes he broke out in great tears and weeping. This was very unusual for him as his personality was more reserved and analytical, especially concerning Israel. After the incident he told me that somehow at the wall he sud- denly understood the last 3,000 years of Jewish history and began to accept Israel’s place in the end times. I was surprised that he so quickly changed his mind after leaning against the wall for only a few minutes—after all, I had been explaining the subject to him for eight years. But the wall offered thousands of years of witness to things that occurred including Jesus’ teachings and healings, the temple cleansing, the last supper with the disciples, the persecution, the empty tomb.They had been there all along and the sound waves were still emanating from the rock wall not only worshiping, but explaining the true story of God’s covenant people and why they are here today.
The walls spoke to his spirit and downloaded 3,000 years of his- tory and revelation to him. Again, if created objects can emit sounds waves of worship to God who is a Spirit then it is also possible for our spirit to pick up those same sound waves still resonating off of created objects and also know things from the past and bring revelation! Recently after sharing this revelation, the following story was told to me. A little girl was having nightmares while sleeping in her bedroom. The family had just moved into the house and the girl never had nightmares before. She was able to sleep peacefully in other rooms but not in her room, even after the family had prayed several times about it. In her bedroom, she kept having the same dream about a murder and how it happened. Finally, after praying, the parents decided to call the former homeowners and find out if there was anything unusual that occurred in that room. They were told that a murder actually took place in that room and it happened exactly as the girl had seen it in her dream.
The walls witnessed the murder and retold the story to the little girl in her dreams. The family prayed over the walls com- manding not only the spirit of murder to leave, but also the memory of what happened there to be washed away by the blood of Jesus. The blood of the sin of murder was crying out in that situation.The Bible mentions the blood of the martyrs crying out.The actual blood of the martyrs speaks, not just the martyrs but also their blood.Again we realize that all things have a voice, and sound can be carried over time to be experienced again. Just as an object can carry on it the weight and presence of God as Paul’s handkerchief, Samson’s jawbone of a donkey, and Moses’ rod they can also carry memories ofthe past and both good and evil things that are part of it. After Elisha died, his bones still had the power, glory, and sound of God emanating from them.
A dead man was thrown over Elisha’s bones in a grave and the dead man was resurrected as the glory still resided there, possibly many years later. We have prayed over objects and saturated them with the power of God. During a crusade I was conducting, two crippled people got up and walked after a simple word from God. Another crippled man left the meeting early. His wife drove him to the hotel, and as she was picking up the keys inside the hotel, a man stole the car with the crip- pled man in it.The thief pushed the man out of the moving car and the seat belt caught around his leg tearing it from his body.
He was found bleeding by the side of the road. The ambulance took him to the hospital emergency room and the doctors grafted the torn and already paralyzed leg back onto his body. During the meeting that night after we saw the two crippled people walk, we prayed over the tissue boxes and saturated them with the same glory that was in the room causing the other miracles. People sent tissues to friends who were healed after receiving them. One woman took a tissue to the man in the hospital and placed it on his man-gled leg that the doctors had tried to regraft to his body. Suddenly he began to feel electricity run down his leg totally amazing since he was paralyzed and his leg had just been reattached after being traumatically torn off.
Soon he was wiggling his toes; another miracle. By the fifth day he was released from the hospital and able to walk! Although his leg had been dead weight from being crippled and the subsequent torn trauma, he could walk. God is amazing! That is an awesome true story, but how did it happen? Well, if energy is equal to matter or mass then that means the glory of God, which is supernatural power and energy, is also matter and has weight. Though you can’t see it, His glory has weight and matter and actually exists. When you saturate a tissue with the glory, substance and weight of God, it will be heavier than before it was saturated it has weight that it did not have before.
The object simply holds and transfers that same glory and then releases it when placed on someone by faith. The glory can also be carried by invisible sound waves traveling through time and space. For example, when you watch a miracle crusade on TV that was filmed three months previously and you get healed while watching it and feel the awesome presence of God, the glory has traveled through time and space to you. Even though you were not there when the actual crusade took place,whenever you watch it, the same glory is reactivated and you receive the same impartation, healing, or blessing as if you were there three months ago. The glory of the meeting that took place at a particular time is frozen when taped and then unfrozen and reactivated the moment you watch it. So the voice waves of the one speaking, the worship, and the very atmosphere in that meeting can be contained in sound and light in the form of images and can be reactivated. I once experimented with this belief. I was watching some never-before-seen footage of one of A.A. Allen’s ministry meetings.
