Why the Whole World Needs the Governor
As the millennial clock struck, measuring and recording the passage of time on planet earth, ushering us into the uncharted waters of the twenty-first century, every-thing in our world and generation seemed to begin to unravel. All the secure foundations of our long-established institutions have been shaken to the core. With the advent of global terrorism; economic uncertainty and insecurity; escalating oil prices and fuel costs; the reemerg-ing threat of nuclear weapons; ethnic, cultural, religious, and racial conflicts; political and diplomatic compromise; moral and social disintegration; and a global upsurge in human fear, the spirit of despair among earth’s planet dwellers is becoming a norm.This fear is compounded by the attempts of humankind, with its limited appreciation for human beings’ inherent defects, to address these global conditions through intellectual, religious, scientific, philosophical, and political systems.
Per-haps the greatest evidence of humanity’s failure in this regard is the seemingly impotent effects of primary human institu-tions and coalitions, such as the United Nations, the Inter-national Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the Group of Eight.If one is to be honest, perhaps it may be realistic to con-clude that any effective and appropriate help for our world and its plight cannot come from the world itself. We need help from another world. It is my conviction and experience that humankind cannot and will not solve its self-generated problems. Humanity must look to another world for assistance. My convic-tion of this fact was the founda-tion for, and became the essence of, this book.
Our natural world needs relevant, practical, and effective help. We need our governing institutions to be gov-erned by a higher, more superior government. This is why the whole world each individual in it , as well as the world collectively needs to acknowledge and experience the return of the Governor. We have seen that the restoration of the heavenly kingdom on earth can come only through the life and power of the King, given to us through the Governor.
This kingdom is infinitely higher and more powerful than any government on earth, and yet it is immediately relevant to the world we live in. Nations are only as good as their communities, and com-munities are only as good as the families that comprise them. Families are only as good as the individuals of which they consist. Therefore, the quality of a nation is determined by the quality of its people. This is especially true and critical in regard to the leadership of a nation. Often, as the lead-ers go, so goes the nation.
The values, standards, and moral consciences of our leaders frequently determine the decisions and laws of our nations, and they influence the lifestyles and cultures of the people.It is imperative, therefore, to understand that if the people of our nations, the individuals we appoint as leaders over us, and the institutions of our societies do not have a higher source of reference for their convictions, beliefs, morals, values, and standards, then we will continue to be victims of our own cor-rupt nature.
This is why the Creator’s design for humankind’s life on earth requires that human beings be filled with the very Spirit of the Creator himself the Holy Spirit the Governor of heaven. In essence, national community and global life on earth was intended to be lived through and by the Holy Spirit, the Governor. The person and role of the Holy Spirit is not a religious issue, but a social, economic, cultural, and political concern. The Holy Spirit is therefore a national and interna-tional issue and must be seen and presented as such.
Individual Purpose and Fulfillment
As individuals, each of us needs the Governor for true life, purpose, and effectiveness. The breath of the Spirit that origi-nally ignited life in the first human being did so in three dis-tinct ways: (1) in the invisible spirit of man, made in the image of God;
(2) in the soul of man the total human consciousness of mind, will, and emotions; and (3) in the physical body of man, the living vessel housing his spirit and soul. While Adam’s soul and body gave him an awareness of his earthly environ-ment, the Spirit of God within him gave his spirit a conscious-ness of his Creator-King and the ability to communicate directly with the heavenly government.
Human beings must return to this life and wholeness again. We were created to express the nature of God, and we can relate to and reflect his nature only if we actually have his nature within us through his indwelling Spirit.The meaning of our individual lives—living out our pur-poses and exercising our full potential is therefore totally dependent on our receiving the Governor.
A World Community of Kings and Priests
While our King communicates with us individually, it is not his intention that the citizens of his kingdom live in isola-tion. His plan is a community of kings and priests who will reign on earth. The Governor is the key to life for all of humanity. The world community therefore needs to be led by the Gover-nor if it, also, is to become what it was created to be.
