Friday, August 9, 2019

|| Moravian Church Beliefs ||

 Moravian Church Beliefs Motto: 
In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love.' 
Baptism: || Infants, children, and adults are baptized in this church. 
Through baptism "the individual receives a pledge of 
the forgiveness of sin and admission into the covenant of 
God through the blood of Jesus Christ."
Communion:  || The Moravian Church does not try to explain 
the mystery of this sacrament of Christ's presence in 
the bread and wine. Believers engage in an act of covenant 
with Christ as Savior and with other believers. 
Creeds:  || Moravian Church beliefs recognize the 
Apostles' Creed, Athanasian Creed, and the Nicene Creed as 
important statements of Christian faith. They help set a 
Scriptural confession, mark the boundaries of heresy,
 and encourage believers to an obedient life.
Doctrine:--- ||  The Unity of Brethren takes an unusual 
stand on doctrine: "Just as the Holy Scripture does not contain 
any doctrinal system, so the Unitas Fratrum also has not 
developed any of its own because it knows that the mystery 
of Jesus Christ, which is attested to in the Bible, cannot be
 comprehended completely by any human mind or expressed 
completely in any human statement," its Ground of the Unity 
document states. Moravian Church beliefs hold that all 
information needed for salvation is contained in the Bible. 
Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is one of the three Persons of the Trinity, 
who directs and unites Christians and forms them into a church. 
The Spirit calls each person individually to recognize their 
sin and accept redemption through Christ.
Jesus Christ:   || There is no salvation apart from Christ.
 He redeemed the whole of humanity by his death and 
resurrection and is present with us in the Word and the Sacrament. 
Priesthood of All Believers: The Unitas Fratrum recognizes the 
priesthood of all believers but does ordain ministers and 
deacons, as well as consecrate presbyters and bishops.
Salvation: God's will for salvation is revealed completely 
and clearly in the Bible, through the sacrifice of 
Jesus Christ on the cross. 
Trinity::::|| God is Triune in nature: Father, Son, 
and Holy Spirit and is the only source of life and salvation. 
Unity::::|| The Moravian Church takes a firm stand for 
unity in the church, recognizing Christ as the sole head of 
the church, who is leading his scattered children toward unity. 
Moravians cooperate with other Christian denominations in 
worthwhile charitable ventures and respect the differences 
among Christian churches. "We recognize the danger of 
self-righteousness and judging others without love," 
the Moravian Ground of the Unity says. 
Sacraments::::|| Moravian churches profess two sacraments:
 baptism and communion. Baptism is done by sprinkling and, 
for infants, implies responsibility for the infant, parents, 
and congregation. Youth and adults may be
 baptized at the time they make a profession of faith. 
Sources • Moravian Church in North America. 
 • The Ground of the Unity.

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