Although the meeting was taped 50 years previously, I could sense the same glory, power, and excitement in his voice it seemed as if I was there. It was not just an emotional feeling because I also felt the same glory. I watched as he pulled paralyzed people up out of wheel chairs.That night I was to preach in a revival meeting. A crippled woman came up to me and almost with out thinking and full of faith,
I told her to stand up and walk. I took her hand and helped her up,
and she walked for the first time! There was an impartation from a revival from the 1950s frozen in time, waiting for me to release
it and receive it by pushing the play button on the VCR.
(By Dr.David Herzog)
(I) Sound and Glory
Chapter (1) The Glory Zone
Chapter (2) Creative Miracles
Chapter (3) Revelatory Realms and Portals
Chapter (4) Prophetic Glory
(1) The Glory Zone
When you are in the glory zone and speak out what God istelling or showing you, things will start to be created at that moment. I will explain how this occurs behind the scenes. There is a difference between saying words flippantly as op-posed to prophetically declaring with conviction those same words when you are in a zone or atmosphere of His glory. He is the Creator so if you follow the same pattern of waiting for His glory to come and then speak out what He is saying, the same things will follow.The unseen or invisible things that God used to create are His presence and sound waves.
Even God was never recorded as opening His mouth to speak
anything until first He sent His own Spirit or Glory to first hover,
creating an atmosphere conducive to creative miracles.
Everything created was created using the part of God Himself,
His Spirit, to create it. Without the element of God’s Spirit hovering, nothing else can be created, He is the only Creator.
This is how Elijah could command rain to fall or not and how
Ezekiel could command dead, dry human bones to come back together. First these men of God immersed themselves in the
Spirit or Glory of God and then spoke, prophesied, or declared what God told them to speak. But what actually happens behind the scenes to cause these things to occur? E=MC2
Even Einstein’s theory of relativity connects to the creation story.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a Jewish scientist who thoroughly studied the first five books of the Bible that most Jews of his day knew well. He was fascinated by the cre- ation account especially as a scientist. His theory in simplified terms: E is energy and M is mass or substance. Basically Einstein concluded that energy is real, even though it is invisible to the naked eye.
One example of energy is electric ity.Though you cannot see it, you know it is real when you turnon a light or turn off the television. Energy can also be experienced through the presence, glory, and Spirit of God.When the presence of God is felt during a time of worship, often you become energized not just spiritually but physically as well—even though you may have been exhausted only moments earlier. Suddenly, because of His presence, you are filled with physical and spiritual energy. The presence of God’s glory releases a supernatural energy and provides the potential for miracles. Energy is substance even if your eye cannot yet see it. The presence, power, Spirit and Glory of God is not an emotion that only those who are sensitive can feel. Energy is a power, a capacity for work just like electricity and
sound waves that you can’t see, but still exist.An example: John G. Lake, a great missionary to South Africa in the early 1900s.
In his account, many people in South Africa were dying of disease.While assisting doctors during a bubonic plague outbreak, Lake was asked why he had not contracted the disease since he used no protec- tion. He said, “it is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.” demonstrate, he had them take live bubonic plague germs still
foaming from the lungs of a newly dead person and put them in
his hands and then examine the germs under a microscope.
The germs were dead! The energy and presence of God was
invisible to the naked eye but magnified under the microscope’s
lens there proved to be a real, for midable, existing power that
killed the virus. This is how John G.Lake explained why
he did not get sick he carried the cure in his body and
spirit to cure disease through the power of
the Spirit through Jesus. In another amazing testimony,
John G. Lake asked doctors to bring him a man with
inflammation in the bone. He asked them to take their instruments
and attach it to his leg while he prayed for healing.
Then he asked them what they saw taking
place on their instruments. They replied that
every cell was responding positively!
John G. Lake replied, “That is God’s divine science!”
