Tuesday, August 20, 2019


 Since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost there havebeen many great awakenings or revivals in many parts of the world.Revival is defined as “God pouring Himself out on His people”. Modern theologians have identified ten of the greatest revivals. They are: 
(1) The 1904 Revival, Beginning in Wales Evan Roberts, Korea, 
      Moravian, Azusa Street. 
(2) The First Great Awakening,1727-1750 Zinzendorf, Wesley, 
      Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards. 
(3) The Second Great Awakening 1780-1810 Cane Ridge. 
(4) The General Awakening 1830-1840 Charles Finney, Hawaii, Jamaica
(5) The Layman’s Revival 1857-1861 Phoebe Palmer, Lanphier, D. L. Moody. 
(6) The World War II Revival 1935-1950 Billy Graham, 
      Duncan Campbell, New Zealand. 
(7) The Baby Boomer Revival 1965-1970 The Jesus People, 
      The Prairie Revival, Asbury. 
(8) The Reformation, 1517 Martin Luther, John Calvin, Zwingli, Knox. 
(9) The Pre-Reformation Revival 1300-1500 Lollards, Wycliffe, Hus, Savonarola. (10) the revival that birthed the Christian Church at Pentecost 30 A.D.
                We must have revival or we will perish! One only needs to survey the Old Testament to find out what God does when God gives revelation to people and they reject Him, despise His Word, scoff at His messengers, and refuse to repent. The inevitable result is divine doom and devastating destruction. 
               We must have revival. And yet, we fully embrace the biblical theme that pervades all of Scripture, namely, the absolute sovereignty of God. God alone revives His people. God alone regenerates the rebellious. 
              Revival is primarily a work of God the Spirit. So, as we look around us in our 21st century society, we know that God alone is the One who can bring revival and yet we still must ask, ‘why do we need revival?’ To answer this, I’ll provide a handful of reasons. 
1. For the sake of GOD. We earnestly seek a revival first and foremost for the sake of our God. That means we long for God’s name to be displayed most magnificently and supremely. We want His fame to spread across communities, and cities and countries! We long for nations to worship the one, true and living God! We long for revival so that God receives the glory in reviving His people and regenerating the wayward. 
2. For the sake of the CHURCH.Second, we need a revival for the sake of Christ’s church. To revive something, by definition, means that there is some measure of life that existed previously. 
              For God to revive us means that we are alive spiritually. Thus, a true revival is when God promotes holiness and a zeal for His glory that permeates the hearts of God’s people and propels them to live in holiness and fervent prayer married together with fervent evangelism. We long for God’s Spirit to rekindle the love for Christ and revive us by His Word! 
               3. For the sake of the LOST.Third, we desperately need revival for the sake of the lost. Millions around us are perishing! Unless God sovereignly saves sinners, they are all headed to everlasting burnings in hellfire under the almighty and unresting wrath of God. We need revival and we beg for revival so that the mighty working of God may shine forth and that the unstoppable power of God may be manifested in the saving of souls! We hunger for revival because we have an intolerable burden for perishing sinners all around us! 
                4. For the sake of the GOSPEL.Fourth, we need revival and we pray earnestly for it for the sake of the gospel. God has so put it in our hearts to see the the power of the gospel’s message demonstrated! Indeed, it is the gospel message that is the power of God! It is the power of this message to save. And we want this good news to travel far and wide and to convict men of sin and to bring them to deep repentance. And we long for this good news to show them Christ’s remedy and the absolute freeness of divine grace through repentance and faith. 5. For the sake of ETERNITY.
                      Finally, we desperately need revival because eternity is right around the corner. It’s near! Eternity is soon coming! We thirst for souls to be won to the kingdom in droves and to escape hellfire! Every living person will live eternally in either the bliss of heaven enjoying the beauty of Christ forevermore or the punishment of hell suffering under the unbridled wrath of God! May the Lord stir us to pray much and tirelessly, persistently and biblically, trusting that God will save His elect. So may we evangelize and pursue the lost so they may be won to Christ for all eternity! 
We need Personal Revival 
We need Revival in the Home 
We need Revival in the Church 
We need Revival in the Community 
We need Revival in the Country 
We need Revival on the Continent and World It is time for Revival. 
The time is right. Are you ready?

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