Corporately, the world has rejected the presence and influence of the Governor. This is why we experience wars, natural disasters, and social crises on earth.The King wants the world to receive the Governor again. He wants the earth to be rid of the pain, sorrow, destruction, and death that are plaguing it. The restoration of the heavenly government reinstates humankind’s ability to affect and con-trol circumstances on earth through the Holy Spirit.When a community of kings and priests works together for the right reasons—honoring and expressing the nature of our King—and acts in genuine unity, we will have powerful poten-tial to influence the earth with the nature of the kingdom.It will enable us to encourage and create...
√ social stability. √ economic development.
√ environmental soundness. √ educational advancement.
√ physical health and wholeness. √ scientific innovation.
√ political honesty. √ governmental justice.
√ intercultural understanding.
A Benevolent Ruler
Who wouldn’t want to function under a government that provides for, encourages, and enables the fulfillment of the greatest individual and corporate potential in life? The prophet Isaiah described this heavenly government, under the rule of the King-Son through the Governor:Power and peace will be in his kingdom and will con-tinue to grow forever. He will rule as king on David’s throne and over David’s kingdom. He will make it strong by ruling with justice and goodness from now on and forever. The LORD All-Powerful will do this because of his strong love for his people.Again, this rule is a reality only because of the King’s great love for his citizens, and his desire for their highest good in life.The Scriptures, however, also talk about the very real pres-ence of another, malevolent ruler and his cohorts who seek to control this world:The ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect if that were possible.The ruler of this dark world is Lucifer, or Satan, the trea-sonous former general and worship leader of heaven who has attacked the good of humankind since the very beginning of our existence.
He would like to perpetuate the sorrow and darkness of the world so that he can continue to control it. He desires to consolidate the people of the world under his harsh rule so they can never become free.This is why it was essential that the King-Son came to destroy Satan’s power over the world, transferring us from being under the darkness of a corrupt world into the light of the heavenly kingdom. The prophet Isaiah wrote, The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.
While Satan is described in terms of darkness and death, Jesus, the KingSon, is described in the Scriptures in terms of light and life:He will shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.Jesus spoke of himself in these terms:I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.Jesus told the theologian-apostle Paul,I am sending you to [the world] to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me. Paul taught first-century kingdom believers, For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.
Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth).For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. The nations of the world urgently need the light and life of the kingdom, which comes only from the Son-King through the Governor.
The presence of the kingdom of heaven on earth, through the Holy Spirit’s return, is the message of the Scriptures, and it is the message of Jesus. The story of humanity and therefore of all of us is inextri-cably tied to this kingdom. Exer-cising kingdom dominion on earth, under the guidance of the Governor, is our collective purpose and calling. As we yield to the Governor’s presence and work in our lives, we will spread the kingdom of God on earth. Change will take place in all areas of life and in people of all national and ethnic backgrounds, East and West; and from all social and economic circumstances.
The CEO, the teacher, the artist, the financial analyst, the health care worker, the farmer, the scientist, the economist, the seamstress, the governmental leader, and the homemaker will be transformed according to the heavenly kingdom, so that life, and not confusion, stress, and death, will be the result. The Spirit gives life to the world, in the fullest extent of the word. Whatever comes into being through the influence of the Spirit will eventually bring life to people, and can reach whole countries and influence the world community.
For example, if all the judges in a nation are under the guidance of the heav-enly Governor, and if their minds are immersed in the philosophy of the kingdom, you will not have to wonder what kind of judg-ments they will hand down, nor will you have to suffer under unjust laws. A culture influenced by the Spirit will be a culture that preserves and protects life. “The mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.”
The Complete Transformation of the Earth into the Kingdom
The world is ultimately moving toward complete trans-formation into the King’s image and nature. This plan will climax in the creation of a new heaven and earth. In effect, heaven and earth will become one, so that there will be no essential distinction between the two, and God himself will live among his people. The disciple John described the earth’s total transforma-tion into the kingdom of heaven’s nature, mind-set, and values. In the italicized words in brackets, I describe what I see as the implications for kingdom life:Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away [the earth is totally aligned with the heavenly kingdom, with no trace of the kingdom of darkness.
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beauti-fully dressed for her husband [the citizens of the kingdom are totally pure, set apart, and integrated; they are one with the nature of God and in harmony with themselves. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.” The Governor contin-ues to dwell within the King’s people, and there is nothing to separate the King from his beloved children. He will wipe every tear from their eyes.