Some scientists (especially those who work in string theory)
believe that the smallest particle is not the electron, the neutron,
or the proton—it is sound, “sound waves” or vibra -ting strings that have “notes.” 3 When you take the smallest atom known
(a neutron or a proton) and split it to its smallest form,
there is one more particle inside the smallest particle a
vibrating sound wave. If this is true, and if the Genesis
account is true that God used His words, or sound, to create,
then I believe that sound waves are the smallest living
substance unseen by the human eye that is at the core of every created thing. The Scriptures confirm stating that,
“the very stones will cry out.” (See Luke 19:40 AMP.)
If there are sound waves in every created thing this would confirm the Genesis account. Sound is the main ingredient in the base composition of all created things. God spoke, and it was created. In fact, everything created was created when God spoke it all into existence. That being so, there are sound waves imbedded in every created thing. Man was created from the dust. The Hebrew word for dust is “aphar” and it does not mean dirt. It actually means, “smallest created particle.”
I believe that the smallest particle is a sound wave, the building
block and first ingredient of all things created including man.
It is now being studied through experiments by Japanese
researcher Masaru Emoto that water particles and other
subatomic particles actually respond to sound and even
voice recognition. 4 If this is true, then every created thing
can hear in a sense and respond in some way as all things
created were first created with the same core ingredients
sound and the glory or presence of God.
In Psalm 148 God commands the sun, moon,
and stars to praise Him. He even commands mountains
and hills to praise Him. Only an intelligent God who knows
His creation intimately can command seemingly inanimate
objects to respond in worship to Him. In fact, all creation
has the ability to hear, listen, obey, respond,
and worship its Creator.
Jesus commanded the fig tree to die after not producing fruit and the tree obeyed Him. Every living thing can and does respond. Quantum physics confirms that if you study an object long enough, it will respond in a certain way because you were observing it, thus it realizes it is being observed. NASA scientists recently discovered that sound waves of musical harmonious notes were coming from black holes (collapsed stars); and other experiments revealed similar results from rock samples taken from outer space. 5 In fact, they found that every created thing has musical sound waves imbedded in them.
During the black hole study, they detected sounds emanating
from the black hole. 6 Why would musical sounds be produced
from His creation? The Lord commands everything to worship Him. Hence, rock samples from distant planets emit sounds
of worship that we can hear when put under special
machines that track sound waves and energy.
Have you ever noticed that when you are traveling alone in the countryside, walking in the woods, or enjoying a beautiful natural setting you often sense the presence of God?
Have you noticed that at times when you are attending
a church retreat camp or something similar in a natural
surrounding you seem to receive a greater touch from God?
Creation emits “sound waves of worship” that are invisible
to your natural ear, but your spirit receives them.
Jesus and Elijah often went out to the mountain,
John to the desert, and Moses climbed up the mountain
to get alone with God. Have you noticed that you often
can connect with God easier in a beautiful natural surrounding?
I believe that all creation, in its natural state, is worshiping the Creator. Praise and worship brings the presence of God.
There is anongoing symphony praising Him 24/7 in nature, in His uncorrupted creation. Your spirit feels refreshed and you often feel closer to God in nature than you do in the city where he creation is no longer in its raw, natural state. Often we listen to music and worship tapes to help us get into the presence of God. But when you are outdoors, you sense His presence without manmade music because there is a natural ongoing orchestra of worship via the creation.
Even though your natural ear cannot hear it, this invisible worship welcomes the presence of God. When people pray against cancer,
they often command cancer as if it is a person and command it to go. Also, people pray and command their broken bones to be healed.
I used to think it was strange to talk to sickness in this way;
but this is possible because every created thing has sound
waves and responds to sound waves spoken with the Glory
and Spirit of God. Just saying words or reciting Scriptures is
not the key.The letter of the law kills, but the Spirit giveslife.
Get into the glory zone of His presence first, then speak
forth and the creation will respond to your word if it is attached
with the Spirit. Even cancer responds to the sound and command of your spoken words! I believe that if you speak to the cancer
while in the presence of God, and in faith, believing and
understanding that the cancer can hear you and respond, it will die.
I have seen this occur countless times. Now, even doctors use sound waves to treat cancer. Doctors use a procedure called high-intensity focused ultrasound, which is high energy sound waves, to destroy cancer cells.7The high-intensity words you speak at the cancer cells that can hear and respond are much more powerful with the Holy Spirit and Glory. So if created objects can respond because they themselves have sound emanating from them, then God is showing us more of how He operated through Jesus and the prophets.
