The Ancient Country or People Vs The Current Name or Region
Ammon, Moab and Edom = ( Jordan )
Arabia =( Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and some of Iraq and Jordan)
Aram = ( Syria)
Assyria = ( Iraq)
Canaan= (Northern Israel and Southern Lebanon)
Cush =(Ethiopia and some of Sudan, Somalia and
Decapolis =(Northwestern Jordan and a small part of Israel)
Dedan and Sheba =(Saudi Arabia)
Gomer=( Ukraine)
Magog, =(Rus and Rosh Russia)
Meshech and Tubal = (Turkey)
Midian =(Western Saudi Arabia and Southern Jordan)
Mizraim =(Egypt)
Philistia = (Palestine)
Phoenicia = (Lebanon)
Persia =(Iran and some of Iraq)
Phut/Put =( Libya and some of Egypt and North Africa)
Scythia =(Southern Russia)
Togarmah =(Parts of Turkey, Turkomen, Turkestan and Armenia)
Tarshish =(Carthage (and possibly even Great Britain)
The Ancient City The Current Location
Alexandria =Mediterranean coast of Egypt
Antioch =Northwest Syria (Coastal) - present day "Hatay"
Athens, Berea, Corinth, Philippi and Thessalonica =Greece
Babylon = Iraq
Cyrene =Northwest Libya
Damascus =Syria
Ephesus, Pergamum and Smyrna =Western
Haran and Padan-aram =Eastern
Iconium and Lystra =Central Turkey
Shinar = Iraq - Ancient Babel and present day "Babylon"
Sidon and Tyre =Western
Lebanon (Coastal)
Tarsus = Eastern Turkey
Ur = Southeastern Iraq)
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