Friday, August 9, 2019

|| United Church of Christ Beliefs (UCC) ||

Baptism - Baptism is the church community's promise 
of "love, support, and care." United Church of Christ (UCC) 
churches baptize infants brought by parents, or adults, 
when they are received into membership.
 Bible - The Bible is used for inspiration, guidance, 
and for preaching. Members are not required to believe 
literally any version of Scripture. 
Communion - All people of faith are invited to participate 
in the sacrament of communion. The act is seen as a 
reminder of the cost of Christ's sacrifice. Communion is 
celebrated as a mystery, honoring Christ and 
those who have died in his faith. 
Creed - The UCC does not require its congregations or 
members to follow a creed. The only profession 
necessary is love. 
Equality-There is no discrimination of any type 
in United Church of Christ beliefs. 
Heaven and Hell- Many members do not believe
 in specific places of reward or punishment, 
but do believe God gives believers eternal life.
 Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ is recognized as fully 
human and fully God, Son of the Creator, 
Savior, and Head of the Church. 
Prophecy - United Church of Christ beliefs call the 
UCC to be a prophetic church. Many of the church's 
positions call for the same treatment of 
people as did the prophets and apostles. 
Sin - According to the UCC, sin is "opposition or 
indifference to the will of God." 
Trinity - The UCC believes in the Triune God: Creator, 
Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The United Church of Christ sets
 itself apart from other Christian denominations with its 
emphasis on the belief that God still speaks to his 
followers today. New light and understanding are constantly 
being revealed through interpretation of the Bible, 
says the United Church of Christ. 
Sacraments - Congregations conduct baptism during worship 
services when the community is present. Sprinkling is the 
usual practice, although some congre-gations use immersion. 
Communion elements are usually brought 
to members in their pews. 

Worship Service - United Church of Christ beliefs account 
for wide diversity in services. Local needs and traditions 
usually dictate worship styles and music. While no single
 liturgy is imposed, a typical Sunday service includes a sermon, 
adoration of God, general confession of sins, an assurance of 
forgiveness, prayers or songs of thanksgiving, and 
members dedicating themselves to God's will.

All members of the UCC are equals as the priesthood of 
believers, and though ordained ministers have 
special training, they are considered servants. 
             Individuals are free to live and believe based on their 
interpretation of God's will for their lives. UCC stresses unity
 within the church and a unifying spirit to heal divisions.
 It seeks unity in essentials but allows for diversity 
in nonessentials, with a charitable 
attitude toward disagreement. 

               The unity of the church is a gift from God, 
UCC teaches, yet diversity is to be accepted with love. 
To learn more about United Church of Christ beliefs, 
Crd: official United Church of Christ Website.

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