When Jesus commanded the fig tree to whither,
it obeyed because it was created with the capacity t
o hear and obey. Objects such as rocks, mountains, and trees communicate with and worship God all of His creation not only
hears and understands but also replies and worships Him.
This being true, the creation also can respond to you when you speak words of faith directed by God in the glory realm.Now you know why Jesus said we could speak to a moun- tain and it is possible for it to be removed (see Matt. 17:20). The disciples also marveled that even “...winds and water...obey Him”(Luke 8:25). Not just diseases but creation itself obeys.This realization opens a whole new world of
au- thority over creation. God told Moses to speak to the rock and it would produce water. Satan tempted Jesus in the desert to command the stones to turn to bread. Satan knew it was entirely
possible for Jesus to perform the miracle. But Jesus did not
succumb because He was fasting and would not take orders from
or be tempted by satan. Empowering Moses to turn a rock into
water is not much different from Jesus’ ability to turn stones into bread.
Often when praying for miracles we command broken bones to reconnect. The bones can hear and respond just as all created things. Body parts and creation can hear and respond.
Why and how is this possible? In the biblical account of creation, God spoke for the first time in recorded history in Genesis 1:3,“...let there be light; and there was light.”Accordingly everything was created with sound directing it to be a certain thing. First the Spirit began to hover over the waters,then sound was released. So if you are in the presence of God, it is also possible to redirect an object to be another created thing. If the original raw materials that created a certain object are present (the Spirit of God as revealed in Genesis) then
sound can re-direct the same created object into another formespecially if you are in the glory realm of God where the Spirit is hovering. I believe that nothing created can be uncreated things created only change form; even according to the law of thermodynamics this is known to be true. For example,
burned wood turns to ash but does not disappear.
Although the ash seems to dissolve, it is reduced to smaller
molecules that still contain imbedded sound particles. Consequently,one created object can turn into another created
thing if directed by sound waves or a command under the direction of the Holy Spirit. When Moses threw His rod down and it turned into a serpent, the Pha-raoh’s magicians were able to do the same thing.
This proves that the miracle or act of turning something into something else is not wrong or evil in and of itself. The important questions: Who is the source of the miracle? Whose power is in operation? Jesus could have easily turned the stone into bread but Jesus would not have turned the stone to bread by satan’s command because the source would have changed. Jesus’ source is only His Fatherin Heaven.
His first miracle turned water into wine. Again we see one created form turning into another. I believe we will start to see these new types of miracles take place again in the days ahead when we will have authority over creation, have the faith and revelation to see things created change forms, and show the magicians and sorcerers of our day who God really is. So if we have faith to see an object turn into another object, how much easier is it to see things created multiply themselves. Everything generally produces after its own kind.
The fish and the loaves easily multiplied at Jesus’ command.
I have experienced special miracles like this. Someone planned a party for me after church one Sunday. The hostess had made
exactly 23 sandwiches and two pitchers ofwater because
she only invited a handful of people. For some reason, though,
half the church showed up. The lady who prepared the food was shocked. God told her to quiet down and believe for a miracle.
She did, and during the event she watched at least 30 to 40 people eat at least two or three sandwiches each. At the end of the party, there were sandwiches left over.The two pitchers of drink should have provided enough for one serving for each person but she had enough to refill each glass—God had multiplied the drinks too! Another time, we were holding a large evangelistic miracle crusade in a big auditorium in Paris, France. It was very expensive to rent such a place.When we counted all the offerings given by believers during
the outreach, we ran short of what we needed to pay for the crusade expenses. The Lord told me to tell the counters to keep counting.
As they did, the bills suddenly multiplied. I told them to keep counting until they came to a certain amount that was enough to cover all the expenses.We ended up with above and beyond what we
needed as God had supernaturally multiplied the finances.
We have seen this miracle many times over. We are also
witnessing many people receive instant weight loss during our meetings. One man in Tennessee lost 70 pounds in one service after receiving a word of knowledge. In Las Vegas during the first night of meetings, about 20 women lost weight equal to five dress sizes.
God can just as easily remove fat cells as we can put them on. As you start to meditate on this revelation and on how big God really is, you will begin to believe and then you will see these same mira- cles happen in your own life. We have witnessed many financial miracles and debt cancellation in our meetings, as well. After people haven give to the work of God, because of the creative miracle realm they notice extremely fast money miracles. Some even find money in their pockets and purses immediately after placing an offering in the basket.