There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” The kingdom of darkness has been completely destroyed, and the kingdom of life and light totally reigns on earth.]The creation of a new heaven and earth will be the apex of the plan of the King for the coming of the Governor, which he had in mind from the beginning. The people of earth will be a true world community of kings and priests living out the kingdom life in its fullness.
Citizens of the Kingdom The disciple Peter wrote the following declaration to the kingdom citizens of his day, which applies to us, as well.But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
The Holy Spirit is the key to the world; he is the most impor-tant person on earth because he brings us the presence and power of the kingdom of heaven. May you be reconciled to your Creator-King, receive the Gover-nor into your life, and live as the royal kingdom citizen you were always meant to be!
A Word to the Third World Nations of the Third World face some of the most dif-ficult challenges of any countries on earth. They desperately need to be free from perpetual poverty, disease, epidemics, and political and social tyranny from gov-ernment officials who want to hoard the nations’ wealth for themselves. For this reason, Third-World peoples perhaps feel a lack of heavenly kingdom influence in their nations most keenly. The problems and challenges of Third-World nations have been addressed through politics, legislation, and humanitar-ian aid.
These methods certainly have their place, and many good people and programs are currently doing their best to alleviate suffering. For powerful and lasting solutions, how-ever, I think that we have been focusing on the wrong things.There is a need for something immeasurably greater, something I will call a “national baptism,” or an invasion of the Holy Spirit’s influence and power in the lives of Third-World peoples. Each Third-World nation must have a countrywide encounter with the Governor of heaven if order and soundness is to return to them and their leaders. This baptism is one of both philosophy and power. It is where the Holy Spirit infiltrates a whole nation, from the leaders to the children.
We have seen that to have a true kingdom philosophy, we must align ourselves with the lead-ership of the King of heaven, and we must transform our entire outlook so that it is united with his mind-set. For a nation to experience this kind of transformation, the Governor must, of course, come to live within its people. After the Creator gave human beings his own nature, he (1) gave them physical bodies so they could function in the phys-ical world he had created and prepared specifically for them, and (2) breathed His very Spirit into them, animating and empowering them to fulfill their calling on earth.Four billion people live in countries designated as Third-World or developing nations.
Third-World Nations have a unique calling in this world, but they can fulfill their poten-tial only if they receive the power and the mind-set of the heavenly Governor, because the Governor is their connection with the kingdom of heaven.Only our Creator God, through the working of his Holy Spirit on earth, has the necessary authority, ability, and desire to address the needs of the Third World. No one has more love and concern for developing nations than he does.
And he wants to enlist you, as a Third-World resident, to transform your community and nation into a replica of the kingdom of heaven. When you are realigned with God through his Son Jesus Christ, you are not only a member of a Third-World nation; you are also a citizen of the wealthi-est, most powerful kingdom in the universe, with all the rights and privileges that correspond with your citizen-ship. Earthly leaders can disappoint or abuse us; and even well-meaning friends may not be able to provide the answers we need. We can, however, depend on the Governor of heaven to work on our behalf, and also to work within us, providing supernatural gifts and abilities to overcome the problems we face in our individual and national lives.
We can receive help, strength, and answers from the Spirit of the King. Everything in your life that can seem out of your con-trol, such as who manages your destiny, how you will raise your income level or start a business, how to receive adequate health care, or even where you will get the next meal for yourself and your family can be given into the care of the Governor. You can place yourself under the perfect rule of a benevolent Creator who has your interests, welfare, and ful-fillment in mind.
A restored relationship and communication with the Cre-ator-King through the Holy Spirit is vital for the optimum development of Third-World nations and their future in the world community. Third-World, developing nations need to be free from a culture of corruption, poverty, and despair. They must allow the Governor to direct and guide them in valuing the life of every person in the nation, and to provide heavenly kingdom wisdom for knowing how to use their national wealth and resources for the good of the people.
My prayer and challenge for all peoples of Third World, developing countries for their generation and their nations is to welcome the Holy Spirit into their personal lives, and then into the lives of their national cultures, allowing him to transform the values, morals, standards, social consciousness, and economic conditions of their countries, as only the all-powerful and compassionate Governor from heaven can do. By/ Dr.Myles Monroe
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