Others have discovered thousands of dollars in their bank account that was not there before. God performed the same miracles: multiplying resources for the widow, feeding the crowd with loaves and fish, prospering Peter with many fish, placing the gold coin in a fish’s
mouth to pay the taxes, and there are many more examples of
God’s glorious provision miracles. In our meetings we are seeing
more and more bald people receive instant hair growth. A lady in Prescott, Ari- zona, received hair growth while we were all watching! We actually saw her bald spots filling in with hair. In Augusta, Georgia, hair appeared instantly on top of a man’s head where he was
totally bald and the color of his hair was its original dark color.
We have also seen people with white hair have their hair returned to its original hair color. It is amazing to watch these transformations.
So if everything created cannot be destroyed but is only converted
into another form, then the hair still exists some- where—it has just been converted to another form, but it still exists. There is no distance in the glory so wherever your hair is, it can still respond.
And because your hair has sound waves and can hear and respond, when I am in the glory zone in a meeting I can call out,“Hair, come back.” It can return to its original state and respond to my words spoken under the direction of the Holy Spirit. God cares about every hair on your head; how much more He cares for the pressing needs and problems in your life. How do you think Ezekiel was able to prophesy and speak to bones and say,“...O dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord!” (Ezek. 37:4-6)? God was telling him to speak to bones,
not demons, people, God, or angels, but bones! And when he did,
they responded as proof that they could hear and obey.
Then even the sinews and flesh joined in and re- formed. How could the flesh that was dissolved return? Again, nothing created is really gone, it only changes form into smaller molecules and atoms we cannot see. At the sound of God’s command, they are reformed. Ezekiel even prophesied over the dry bone’s breath, which is their spirit when translated from the original, and it also obeyed and re- turned. How would the bones know which bones to recon- nect to after so many years? Apparently created things have a memory just as we have a memory. At a health clinic in Mexico, an organic garden
field was cultivated and maintained normally, with the exception
that the owner told the gardeners to show lots of love, care, and attention to the plants growing only in half of the garden.
At the end of the growing season, the half of the garden that was treated kindly produced twice as much crop as the other half. In another experiment at the same clinic, a man had two trees growing in front of his window. He projected hate and anger toward one tree and to the other he expressed love. In six weeks the tree that received hate and anger withered and almost died, the other tree flourished.Creation responds to what humans say and do. The Bible says the earth swallowed up Korah and his re-bellion. It is possible that the earth where he was standing got tired of his sin and rebellion. (See Numbers 16:32.) I believe that there are geographical locations on the earth where sin has reached such a high level that the earth, waves, and the elements have turned against man as they can no longer tolerate the enormity of filth.This will become more and more evident in the last days as sin abounds in certain cities more than others, and where there is not enough light to counteract the darkness. The Bible even says that the creation itselfgroans with birth pangs for the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God. (See Romans 8:19,22.) IF WALLS COULD TALK I led a tour to Israel recently and our friend and missionary pastor was with us. He had been struggling for eight years with the idea that Israel had a special place in God’s heart. He grew up on replacement theology and no matter what Scriptures he read that showed him how God was still dealing with the Jewish people, he could not get the revelation. But he did see the effects and blessings of those who pray and love Israel and the Jewish people.
He decided to go to Israel for understanding and insight. The first day we visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem. At the wall, the pastor leaned his head against it and prayed. Within minutes he broke out in great tears and weeping. This was very unusual for him as his personality was more reserved and analytical, especially concerning Israel. After the incident he told me that somehow at the wall he sud- denly understood the last 3,000 years of Jewish history and began to accept Israel’s place in the end times. I was surprised that he so quickly changed his mind after leaning against the wall for only a few minutes—after all, I had been explaining the subject to him for eight years. But the wall offered thousands of years of witness to things that occurred including Jesus’ teachings and healings, the temple cleansing, the last supper with the disciples, the persecution, the empty tomb.They had been there all along and the sound waves were still emanating from the rock wall not only worshiping, but explaining the true story of God’s covenant people and why they are here today.
The walls spoke to his spirit and downloaded 3,000 years of his- tory and revelation to him. Again, if created objects can emit sounds waves of worship to God who is a Spirit then it is also possible for our spirit to pick up those same sound waves still resonating off of created objects and also know things from the past and bring revelation! Recently after sharing this revelation, the following story was told to me. A little girl was having nightmares while sleeping in her bedroom. The family had just moved into the house and the girl never had nightmares before. She was able to sleep peacefully in other rooms but not in her room, even after the family had prayed several times about it. In her bedroom, she kept having the same dream about a murder and how it happened. Finally, after praying, the parents decided to call the former homeowners and find out if there was anything unusual that occurred in that room. They were told that a murder actually took place in that room and it happened exactly as the girl had seen it in her dream.
The walls witnessed the murder and retold the story to the little girl in her dreams. The family prayed over the walls com- manding not only the spirit of murder to leave, but also the memory of what happened there to be washed away by the blood of Jesus. The blood of the sin of murder was crying out in that situation.The Bible mentions the blood of the martyrs crying out.The actual blood of the martyrs speaks, not just the martyrs but also their blood.Again we realize that all things have a voice, and sound can be carried over time to be experienced again. Just as an object can carry on it the weight and presence of God as Paul’s handkerchief, Samson’s jawbone of a donkey, and Moses’ rod they can also carry memories ofthe past and both good and evil things that are part of it. After Elisha died, his bones still had the power, glory, and sound of God emanating from them.
A dead man was thrown over Elisha’s bones in a grave and the dead man was resurrected as the glory still resided there, possibly many years later. We have prayed over objects and saturated them with the power of God. During a crusade I was conducting, two crippled people got up and walked after a simple word from God. Another crippled man left the meeting early. His wife drove him to the hotel, and as she was picking up the keys inside the hotel, a man stole the car with the crip- pled man in it.The thief pushed the man out of the moving car and the seat belt caught around his leg tearing it from his body.
He was found bleeding by the side of the road. The ambulance took him to the hospital emergency room and the doctors grafted the torn and already paralyzed leg back onto his body. During the meeting that night after we saw the two crippled people walk, we prayed over the tissue boxes and saturated them with the same glory that was in the room causing the other miracles. People sent tissues to friends who were healed after receiving them. One woman took a tissue to the man in the hospital and placed it on his man-gled leg that the doctors had tried to regraft to his body. Suddenly he began to feel electricity run down his leg totally amazing since he was paralyzed and his leg had just been reattached after being traumatically torn off.
Soon he was wiggling his toes; another miracle. By the fifth day he was released from the hospital and able to walk! Although his leg had been dead weight from being crippled and the subsequent torn trauma, he could walk. God is amazing! That is an awesome true story, but how did it happen? Well, if energy is equal to matter or mass then that means the glory of God, which is supernatural power and energy, is also matter and has weight. Though you can’t see it, His glory has weight and matter and actually exists. When you saturate a tissue with the glory, substance and weight of God, it will be heavier than before it was saturated it has weight that it did not have before.
The object simply holds and transfers that same glory and then releases it when placed on someone by faith. The glory can also be carried by invisible sound waves traveling through time and space. For example, when you watch a miracle crusade on TV that was filmed three months previously and you get healed while watching it and feel the awesome presence of God, the glory has traveled through time and space to you. Even though you were not there when the actual crusade took place,whenever you watch it, the same glory is reactivated and you receive the same impartation, healing, or blessing as if you were there three months ago. The glory of the meeting that took place at a particular time is frozen when taped and then unfrozen and reactivated the moment you watch it. So the voice waves of the one speaking, the worship, and the very atmosphere in that meeting can be contained in sound and light in the form of images and can be reactivated. I once experimented with this belief. I was watching some never-before-seen footage of one of A.A. Allen’s ministry meetings.
Although the meeting was taped 50 years previously, I could sense the same glory, power, and excitement in his voice it seemed as if I was there. It was not just an emotional feeling because I also felt the same glory. I watched as he pulled paralyzed people up out of wheel chairs.That night I was to preach in a revival meeting. A crippled woman came up to me and almost with out thinking and full of faith,
I told her to stand up and walk. I took her hand and helped her up,
and she walked for the first time! There was an impartation from a revival from the 1950s frozen in time, waiting for me to release
it and receive it by pushing the play button on the VCR.
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